VPGSM (Variable Payload Guided Smart Munition)

Variable Payload Guided Smart Munition rounds are used commonly in some form in most tanks, artillery pieces, naval vessels, and even spacecraft. Most traditional explosive propellant military guns in 2380 possess rifeled barrels to provide stablazing spin to the round after a brief period of smooth bore sabot domination. VPGSM rounds extend fins once they leave the muzzle, which can then change in orientation to guide the shell home. A vacuum variant of this shell has been devoloped and now sees common use that utilizes very small chemical thusters arrayed around the shell that guide the round in absence of atmosphere to push against steering fins. Either of these guidance methods allow targets to be hit even when they are complete obscured or behind cover.   Payloads for VPGSM rounds can be customized depending on their intended target, such as HEAT for penetrating older and more easily defeatable armor types, tandem and triple charges for counteracting reactive armor, and multi-sabot cluster shot for defeating hard kill defense systems. VPGSM rounds can also be configured for advanced anti-infantry payloads that are designed to penetrate through a wall or bunker and detonate on the other side, dumping large amounts of shrapnel into anything unfortunate enough to be there. There also exists a type of anti-infantry round that was designed specifically against infantry in a vacuum but also works in atmosphere to a lesser extent that airbursts shortly after leaving the muzzle, sending thousands of tiny flechettes hurtling in a very large arc at supersonic speeds to shred flesh and poke holes in space suits.
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