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The Red Empress


The legend of the Red Empress tells the story of a former monarch who once ruled over a vast empire that encompassed the western half of the Central Landmass, including modern-day Arakis, Dinaal, and large parts of Benzar, Furuta, Pyrisia, and Rinax. Legend has it that during the final days of her reign, the Red Empress ordered the execution of a large number of her subjects, which led to a widespread uprising. After suffering fatal injuries during the ensuing battle, she vowed to come back and complete the task she had begun. Even now, a lot of people in Dinaal still hold the fearful belief that she will eventually return.

Historical Basis

The truth behind the legend lies somewhere between the story and the legend of The Sleeping Empress as told in Arakis. There was a real Empress in legend, but she only demanded the execution of noble families who were oppressive and refused to submit to her. And rather than the populace rising up against her, a coalition of aristocratic families rebelled against the Empire and started putting its loyal subjects to death.   As the last of the rebellious families was on trial, the Empress was attacked by an assassin who left her critically injured. She declared that she would not succumb to her injury and would return to finish the trial. However, her wound was worse than expected, and she was placed in a healing sleep and sealed away from harm. In the confusion, the nobles managed to overthrow the empire, and the Empress's resting place was lost. She remains in a magical slumber, waiting to be awakened.


The myth is well known to those living on the western half of the central landmass, particularly in Arakis and Dinaal.

Variations & Mutation

The events that inspired the legend of the Red Empress are also the basis for the legend of the Sleeping Empress, which is better known to the people of Arakis. However, those who are familiar with both legends do not realize that they share a common origin.

Cultural Reception

The story of the Red Empress is more commonly associated with the Dinaal region, but the people of both Dinaal and Arakis share a fear of her possible return and the disaster it could bring.


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