The Lords’ Alliance

  The Lords’ Alliance is a loose coalition of established political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. The organization is aggressive, militant, and political. Fighters and sorcerers of lawful or neutral alignments are commonly drawn to the Lords’ Alliance.  


  • If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it.
  • Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor, glory, and prosperity to your lord and homeland.
  • Don’t wait for the enemy to come to you. The best defense is a strong offense
    To seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can match their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.


Lords’ Alliance Advancement  
Rank Renown Other Requirements
1 - Cloak 0 None
2 - Redknife 3 None
3 - Stingblade 10 5th level, 1 secret mission
4 - Warduke 25 11th level, 3 secret missions
5 - Lioncrown 50 17th level, 10 secret missions

Rank 1 - Cloak

  This is the rank you receive when first join the faction. It is available at character creation or any time the character wishes to join.  

Participate in Faction Activities

  You can participate in any activities that are considered specific to the Lords Alliance.  

Earn Renown

  You earn renown points in your faction and advance in rank.  

Faction Assignments

  As a Cloak, you are eligible to take on faction assignments during adventures.  

Receive Your Faction’s Insignia

  You receive an insignia of your faction, fashioned into a wearable or held item.   Fraction Insignias - Signet right (symbol palm side)  

Rank 2 - Redknife

  You have shown that your are aligned with the Alliance goals and can take on more responsibility.  

Secret Missions

  During certain adventures, you may be given the opportunity to undergo a secret mission on behalf of the Lord Alliance. Completion of these missions might earn you additional benefits or enable you to advance to higher ranks within the ranks.  

Apprenticeship to an Adventurer Mentor

  You can serve as an apprentice to a higher-ranking adventurer from within your faction. See the Apprentice-Mentor Benefits section, below, for more details.  

Apprentice Activities

  Each character in the relationship gains a story award, “Faction Mentor (Apprentice Name)” or “Faction Apprentice (Mentor Name)” and is eligible to participate in specific activities.  

Adventure Details

  When an apprentice and mentor bond they reveal the locations of magic items and faction secret missions that they have participated into each other. There is no additional cost associated with this activity.  

Item Trading

  When trading magic items between the apprentice and mentor, the cost is only 10 downtime days instead of the usual 15.    

Fighting Partners

  By practicing fighting together before adventures, an apprentice and mentor can gain complimentary combat abilities. When both an apprentice and mentor are participating in the same adventuring group the apprentice and mentor may spend 5 downtime days before the start of the adventure. If they do, they gain the following benefits:   • Any saving throw made by one participant to save against an effect created by the other is made with advantage.   • Once per short rest, a participant may use the Help action to assist the other as a bonus action.   • Neither participant acts as cover against ranged attacks made by the other.    

Apprentice Activities


Language and Tool Training

  The apprentice may learn any language or tool proficiency that their mentor possesses for 125 downtime days (no GP cost).  

Word of Advice

  Mentors grant their apprentice advantage on one check, save, or attack roll once during an adventure or chapter. This activity costs 5 downtime days to the apprentice, spent prior to the adventure and declared to the Dungeon Master prior to the start of the adventure.    

Faction Training

  You can take advantage of accelerated training programs for tool kits most often used by your faction. This training comes at a lesser cost than usual tool training, taking half as long (60 downtime days), but you must pay an additional 125 gp as a training expense for each proficiency.   Lords Alliance Faction Training - Jewelers tools, Mason’s tools, Navigator’s tools, Painters supplies, Gaming Set, Any Standard Language  

Rank 3 - Stingblade

  Stalwarts are reliable faction members, entrusted with many secrets and deserving of additional support during adventures.  

Faction Downtime Activity

  You gain access to a Lords Alliance downtime activity that gives you additional benefits when you use it.  

Item Procurement

  With an expenditure of resources, you can acquire a magic item from the Lords Alliance. To procure the item, you must go on minor adventures for the Alliance (represented by downtime days), and perform bribes, charitable acts, and provide provisions (represented by the expenditure of gold) in service of the Lords Alliance.   The item received in exchange for this increases your magic item count and is not tradeable. A character may purchase any number of items so long as they pay the associated downtime day and gold costs for each item. Additionally, you must be at least 5th level to acquire a rare item.  

Item Procurement Costs

Rarity Downtime Gold
Uncommon 50 days (-5 days for every point of charisma over 15) 500 gp
Rare 100 days (-5 days for every point of charisma over 15) 5000 gp

Item Procurement Options

Uncommon Rarity Rare Rarity
+1 Weapon or +1 Shield +1 Armor
Cloak of the Mountebank Ring of Mind Shielding

Rank 4 - Warduke

  Wardukes are trusted voices within their given faction. They are looked upon as champions of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of lower rank.  

Become a Mentor

  You can designate Agents or Stalwarts as your charge.  

Mentor Activities


Mentorship Renown

  When a mentor takes on a new apprentice, they immediately gain the benefit of a successful Secret Mission for their faction. This can only be done once per character.  

Learn by Teaching

  Mentors gain advantage on one check, save, or attack roll once during a module or hardcover chapter due to reflecting on their prior adventures with their apprentice. This activity costs 5 downtime days to the mentor, spent prior to the adventure and declared to the Dungeon Master prior to the start of the adventure.  

Faction Pedagogue

  By taking on an apprentice you become approachable to other members of your faction who ask you for advice. As you dispense this advice you become better known in your faction. You may spend 30 downtime days in exchange for 1 renown. This can only be done once per character.  

Mentor’s Pride

  As your apprentice grows in power their deeds reflect on you. Each time your apprentice gains a level that would put them into a higher tier (levels 5, 11, or 17), you gain 1 renown.  

Faction Philanthropist

  As a Mentor of your faction, you may choose to pay for or cast raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection spells for a member of your faction after an adventure is completed even if you were not adventuring together. In doing so, assuming you aren’t casting the spell yourself, you must pay the full cost of the spellcasting service plus 25 downtime days (to deliver the body and find a cleric)  

Rank 5 - Lioncrown

  Lioncrowns are deeply ensconced within the leadership of their faction and have a great degree of influence, guiding faction decisions.  

Become a Faction Exemplar

  When you play this character along with other members of your faction, you can choose one lower-ranked member of your faction (Agent, at a minimum) to begin the game with Inspiration. This must be used by the end of the game session, or it is lost.

Public Agenda

  • Ensure the safety and prosperity of cities and other settlements of Faerûn.
  • Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of disorder.
  • Proactively eliminate threats to the established powers.
  • Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders and one’s homeland.


The Lord’s Alliance was founded in 1325 DR as a partnership among many cities along the Sword Coast, in the north, and in the western heartlands. The first leader was Lord Piergeiron of Waterdeep, and their goal was the unified defense of northern cities and the promotion of their economic interests.   The Alliance was allied with the Harpers, and were often at odds with the Zhentarim, Luskan, Amn, and Calimshan.   In 1358 DR, the Lords’ Alliance was instrumental in expelling Luskan’s forces from Ruathym through both diplomatic and military pressure. Further threats of war were needed again against Luskan in 1361 DR for the same reason.   By 1372 DR, when the Thayan Guild of Foreign Trade started selling magic items across Faerun, the Lords’ Alliance kept individual members under surveillance in order to learn more about their goals and ensure that they were not engaging in evil or illegal activities.   During that era, the Lords’ Alliance regularly found themselves working against the Zhentarim, usually through the efforts of adventurers that they would hire to raid Zhentarim strongholds.   From 1467-1488 DR, the leader of the Lords’ Alliance was Lord Protector Dagult Neverember, who was replaced by Laeral Silverhand.   In the modern era, the Lords’ Alliance continues to operate much as it has in the past, with a notable exception. Instead of just hiring adventurers on a case-by-case basis to deal with rising threats, the Lords’ Alliance maintains permanent members who work on Lords’ Alliance matters regularly. Adventurers who perform a task for the Lords’ Alliance successfully may be asked to formally join the organization.
Founding Date
1325 DR
Secret, Brotherhood


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