Xorn Monstrosity

The Xorn live deep underground, where the earth's crust gives way to the hidden recesses of the unknown world below our own. They are typically known for their exclusive appetite for rocks, but some undergo a peculiar deviation in behavior. Unlike their mundane counterparts, Xorn Monstrosities exhibit an uncharacteristic openness to alternative diets, particularly when the allure of their next meal manifests in delectable layers of metal.   Xorn Monstrosities usually stay deep underground, but every now and then, some of them can be found in deep caves or dungeons. They do not have eyes but have excellent hearing. They are covered with hard spikes that can be very dangerous. Their bodies are designed to destroy rocks so no armor can withstand their strength.   Metallic Body. Xorn Monstrosities have the uncanny ability to temporarily assimilate properties of the metallic layers they consume. This mimicry grants them enhanced resilience against attacks and may imbue their strikes with a metallic, corrosive edge.   Spiked Body. Being covered by spikes, they can use any part of their body to attack with an element of surprise, making them formidable ambush predators.   Xorn Monstrosities are very aggressive creatures, but they are also solitary. Only in the depths of the earth one can find them in groups. Do not underestimate them, however—with almost perfect hearing, they usually know about your presence long before you can realize that they are nearby.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DALLE


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