Eilisian Magic System in Deseran | World Anvil
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Eilisian Magic System

Source & Distribution

Eilisian magic emerged following an epidemic that wiped out much of Eilis's population. Those who survived the epidemic found that they had powers over the elements, as well as additional traits and heightened senses. These abilities were then passed down to their children and their children's children and so forth, establishing the power as a genetic occurrence. This magic can currently be found in both Eilis and Rasell.  

Magic Types

Eilisian magic is tied to the elements, and those with different elemental attunements experience different additional abilities.   Those with attunement to air will be more aware of changes in the weather, as well as the people around them (because scents and body heat travel or settle on the air). They’ll have more acute senses of smell and hearing, and they’ll be more able to sense how others are feeling (air and energy being connected).   Those attuned to water will be more aware of changes in the water, changes with sea creatures’ patterns of behavior, and their sense of taste. They may be extra sensitive to bitter, sour, or spicy foods, and they have a greater taste for salty foods.   Those attuned to earth will be aware of earth-based natural changes more than others, able to feel earthquakes from great distances or feel the tectonic plates shift under their feet. They may get dizzy easily from the constant awareness of the earth’s movements. They’ll be aware of plant growth and able to predict when a plant will bloom or produce fruit.   Those with attunement to fire are more sensitive to temperature, can feel changes in temperature from farther away than normal, and hate being cold. They’re prone to hot flashes. They’re also well aware of those around them due to body heat. They have a more acute sense of sight and see a broader spectrum of colors than most. Color blindness is unheard of among those attuned to fire.   An attunement allows one to control whatever element they're connected to: moving earth from one place to another, changing fire's temperature, separating water from the impurities within it, sucking the air out of a place, etc.

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