House Ironsmith

House Ironsmith stands at the forefront of alchemical discoveries and mechanical inventions. They have unrivaled knowledge and have nurtured numerous genius Magic Smiths, making them masters at crafting magical items. While other Houses usually keep their lineage “pure”, the Ironsmiths often adopt or marry any talented individuals to hold them close to themselves. Their laboratories hum with the creation of potent elixirs, hammering of new artifacts, and ingenious contraptions. Ironsmith magicians often serve Dragsa as Magic Smiths or advisers in matters of warfare, enhance the equipment of the soldiers, or unleash destructive forces upon the enemies of Dragsa. The house's inventions are highly sought after, making them influential contributors to realms in need of technomagical marvels.

Talent over Blood, Magic over Body.

Alternative Names
Innovators in Magic and Invention

Cover image: by DALLE


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