The Watcher Character in Derosha | World Anvil
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The Watcher

My name used to be whispered on the prayers to my brothers and sisters they used to see me as one of them. But not anymore I am a figure to be hated and forgotten I've grow so weak over the centuries but I'll extend all my gifts to you if you carve my symbol in to anything each day; draw it on a piece of paper, scribble it on the side of a building, carve it in a bone of a sea beast. Do we have a deal?
-The Watcher   Once an all powerful god he has been forgotten for 1000 years making him weak causing him too lose much of his power but if someone was to strike a mutually beneficially deal with him then perhaps his true power my become apparent. A hated figure among the devout weepers of the Krymory they claim he brings plague, death and famine to the people of Harnae.

Divine Domains

Death, Power, Time

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Watcher
Divine Classification
God, Demon
800 816 -16 years old
Circumstances of Death
In a ritual to the gods when his blood ran out he became one
Soulless black eyes
messy brown hair
7ft in human form
Ruled Locations

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