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Criminals are the ne'er-do-wells of Devorn and encompass everything from bandits and thieves to assassins and spies. Most Criminals are simply out for themselves looking to gain wealth or power, some however look to advance the objectives of their nation or liege while operating in secret. All Criminals however share one certainty, if they were ever caught, if they were lucky they'd be killed or if their luck had run out they'd experience something even worse. Criminals can be found in most often in the dark spaces of Devorn: rooftops in the dead of night, hidden in the underbrush of a thick forest, smuggling goods down a lonely river.   Most Criminals come from poorer backgrounds that they seek an easier escape from. A select few Criminals however are more well-to-do individuals chasing after the excitement that only crime brings them. Any Criminal worth their weight learns the laws of the lands they're in and how best to avoid running afoul of the guard.  
Practiced Paranoia (INT)
Whether they’re an assassin, a thief, a counterfeiter, or a smuggler, criminals all share a practiced paranoia that keeps them out of trouble. Whenever a Criminal comes within 10m of a trap (this includes experimental traps, Man at Arms booby traps, and ambushes) they immediately can make a Practiced Paranoia roll at either the DC to spot the trap, the ambushing party’s Stealth roll, or a DC set by the GM. Even if they don’t succeed in spotting the trap, they are still aware that something is wrong.
The Thief The Gang Boss The Assassin
Case the Area (INT) Weak Spot (EMP) Careful Aim (DEX)
A Criminal can take an hour to wander the streets of a Settlement and roll Case the Area against a DC in the Case the Area chart. If successful, the Criminal memorizes guard patterns, street layouts, and hiding spots for a +2 to Stealth in that area for a number of days equal to their Case the Area value. A Criminal can roll Weak Spot against a sentient target’s Deceit roll to identify the target’s most valued possession or person. This also grants the Criminal a +1 to Intimidate for every 2 points they rolled above the target’s Deceit. This Intimidation bonus lasts until something happens t change the target’s weak spot. A Criminal who’s not in active combat and takes a round to aim can roll Careful Aim at a DC equal to their target’s REFx3 to gain a bonus on their next attack equal to half their Careful Aim value. Being spotted after making this roll but before attacking halves the bonus.
Mental Key (INT) Marked Man (WILL) Eye Gouge (DEX)
Whenever a Criminal success fully picks a lock, they can roll Mental Key at a DC equal to the Lock Picking DC to memorize its tumbler positions. This allows the Criminal to open the lock without a Lock Picking roll. You can memorize as many locks as you have points in INT and can always replace one. A Criminal can roll Marked Man at a DC equal the target’s EMPx3 to mark a target by carving a mark on their door, or the like. If successful the target must make a Charisma, Persuasion, or Intimidation check that beats your Marked Man roll to get any help or service from anyone in their settlement. A Criminal can roll Eye Gouge in place of an attack to temporarily blind a target. Eye Gouge requires the Criminal to be in melee range and imposes a -3 to hit. However if it hits, the target takes an unmodified 2d6 damage and is blinded for a number of rounds equal to the Eye Gouge value.
Go To Ground (INT) Rally (WILL) Assassin's Strike (DEX)
Once per session a Criminal can roll Go to Ground to find a hideout where they can lie low for a while. Take the total value of your Go to Ground roll and split the points between the 3 categories in the Go to Ground table in the sidebar. This hideout remains until destroyed, and you can always return to it. Once per day, by taking an hour, a Criminal can roll a Rally check against a DC set by the GM. For every 2 you roll above the DC they recruit 1 Bandit for a number of days equal to your Rally value. If a Bandit is knocked below half health they must roll under the Criminal’s WILL on a 10 sided die or flee. When ambushing a target, a Criminal can make an Assassin’s Strike roll against the target’s Awareness roll to conceal themselves after an attack. This ability can be used in any situation but imposes penalties based on light and cover conditions. Multiple opponents can each roll to spot the Criminal.


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