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Coral Kingdom


According to legend, there is a prophecy about the birth of a remarkable Aquarian champion who will emerge as a leader for the Aquarian people. This champion is destined to lead their community to a promised land far out at sea, where they will find solace and harmony beneath the waves. At the heart of this newfound kingdom will be a magnificent coral castle, rising majestically from the ocean floor to the surface.   The castle is believed to be a symbol of strength, resilience and unity for the Aquarian people. It serves as a beacon of hope, representing the fulfillment of their aspirations and the realization of their collective dreams. The castle's size and prominence signify the central role it will play in their lives, as a center of governance, culture, and protection within their newfound aquatic domain.   This legend, passed down through generations, instills a sense of anticipation and faith in the Aquarian community as they eagerly await the emergence of their fabled champion and the fulfillment of their prophetic destiny.

Historical Basis

There is no historical basis for the myth, which serves as a prophetic narrative of the aspirations of the Aquarian people.


The story is often shared among Aquarian settlements, serving as a source of inspiration and cultural heritage. It is passed down through generations, shared with newcomers to Aquarian communities as well as with the children born into Aquarian families. By sharing this story, Aquarians instill a sense of pride and belonging in their cultural identity. The legend strengthens their collective aspirations for a better future and a place where they can live in peace and harmony.

Variations & Mutation

In certain versions of the Aquarian legend, there is an added element where the hero is not only a champion of the Aquarian people, but also destined to ascend to godhood. According to this version, the hero has the power to give the Aquarian community the adaptations and abilities necessary to thrive in their underwater realm.   In this version of the story, the hero's journey becomes even more significant, as their divine nature gives them the authority and ability to bring about transformative change for their people. As they lead the Aquarians to the promised land beneath the waves, they use their newfound godlike powers to bless their community with the necessary adaptations that will allow them to live harmoniously and thrive in their aquatic habitat.


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