The Ministry of Imperial Security and Household

The Ministry of Imperial Security and Household is the minstry of Senyon's government tasked with protecting the members of Imperial Family of the Great Sacred Empire, including Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen, Empress Dowager Fuschiayan Shenlisa, Empress Nehualu Hanna, the Imperial Consorts of the Great Sacred Empire, and all of the other members of the imperial family. It is also responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and other facilities of Liliakinyosa and other properties owned by the imperial family in Sendoshi and throughout Senyon. It is divided into two departments, the Department of Imperial Security and the Imperial Household Department.



Within Liliakinyosa, the imperial palace in Sendoshi, there are hundreds of eunuchs and maids that serve in the Household department of the Ministry of Imperial Security and Household. They are servants to the emperor, empress, empress dowager, the imperial consorts, and the imperial princes and princesses. They also maintain the grounds, buildings, and facilities of Liliakinyosa, make and wash clothes, dispose of waste and clean slop buckets, and perform all of the other labor needed by the imperial family and maintain the palace.   In the Imperial Security department, there are several thousand Imperial Guards within Liliakinyosa and at posts within Sendoshi and at camps outside the city. The Imperial Guards are organized into armies, each headed by a general.


The eunuchs and maids of the Household department are given equipment as required for them to perform their duties.


The guards of the Imperial Security department carry bows, swords, and pikes depending on their rank and position. They wear leather studded or scale armor, leather helmets, and leather boots, dyed according to the color appropriate to their position and rank.


The Ministry of Imperial Security and Household is headed by Ginginya Liu-Er, otherwise known as Six, Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen's personal assistant and bodyguard. Under him are the chief eunuchs and chief maids of the Imperial Household Department and the generals of the Department of Imperial Security.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Aug 17, 2024 20:29 by Marjorie Ariel

With Six in charge, I'm sure they serve their duties quite well.

Aug 17, 2024 21:27 by Zero Sum Games

Thanks for reading! Yes, it is a well-run organization, but the imperial palace has no shortage of intrigues. You may have seen that I finished another chapter in the story of Crown Prince Jinhai and Seven (The Wizard and the Monk), and I've just started work on the following chapter, tentatively titled "The Princess and the Stable Maid." I'd love to hear what you think about them (and the stories attached to the character articles linked to them) if you have time. I know everyone is busy with their own lives.

Aug 19, 2024 04:41 by Marjorie Ariel

Sounds exciting! I'll add them to my reading list!