God of the Sun Character in Desyia (Old) | World Anvil
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God of the Sun


Heliod is the sun god, literally bringing the light of day to the world, so almost everyone on Theros pays at least token acknowledgment to him. Some families have a custom of winking in the direction of the dawn's light first thing in the morning, a gesture of respect to the sun god's luminous eye.

Divine Domains

Domain of Light

Tenets of Faith

Heliod represents the law, justice, retribution, and the bonds of kinship. Heliod presides over matters of family honor, questions of morality and virtue, speeches, marriages, acts of protective bravery, dawn meals, and self-sacrifice. Heliod's name is often part of legal proceedings, and sacrifices to him are made in times when the greatest aid — or the strictest justice — is needed.
Divine Classification
Major God
Current Residence

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