Order of the Companion Organization in Descent into Avernus | World Anvil

Order of the Companion

The Order of the Companion, also known as simply the Companions, were a paladin knighthood based in the theocratic realm of Elturgard in the Western Heartlands in the latter half of the 15th century DR.  


  The Companions served the ruler of Elturgard, titled the High Observer of Torm, who in the latter half of the 1400s DR was Thavius Kreeg. They shared the realm's aim of bringing righteous judgment to all the Realms and "setting Faerûn aright". They kept order within the capital, Elturel, preserved local civilization from wild and destructive forces, and guarded the realm against the threats around it, such as the unnatural and ravenous monsters from the plagueland in the south and the serpentfolk of Najara in the north, whose raiders and spies regularly ventured into Elturgard to test its strength. They remained ever vigilant.   The Companions also served as emissaries. Circa 1479 DR, Elturgard tried to coax the neighboring city-state of Iriaebor to join it, through gifts and promises of protection, both delivered by its paladins.    

Oaths & Beliefs

  The paladins swore to follow and uphold the Creed Resolute, which had them serve the High Observer and the greater good, uphold Elturgard's law, and permit no difference in faith to come between them, among other codes of behavior. The Creed Resolute was later adopted by the Hellriders, and eventually all Elturian citizens.   Although the state religion of Elturgard was that of Torm, and they all swore oaths to the realm, the Companions themselves followed various different gods, including Torm, Amaunator, Helm, and Tyr.  


  Paladins of the Order of the Companion typically obtained spells and powers from the Oath of Devotion or the Oath of the Crown.  


  The Companions were mounted knights, wearing shining breastplates and shields, carrying flags or banners, and bearing holy symbols of their personal deities. The insignia of the realm was a sun with a smaller, blazing companion sun before it in the upper left. It adorned the armor, shields, and flags of the Companions and the Hellriders alike, and was well known to everyone in and around Elturgard.  


  These paladins were truly courageous and completely zealous in walking the righteous path, being utterly confident in their convictions and in the good and just cause of Elturgard and this inspired them. It was said purity focused their minds, conviction fired their blood, and faith hardened their hearts. They were proud of their dedication to the cause of good, their clear morals, and even their intolerance. They appeared needlessly stern to others, even humorless. They did not know fear, yet they still despised it in others. They believed nothing could stand in their way, not while they had their blessed swords in hand.  


  The Companions and the Hellriders were held in the highest regard. Both inspired the people to be devout in both their faith and the pursuit of justice. The Companions were seen as the undoubted champions of the people of Elturgard, with even the lowest-ranking ready to sacrifice their lives to protect them, and in turn the people adored them. Disrespecting the Companions and their Creed would incur the rage of the common folk.   Many citizens of both Elturel and Elturgard dreamed of joining the Companions, and many succeeded. Members of the Hellriders could also aspire to join the Order of the Companion.  


  Following the coming of the Companion, the second sun that appeared over Elturel and blasted to ash the vampires and other undead that plagued the city in the Year of the Seductive Cambion, 1444 DR, many pilgrims journeyed to see it, including many paladins. The best of the paladins was appointed ruler of Elturel, titled the High Observer. However, with none knowing which god had brought the Companion, the High Observer then established the Order of the Companion and the Creed Resolute to keep the paladins of different faiths in order. The Companions were credited with helping to establish Elturgard as a realm.   Some years later, after a crisis of leadership and the disappearance of the likely successor, the Companion paladin Tamal Thent and her whole retinue, the post of High Observer fell to a priest of Torm, Thavius Kreeg. Unable to explain the disappearance, the paladins undertook frequent patrols of the area and constructed Fort Tamal in Thent's honor, in one of Kreeg's first decrees.   Around 1489 DR, Thavius Kreeg was aging and another leadership transition was expected soon.


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