Ochec Organization in Deus Irae: Falling Night | World Anvil


A nation with a disproportionate number of gods of death, Ochec has a deeply held cultural belief of personal sacrifice that goes farther than the usual actions of patriotism.   A country made up of mostly floodplains, their system of roads and highways are a feat of engineering not seen anywhere else in the world. Not to mention the stilt cities they have built, that keep waterborne diseases and flooding to a minimum. As an added bonus, the wide stretches of wetlands allow for the cultivation of a specific species of waterborne rice which makes up the majority of their diet.   Besides the gods of knowledge that they recruit to their pantheon, their pantheon also contains a sizable number of gods of war and combat, as well as the aforementioned gods of death. The latter two work in tandem together, fulfilling the countries spiritual needs.   The people of Ochec believe that the spirits of their ancestors pass into an afterlife, but require sustenance. It is the responsibility of the living to feed them. While sacrifices of food and material are...passable, for the spirits of the dead, it is sacrifices of spirit that fill their stomachs best. When they can be found, foreigners and enemies of the country are sacrificed, the gods of war leading raiding parties and the like to capture individuals, their spirits ritualistically rendered down by the gods of death to feed the ancestors. When they can't, they will rend themselves in the same way. Usually those that are deemed to have no worth. The poor. The destitute. Those that are seen as strange or outcast. The sacrifices do wonders for national unity. People like to make a day out of the event.   Out of all their gods, they very rarely employ gods of nature. Given the climate of their home, the people harbor an adversarial relation with the domain. The heat of the sun and the insects of the water being the chief hardships they face, and they will never be parted from them. Not to mention waterborne snakes and and floods. and yet they will leave the water be, as it is their source of food.   Tradition is like a wolf you have held by the ears. Hard to hold on to but harder to let go.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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