Kaeda Geographic Location in Desyia | World Anvil
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Kaeda is the Capital of Kayio. As it houses the Kaedan Academy, on of the most prestige academies around Desyia, makes it easy for this city to be the frontliner in technological advancement. If one wanted the latest gaged Kaeda is the place to find it. Tough they are often found with their noses in a book, kaedans don't shy away from relaxation every once in a while. The city is filled with ways to relax yourself, body and mind.  
Kaedans are know to be extremely polite people, tough they are very sensitive about being treated the same way.



For about 5 years the Kaedan Academy has been working on something.
On the 11 of Penem they revealed their Project Plane Gate.


  • Kaeda
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