
While the might of a single god, regardless of their Domain, is indeed incredible and theoretically limitless, it is not necessarily the best application of said divinity.   Some gods and goddesses, but not all, can impart a portion of their power upon those under their command. Gods of war can gift great martial strength, gods of agriculture: the ability to encourage plant growth through force of will. This ability only requires participation from the god, and the mortal(s) in question might not know about it or even want it. Perhaps the most famous Gift is that of longevity. Living longer than the average mortal, or even as long as the gods themselves.   It does, however, require the god in question to interact with the mortal. They cannot grant a gift to someone they've never seen, or have only heard of in passing. Each god able to impart of Gift has their own sort of "ritual" to impart the Gift, unique to themselves. Some create small statues of those that they wish to Gift, combining them with some sort of personal effect of the mortal in question. Some sing to or dance with their target. They might arduously create a meal or a tincture to be consumed, or any other number of functions.   While the strength of the Gift is largely up to the god performing it, it's a general rule (though one that does see exceptions) that the more involved a gods ritual is the stronger the gift, making it harder to covertly impart powerful gifts to mortals.   It should also be said a gods ritual for imparting a gift need not be the same for eternity. A god might have one ritual to impart their impervious nature to their soldiers, and another ritual entirely to impart the same Gift to a loved one, or even just someone who isn't a soldier. They don't have any real control over what these rituals are but develop them subconsciously, and simply do what feels right in the moment.   Another point is that the god that is imparting Gifts can't just do it constantly, 32 hours a day, ten days a week. each gift takes a bit of energy, depending on the magnitude of the gift. A god of war can't just instantly develop a battalion of impervious grenadiers in an afternoon. It would take many rituals, with many periods of rest in between, for them to cultivate the energy needed to do so.   Finally, a Gift is nearly impossible to take back without very intensive and personal ministration by the god that gave it in the first place. Even then, it's more likely that the gifted simply dies due to the strain of attempting to remove that small bit of divinity, rather than become ungifted. As such, gods will usually only gift those that they trust greatly, and if not that, keep their gifts to a lower power magnitude.
Metaphysical, Divine


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