The Last Testament of Kenzo Na'Omi, King

I, Kenzo Na'Omi, King of Chessa, having lately realized that the baby born to the woman recognized as Queen, Jenmei Na'Omi, who she named "Toma" is not my son and is instead the product of a vicious hoax visited upon me by her and her allies, especially Hatoyama Makoto, who styles himself "prime minister" of my court.   Therefore, I hereby repudiate Jenmei Na'Omi as queen and the boy named Toma as my son. They have no claim to the throne of our great nation. I command every loyal citizen of Chessa to cast her from the royal palace. Should the boy named Toma ever be found, he must face justice for the crimes of deception he and his purported mother have committed in vain attempts to steal the throne of Chessa from its rightful heir.   Given that Jenmei Na'Omi has proven her disloyalty to Chessa, I must turn to my loyal brother, Duke Togawa, and his offspring to continue the royal line. They have proven their worthiness time and again, and I have no doubt as to their ability to succeed me in ruling Chessa with a firm but fair hand. And so I decree that Kenji Na'Omi, Duke Togawa, is named King, and the royal lineage shall continue through him.   Written in my hand, and so ordained,
Kenzo Na'Omi, King


The purpose of the document was to repudiate King Kenzo of Chessa's decision naming Queen Jenmei Na'Omi as Regent to rule in the place of his newborn son until he came of age and could rule in his own right. The document instead names Kenji Na'Omi, Duke Togawa, as the rightful king and that the royal lineage of Chessa would continue through his offspring.

Historical Details


Copies of the document naming Duke Togawa as rightful king started circulating throughout Chessdo shortly after Queen Na'Omi recognized her long-lost son, Prince Toma, as the aide and bodyguard of Crown Prince Yixing-Jiumin Jinhai of Senyon. No one could produce the original document; all of the versions being circulated appeared to copies without the stamps and seals that would identify an original document written by King Kenzo.

Public Reaction

Though there was some initial confusion among the people of Chessdo and the ministers of the Chessa royal court, and one riot, quickly put down, that appeared to be organized by paid agitators, it didn't take long for the document to be recognized as a fake. Beside the lack of an original bearing the royal stamps and seals, the document included the line, "should the boy named Toma ever be found." At the time of King Kenzo's death, Prince Toma had not been lost, so there was no possibility that the King would have known to write anything refering to Toma being found. Duke Togawa was extremely embarrassed by the appearance of the document, and apologized profusely for it, swearing his absolute loyalty to Queen Na'Omi. Duke Togawa had suspicions about who was behind circulating the fake, and vowed to deal with it personally.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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