Alexandrite of the Eastern Lands Character in Desyia | World Anvil
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Alexandrite of the Eastern Lands

Alexandrite of the Eastern Lands (a.k.a. Lexi)

Hi, if you are friendly towards me you may refer to me as Lexi. I pride myself on being a arcane student, would you like to compare notes?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appearing quite muscular and fit she's quite the contrary, she wasn't built for combat or moving to much on her own at all.

Body Features

When her body is revealed all of the metamagical parts and workings.

Facial Features

Her periwinkel eyes sit amongst her smooth porcelin skin, a gemstone sits embedded in her forehead having shades from red all the way to green and many purples in between. Often adorned with stripes of makeup along her eyes, cheeks and nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Porcelain mask embelished with purple details, along with make-up. Geisha-like.

Apparel & Accessories

Travelling mostly cloaked and backpacking, her black cloak is one of her most worn pieces of apparel. Second to only to her trusty notebook.

Specialized Equipment

Porcelain mask that has mouth-moving functionality

Mental characteristics

Personal history

To remember, is a strange way to put it... It's a history I wouldn't exactly call my own.   A long time ago, I don't remember when, as I wasn't programmed to keep track of time yet, I was created. She was only a small girl when she started tinkering. Garnet, they called her. But to me she was.. Mother.   I was created to be a part of their festival, the travelling band of entertainers called the Shining Stones. A fortune teller, I was bound to be. They would toss a silver to mother and I would give them a randomized response to their question.   The Travelling band and I originate from Presia, But we took the boat over to the new land, Kayio, for better opportunities. My mother being the inventress she is thought maybe she had a chance finding studies or better materials there. I was taught Kaian for that purpose, so we could make more money there.   I've had many titles and names throughout the years, as upgrades came along I become more and more advanced, capable of learning by myself and accepting the coinage.   Until that day came, it's hard to remember but I would call it that. Do other people recall their birth? I was laying on the workbench, I remember getting a processing upgrade. So my head was detached from my upper body. I had never experienced pain, I was never really thinking before. I observed mother tinkering. She used to talk to me whilst working on her but I never thought anything about it. A magical gem, Alexandrite, was to be transplanted into my forehead. Mostly to give me a mystique air but maybe some of the attributes could be used by my programming.   For the longest time, I just knew the signals. Input, output. Everything was data to me. But when mother implanted that gem inside my forehead, I felt it. I felt everything. I thought my own thoughts. And I heard that voice for the first time. Some people have called it "my concience", others call it the voice of god or a curse that was layed upon the gem. Whatever it may be, the voice has brought life to my mechanical body.   Much of those first couple of weeks is a blur. I needed a name, an identity. I needed to become someone and not just something. I was given the name Alexandrite, Lexi for friends. Although I've yet to make those. Find them I mean, not create them.   I have been travelling on my own for a little under a year now, learning as much about the world as possible and my fair share of magic with it. I've met an old man in Kaeda, someone who was willing to teach me the basics of surviving, blending in with humanoids and most importantly Magic. With mother's old spellbook by my side, I've recently crossed the sea again to Osera. I can't help but think the recent events are a bad omen for things to come. And maybe I can do something about it...

Gender Identity

Being created agender without reproductive organs, Lexi was mostly dressed up to be an old wise woman. But they've taken on Lexi's identity as a young woman, much closer to her own feeling as she discovers the world through new eyes.


Lexi can only be described as a clueless hopeless romantic. Whilst she cannot wait to experience love and looks for it in almost every corner, she is not only unable to reproduce traditionally; but also clueless to most all social cues that would indicate one's interest in her.


Lexi was briefly employed and had an apprenticeship in Kaeda. By her Master, in the Academy district.


Previously employed by Lady Wendy of Big Momma.

Morality & Philosophy

She's a strong believer in destiny. Everyone is destined to do something, and it is up to them to follow their voice and live up to their potential.

Personality Characteristics


Lexi is mainly motivated to find a purpose in life, ever since gaining conscience she's heard some type of voices. These have helped her in finding a future. And so she aims to do the same.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes games of chance, learning new things. And betting on fate. She's curious at heart.

Virtues & Personality perks

Lexi virtues Foresight and Knowledge as a wizard and fortuen teller. But she values Curiosity and Family very much too, trying to find her own destiny along the way.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lexi will often succumb to the prospect of chance. Being blinded by intrigue and curiosity. Due to her origin, she can often seem out of touch or inconsiderate. She's also a strong believer of fate, leading not only her into existance, she believes she bount to find true love among other things.


Contacts & Relations

the Shining Stones, travelling circus of wonders Master, teacher in Kaeda

Family Ties

Mother "Garnet"

Religious Views

She believes in gods, she will not pray often but will pay homage to both Klothys and Kruphix

Social Aptitude

She's not very skilled in social situations, whilst she knows her way around a performance or magic. She's still struggling with the needs and mannerisms of living creatures.


She will often replace words she cannot find within her lexicon with the type of word she's looking for, like "good compliment".


Whilst not overly monotone, lexi has a deeper female but soft voice. Lacking somewhat in complexity and tone variation.

On a first glance this young human wizard has a geisha like appearance with kind eyes. But on closer inspection her robotic aspects shine through. Lexi is new to the world and cannot wait to find her destiny.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Maiden of the fair times Eyes into the future Machine of fortune
Current Residence
agender / female
Periwinkel Purple
Long deep purple hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1m80 (just under 6 ft.)
124 kg (273 lbs.)
Known Languages
common, Kaian

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Plane Gate Mishap
11th of Penem 24

Today we went to the plane gate ceremony where apparently a big head that came through the person said there should be no gate. After communicating with professor Lin (she was the one presenting the ceremony), this was not meant to happen and she was not aware of the fact that there should be no permanent gate.   Somehow though, we got a job offer from her and agreed we would help her solve this problem of the academy. I feel like this brings me closer to my destiny, I think melody definitely gets something out of this deal although I'm not quite sure why the other 3 went along with this deal. They must have found some worth in it after all. Tomorrow we will meet up with her once again to gather more information and start the investigation into the sabotage of the Plane gate.   Tonight I will not enjoy the warm feeling of a cosy room in the Inn but instead will keep an eye on the Plane gate to make sure no suspicious figures approach it.

Plane Gate Ceremony
10th of Penem 24

Dear Journal,   We've arrived in time for the Plane Gate Ceremony, it's been a while since I've left Kaeda and I'm curious what it will be like guiding a group of people through the city. Especially since I do not know that much about the city, too.   In any case, I'm going for a postive nasal remark bowl of Udon. Maybe Melody will want to join me and we can discuss our arcane crafts some more. Tomorrow she wanted to see my master.   I have just returned from the Bowls of Udon place. I am uncertain whether I like the sensation of substance inside my oral cavity or pharynx. It was however a positive sensation to experience taste.   Another day has passed and we walked over to the Academy district to find Master. But a note hung on their door claiming to back in 10 days. I do certainly hope nothing of major inconvenience happened to him, although I believe if it needs to be it shall be.

5th of Penem 24

Dear Journal,   Today I made more friends. First I visited the teashop, I don't remember the name... But I saw a positive remark about appearance girl reading a book and sipping some delicious smelling tea so I asked if I could join her. She introduced herself as Melody and that definitely sounds sweet. And I managed to see a glimpse of a creature I would later discover to be Pip, a pseudodragon familiar.   During Ale hour we came across 3 other people in the 3 bronze cups, Ophelia, Misslidian and Nessa; Whilst Melody was researching ingredients that Xug, the barkeep, put in her own brewed drink. During the Siesta after Ale hour we came into conversation about the Plane Gate opening on the 11th and we've decided to try and find funds to get there before the ceremony.   I don't think Nessa likes me much though. Ophelia is a bit estranged but so I was I not too long ago so I can relate.

The Boat To Osera
2nd of Penem 24

Taking the boat crossing the Helster sea, I payed the 5 silver toll which is more than I can spare but I believe I might find my destiny there. The voice calls me over the sea and I'm confident this will lead me closer to my fate. I've been reading a lot in this book lately. Still quite uncertain why I'm writing these messages but I'm excited for what and who I will find.   I don't remember being in Osera, although it's in my records. A couple years ago the shining stones were here before they... we departed to Kaiyo.


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