The Eastern Border

The terrains around the border between Banewood and Truncatop Mountain Range are where most of the Kril have made their rookeries. Life under the majestic mountains, looming over the edges of the forest is beset with countless challenges. The Kril have long learned how to deal with kobolds, basilisks, and on occasion, even a dragon wyrmling. Yet, to this age, humans remain their greatest enemies, for the Fortress still seeks to mine the Truncatop for its riches.   Those who foolishly decide to enter Banewood from the east will soon realize the dangers and hardship of this wild, untamed domain. The best amongst the Kril can predict the capricious temperament of the weather, for the skies often unleash torrents of rain, only to blast it with deceptively warm sunrays in the next moment. These torrential downpours swell the streams and create treacherous mud pits, which theKril are all too willing to use as traps. Perhaps you’ve been to Woodhaven and heard that something isn’t “worth losing your legs in the mud for” or that someone is stupidly “chasing gold into a pit.”   Yet, as if the fury of the heavens were not enough to dissuade you from seeking Kril, the biting gusts of the mountain winds descend at night with their icy breath. Many a corpse has been found in the morning sun, and those unfortunate enough to pass in such a way are said to be “kissed by the wind." Any life that endures here is shaped by a fierce determination and a deep-rooted understanding of the dangers of these lands. I suggest you never stray away from a friendly Kril who takes pity on you.

Cover image: by DALLE


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