New Year's Resolutions 2024

Devin's Favorite Articles

Nomads of Mercury by nnie (Ethnicity Special Category)
I really enjoyed this article about a people inhabiting Mars; it gave just enough information to make you want to go delving into other parts of the world, and made great use of summaries in tooltips. Plus, the cute little illustrations were to die for! And while I'm not usually an insect person, I'd take a Walker on my space journey any day.
Sarastran by mezzopatricia (Ethnicity Special Category)
In this article, I appreciate the depth of detail into each of the different aspects of life in this culture. My favorite thing was the rite of weighing the deceased's heart against the weight of a golden feather - and the plot hook of people who've left the faith/culture thinking that maybe the practice is rigged!
Shurrans by Kbence (Ethnicity Special Category)
A nice article setting up an interesting ethnicity for the author's novel. I was most intrigued by the idea of the Gardeners.
Imperial Citizens by AmélieIS (Ethnicity Special Category)
The article content is a fun romp and worth a read, but moreso I favorited this one to go back and admire the beautiful layout! I'm definitely going to go on a deep dive for layout ideas for current and future worlds, because it's a visual treat.
Testimonial 2.49-A by Elspeth87 (Technology Special Category)
Another simply beautiful layout (what can I say, I'm a sucker). But the piece of technology is great - something I wish we had here on Earth in 2024!
Tantalus by Lady Grayish (Technology Special Category)
Super fun, quick read - written in the format of a journal entry, it's the tale of an experiment gone wrong, but it leaves you wanting to know more about what happened.
Illusionist's Magemark by Myth-X (Spell Special Category)
This is the sort of spell that gives flavor - not that it couldn't have it's serious uses as well, but the simple mischief it inspires would make it perfect for any character who just needs to get into some trouble.
Alone Together by SpyglassRealms (Prose Special Category)
A bit of expository prose that gives you a nice intro to a really neat sci-fi universe!
Those That May Vanish by Jarhed (Profession Special Category)
Just enough brutal humanity imbued into a practical profession for any world to make it a super interesting read.
Wax Wing Season 1 by Usurperkings (Plot Special Category)
Wow? The detail and the work that went into this is stunning. It looks like a year of work, and I can't wait to delve into the world and the details.
Conferrence by Catoblepon (Natural Law Special Category)
A really neat article on how different schools of magic funtion in the author's world.
Rock Wettening by Zpires (Ritual Special Category)
Very appropriate for a New Year's Challenge, we have a super creative ritual for the author's world where the people write their new year's resolutions on rocks that get washed away later - definitely worth a read.
Crown Time Drain by Scalenex (Condition Special Category)
A very interesting take on the long lives of elves!
Mistglare Station by BCGR_Wurth (Settlement Special Category)
My favorite settlement was this space station - the article is not a terribly long read but it's well thought out with lots of fascinating little details and flavor.
Duck Buns by ninne124 (Item Special Category)
Duck Buns...a ceremony for semi-endangered ducks...beautiful has it all.
Whistling Jars by hughpierre (Item Special Category)
Every culture needs music, and these whistling jars are such a fun and flavorful addition to the author's world. The organization of the article was also great; made it easy to flow and read.
Saráhlinel by Dhelian (Character Special Category)
The article is a good read, with all the little details that keep one interested and looking into the world for more. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't even more enamored with some of the CSS and layout details, which all deserve a second and third and fifth look, which I'll be going back for.
Peacekeeper Kin Ch'aln by Elspeth87 (Character Special Category)
I love the details and the premise of the character, and the dissonance of just a hint of darkness and not-so-great tactics that might lurk under the surface.
The Hawk Riders by FibroJedi (Organization Special Category)
Delve into all the details about a group of people who work together with giant hawks.
Inkspeak by SableAradia (Language Special Category)
Both an excellent, creative article and an example of how we can't - and mostly probably don't want to! - escape our real-world experiences when we worldbuild.
Dhalmanite Funerary Practices by Naelin (Ritual Special Category)
A super unique and creative look into a culture's funerary practices, where there are a ton of options and you make a decision based on how you want your 'afterlife' to go. Super cool read.

Worldbuilding Resolutions

  • Participate in Adventure April
  • Participate in 2024 Worldember
  • Participate in at least 1 Other Challenge/Contest
  • Go back and make art for 2023 Worldember Articles
  • Clean up "WIP" list and either finish them or mark them off
  • Start 2nd World and/or Start Writing Prose in WSS
  • Prep some easy GM stuff to get ahead of future campaign
  • Learn how to using twig/custom sheets/etc

Creative Resolutions

Read a (New) Book a Month
*re-reads don't count, Devin
**fanfiction doesn't count, Devin
***reading makes your writing better, Devin

Finish Abandoned Fic
*a chapter a month won't kill you

At Least 1 Project a Month
Try Oils

Tackle a Project a Month
Work from Hoarded Supplies
Get the Machines Cleaned

3D Printing
Utilize HeroForge or Stop Subscribing
Learn Filament Printer
Open Press Project

Make Camp Gifts Before May
Get the rotary thing set up on the laser

'Real' Life Resolutions

  • Finish Wood Badge
  • Make decisions about another degree
  • Go back to the gym
  • prioritize mental health
  • find time for horses


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Jan 5, 2024 21:58 by Myth Cross

Thank you for including me in your Resolution, and thank you for enjoying that Magemark! : D I'm super happy you found value not only in the practical effect but the interactive effect! I try to leave a little room for stuff like that so ppl can have fun w it! I appreciate your review; I've also read many of the Articles listed here and you have a fine selection! Well met and best wishes in 2024!   PS. Love this page, wow! : D Very clean!


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 8, 2024 02:36 by Devin

You're welcome, it was a great article!   And thanks...sometimes I think it's a wonder I get any writing done, when I could spend all my time coding. Thankfully worldember gave a very concrete goal and reason to *not* do that!

Jan 6, 2024 18:49 by Sapha Burnell

Thank you for the highlight! I'm glad you're liking what's going down for Wax Wing, it's going to be an epically fun project and I'm super excited to continue development on it. Icarus and Lou are two characters who became their own real people, and it was intense thinking about what happened during the Wax Wing era, when I wrote the two later-timeline novels Char & Ash and Son of Abel.   Can't wait to see more from you!   Cheers, and happy 2024!

Jan 8, 2024 02:38 by Devin

You're welcome, and happy 2024!

Jan 7, 2024 18:52 by spleen

ooo I like your css! good luck on your resolutions!

Have a wonderful day!
Jan 8, 2024 02:39 by Devin

Thanks! I sat down to write this article in my regular world and remember I had unlimited worlds and could make a non-world CSS for articles like this...and down the rabbit hole we went. At least it wasn't just coding with no purpose. (:

Jan 10, 2024 20:39 by Elspeth

Thank you so much for the kind words and for mentioning two of my articles! I really appreciate it. And I'm so glad you picked up on the darkness in Kin! <3   Good luck with your goals. They seem like a really smart set of resolutions. I can't wait to see what you create. Do you have a plan for a new world?

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 11, 2024 19:53 by Annie Stein

Best of luck with all those goals! You've got a lot of cool ideas for the upcoming year, and you reminded me that I wanna experiment a bit with linocuts too.   Thanks for the feature too, it always means a lot to get such praise for my work, and I'm so glad the Walkers also appeal to other people who're scared of insects (I am a total wuss about them myself!)

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!