Major Holidays in Hyste Talma

Starlight Revelry

Held under the light of the full moon during the longest night of the year, elves gather for a night of joyous celebration on the fields of the Outer Circle. Songs, dances, and feasts mark this occasion as elves express their appreciation for the celestial forces that guide and protect them. It is expected of you to drink and eat more than your fill in order to push away the coldness of the night.  

Forge Sweeping

During the summer solstice, dwarves celebrate the craftsmanship and resilience of their people by having a day off. During this time, the halls do not echo with the clang of hammers. Instead, dwarven artisans clean their forges and take stock. This is the only day of the year when you can buy their marvelous merchandise at a tantalizing discount—that is if the item has been deemed “last year's gem.”

Cover image: by DALLE


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