Shambling Mound

In the heart of the untamed wilderness, the Shambling Mound emerges as a nightmarish embodiment of relentless vitality and rotting, natural malevolence. This vine-bodied creature remains unsatiated as it eats, regenerates, and grows stronger.   A Shambling Mound is a lumbering monstrosity formed from decaying branches, vines, rotting remains, and moss sewn together by malevolent sorceries. Its main body and legs seem to be amalgamations of unnatural growths and entwined vines, while “limbs” are created by more flexible creepers. Its size can vary, with some supposedly growing even to the height of a tall tree. Yet, the most unsettling aspect is its constantly shifting, shapeless body, pulsating with an eerie, unseen energy.   Slow but unyielding. A Shambling Mound prowls the wilds with a lumbering gait, its every movement accompanied by the stench of damp decay. It seeks living prey with an insatiable hunger. Fire, typically a bane to most creatures, does little to harm it as the creature is made of rotting plants. Getting too close to this monstrosity is perilous, as it can ensnare its victims with its strangling vines and razor-sharp thorns. If caught within its clutches, the unfortunate victim is dragged into the mound's core, where they will either be suffocated or crushed by vines. That way they later become a macabre addition to its ever-growing mass.   A fearsome encounter in the wilds. Shambling Mounds are most commonly encountered in the heart of untouched wilderness, often lurking in the darkest, most secluded corners of marshes, swamps, and dense forests. They are particularly drawn to places where nature's decay is most pronounced. Their gruesome presence is a testament to the untamed, primal forces that govern the wilds, instilling fear in those who dare to venture too deep into the realm of the unknown.   Mysterious origins. Nobody knows who or what created these beings… or even if they are beings at all. While many say that Shambling Mounds are the embodiment of nature's anguish and anger at the ones who disrupt it, others trace their origins to a wholly unnatural source—yet another failed experiment that escaped from the Dragsa laboratories. Some even claim the creatures are the manifestations of the dark magic of the Disciples of Chaos. One thing is certain, the origins of Shambling Mounds are shrouded in uncertainty.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DALLE


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