
The Harbinger of Change Chaos (a.k.a. Charybdis)


Charybdis appears as an ever-changing serpent, massive and enveloped in swirling chaotic patterns that mesmerize those who look upon it. Its form is never constant, shifting between beauty and terror in moments, embodying the ever-changing nature of reality.  


Charybdis was born from the primordial whirlpool, the embodiment of potential and the unformed chaos that existed before the universe took shape. As the Harbinger of Change, Charybdis challenges the structures set by Aeternis, believing that without change, there is no growth. Followers of Charybdis embrace transformation, seeing it as the path to freedom and innovation.   Charybdis seeks to prevent the stagnation of the universe by promoting change, even if it comes at the cost of destruction. Its ultimate goal is to ensure that life and existence continue to evolve, pushing against the boundaries that Aeternis sets.  

Role and Influence


Negative Aspects

Destruction: Charybdis's influence often leads to the breakdown of structures, be it societal or natural, causing havoc and suffering.   Fear: The unpredictability associated with Chaos can instill fear and uncertainty among populations, as seen with the disruptive actions of the Disciples of Chaos.  

Positive Aspects

Innovation: Chaos introduces new ideas and possibilities into the world, breaking old molds and fostering creativity and new ways of thinking.   Freedom: Chaos challenges oppressive systems and laws, offering individuals the freedom to define their own paths and escape rigid societal roles.  

Interactions in Deuslair

In Deuslair, the clash between Aeternis and Charybdis shapes the world's political, cultural, and natural landscapes. Their followers—whether they be the authoritarian rulers of Dragsa who cling too tightly to order, or the anarchic zealots among the Disciples of Chaos who push for change at any cost—demonstrate the virtues and vices of each deity's influence.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE
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