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Bards are the pre-eminent entertainers of Devorn and are popular from one corner of the world to every other. Bards are often found within town squares or taverns, as they perform their routines and try to earn their way in the world by busking. Other Bards may find themselves the resident entertainer at a noble court or a wealthy patrons go to party guest. Becoming a Bard is relatively simple of course, all you need is a routine to entertain a crowd with and the charisma to pull it off. Bards come from all walks of life and have learnt their skills either by trial and error while busking alone in a tavern or as part of a larger player's troupe or production company performing larger pieces on stages.   Bards perform a wide variety of routines from instrumental musical pieces to comedy routines and costumed dramatic plays. Regardless of what specifically a Bards routine is, one fact remains the same, it is the profession of meritocracy where the more skilled an individual is the more crowns they can make.  
Busking (EMP)
A Bard is a wonderful thing to have around, especially when the party’s low on money. A Bard can take an hour and make a Busking roll in the nearest town centre. The total of this roll is the amount of money raked in by the Bard while they perform on the street. A fumble can lower the roll, and a negative value means that not only do you fail to make any coin but you are also harassed by the locals for your poor performance, resulting in a -2 to Charisma with anyone in the town for the rest of the day.
The Charmer The Informant The Manipulator
Return Act (EMP) Fade (INT) Poison the Well (EMP)
Before attempting a Busking roll a Bard can roll Return Act at a DC set by the GM to see whether they have played in this town before. If the roll is successful, the Bard has made a name for themselves in this town already. Not only is their Busking income doubled but they gain a +2 Charisma with everyone in at that venue. A Bard can make a Fade roll against multiple targets’ Awareness rolls to fade into the background. This ability allows a Bard to hide even when there are no good hiding places, by slipping into a conversation, drawing attention to something else, or the like. This ability doesn’t work if you are wearing really flashy clothing. A Bard can make a Poison the Well roll against a target’s EMPx3 when they are trying to influence a person or people. If successful, the Bard makes a pointed comment that imposes a -1 for each point they rolled above the DC to the target’s Seduction, Persuasion, Leadership, Intimidation or Charisma rolls.
Raise a Crowd (EMP) Spread the Word (INT) Needling (EMP)
By taking a full round to perform, you can roll Raise A Crowd to captivate anyone within 20m. Anyone who doesn’t make a Resist Coercion roll higher than your initial roll can do nothing but watch you perform until they succeed at rolling above your initial roll. If attacked a target will snap out of it. A Bard who rolls a successful Deceit roll against a target can then roll Spread the Word against the target’s Resist Coercion roll. If they succeed the target spreads the Bard’s lie around the target’s settlement or group, giving the Bard a +2 to Deceit when trying to pass off that lie again to someone else. A Bard can make a Needling roll against a target’s Resist Coercion roll. If successful, the bard goads them with obscenities and threats until they attack. The target takes a negative to their attack and defence equal to half the Bard’s Needling value, lasting for as many rounds as the Needling value.
Good Friend (EMP) Acclimatize (INT) Et Tu Brute (EMP)
Once per session a Bard can make a Good Friend roll to find a friend to aid them. Take the total roll and split these points up between the 3 categories in the Good Friend chart in the sidebar. This friend will do one reasonable thing for old times’ sake, then cannot be called on again for free and must be convinced. When in a settlement a Bard can roll Acclimatize (See Acclimatize chart for DC). If successful, the Bard learns how to appear as a local and will no longer be treated as an outsider. This grants a +2 to Charisma & Persuasion with locals and means that they won’t be questioned or harassed like an outsider. A Bard can roll Et Tu Brute against a target’s WILLx3 to turn them against one ally. If successful the Bard’s lies and half-truths makes the target treat that ally with mistrust and animosity for as many days as the Et Tu Brute value or until they make a Resist Coercion roll that beats the Et Tu Brute roll.


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