Crystals and Stones Found in Hyste Talma and Their Popular Usages


These light green stones help soothe the nervous system, enhance healing, and find balance in life. They’re a great “get well soon” gift, but can also signify that the other person is worried about your health and wishes you a swift recovery.  


Though rare, imported amber is usually used in expensive jewelry or in toys for toddlers. Teething babies from rich families will often chew on amber-embedded figurines. Giving someone an amber means offering them protection.  


This purple and black quartz is associated with deep spirituality. Soulmates will engrave their names on these stones and keep them close to their hearts. Most potent amethysts are used to help with lucid dreaming and astral projections.  


This stone is revered for its geometrical structure and iridescent coloring. Bismuths are a common gift amongst colleagues and coworkers, and having a good amount of them means you’re a well-liked individual.  


These dark green and burgundy stones are a synonym of rejection. Often given to those who dare break their promises or those who act without honor. It is the greatest humiliation to be publicly given a bloodstone.  


These stones come in all colors and various sizes and if tended to properly, grow into beautiful, fluorescent structures. Dwarves tend to keep them as part of their crystal gardens. It is a common hobby to try growing mixed colors by joining calcites together.  


These white, delicate stones are a metaphor for enlightenment. Parents give them to their children to signify a rite of passage—graduation or reaching a mastery.  


A mixture of grey and claret, these stones are associated with grief and sorrow. Mourning dwarves will carve beautiful designs on them, to commemorate the lost ones.  


This is known as the stone of love. It’s a common courtship gift, and there’s plenty of jewelry incorporating it in its design. On the other hand, “to throw someone's emerald” means to reject their feelings completely.  


Red rubies attract wealth. They’re the luxurious gems found on the necks and wrists of the most noble of dwarves. Hair clips and beads made out of ruby signify a high position in Hyste Talma.  


Sapphires are known as the stones of wisdom. They’re given to students and apprentices, but also to those who need to make difficult decisions. Jewelry made out of sapphires tends to be a proper gift to people older than you, as a sign of respect for their life experiences.  


These light and green stones are the epitome of betrayal. They’re usually given when a couple breaks up, but on a political scale, they are a declaration of hostility and a sign of hatred.  


These orange-red stones are relatively inexpensive and common. Dwarves engrave their most cherished memories on them and keep them as precious treasures throughout their lives. A dwarf without at least a dozen sunstones is considered to have led a sad and lonely life.  


Small and black, with green and yellow lines cutting through it in fantastical shapes, Verdite is universally known as an enhancer. It’s used to help power rituals, but added to any combination of stones, increases their potency.

Cover image: by DALLE


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