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The Elder Fey

The Elder Fey, a group of powerful beings numbering less than a dozen, stand in stark contrast to their descendants in strength and age. Though all fey races are free to live as they please, the Elder Fey are held in special reverence due to their power and venerable age. Their beliefs center on the notion that every new fey race deserves a chance to exist, and they take on the task of nurturing the first generation of each new race while they are vulnerable in their infancy.   Scholars speculate that the Elder Fey may be Old Gods or their direct descendants. They are ageless and tend to avoid the civilized areas of the world, preferring to roam free. The other fey hold them in high esteem, viewing them as wise and powerful beings deserving of the utmost respect, as humans might accord the head of a noble family.   While the Elder Fey are primarily concerned with maintaining their own existence and mediating between the other fey races, they generally remain neutral in conflicts involving non-fey races. Their long lives have left them feeling disconnected from the world, and they make no preparations for the future, believing that it is only a matter of time before the non-fey races drive them from the world. When that time comes, the remaining fey will truly be on their own.   Other Fey prefer to live among their own kind, but they can also thrive on their own. Known for their free-spirited nature, they often travel whenever the opportunity arises, seeking love and adventure. When a new fey race is born, several offspring are usually produced by different pairs. The Elder Fey, who are the oldest and most powerful of the fey races, care for them until they are able to fend for themselves. Once the young fey are self-sufficient, the Elder Fey find them a suitable home where they can establish their own society and culture.   On the planet of Dessend, the only Elder Fey known to exist are: Bard, Carnival, Circus, Clown, Comedian, Harlequin, Jester, Mime, Trickster, and Troubadour. Their current behavior, however, stands in stark contrast to the light-hearted and festive nature of their namesakes, especially when interacting with individuals of non-Fey races.


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