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The Sleeping Empress


The story of the Sleeping Empress is the tale of an ancient monarch who once ruled an empire that spanned the entire western half of the Central Landmass, including modern-day Arakis, Dinaal, and much of the western parts of Benzar, Furuta, Pyrisia, and Rinax.   According to legend, the Sleeping Empress was a commoner's hero who led her people during a golden age. It is said that she participated in a trial by combat with a villainous noble and was ambushed by an assassin. She made a dying declaration that she would return to lead her people in their time of need.

Historical Basis

The truth behind the legend lies somewhere between this story and the legend of the Red Empress told in Dinaal. The titular empress of the legend did exist, and was indeed mortally wounded by an assassin. However, it was not during a trial by combat. Instead, it was during a trial of a noble family that had participated in a rebellion against the empire.   During the trial of this last treasonous family, an assassin attacked and mortally wounded the Empress. She declared that she would not succumb to her injury and would return to finish the trial. However, the wound was worse than expected, and she was placed in a healing sleep and sealed away from harm. In the confusion, the nobles managed to overthrow the empire, and the Empress' resting place was lost. She remains in a magical slumber, waiting to be awakened.


The myth is well known to those living on the western half of the central landmass, particularly in Arakis and Dinaal.

Variations & Mutation

The events that gave rise to the legend of the Sleeping Empress are the same events that gave rise to the legend of the Red Empress, which is more familiar to the people of Dinaal. However, those who are familiar with both legends are not aware that they share a common background and are seen as isolated stories.

Cultural Reception

The Sleeping Empress is more closely associated with the identity of the Arakis region. It is believed that she will return to save them in their most desperate times.


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