Long ago, a crew of pirates discovered the lost hoard of the dragon Goddess, Nromore. However, this was no ordinary treasure, as it belonged to the divine being herself. In retribution for their theft, Nromore cursed the pirates with eternal life devoid of fulfillment. Under the curse of Nromore, the Moon-Cursed are granted eternal life, but they still age normally. However, unlike other mortal beings, they do not die when they reach the end of their natural lifespan, and will continue to live on, bearing the effects of aging without limit. This curse was contagious and passed down to their partners and offspring.
During the day or under normal light sources, the Moon-Cursed appear as regular members of their respective races. However, under the light of the moon, which is Nromore's sacred light, their true form is revealed. They take on a skeletal appearance with mostly decomposed flesh, and any clothes they wear are similarly affected by the moon's glow.
It is believed that the Moon-Cursed's mortal appearance is an illusion, so entering an area of magical suppression will reveal their true form, just as it does under the light of the moon.