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Man At Arms

Man At Arms are the trained soldiers of Devorn, not the peasant rabble that makes up the majority of a war but the truly skilled knights and warriors who make up an army's strength. What sets a Man At Arms about from a run of the mill soldier is their inherent talent for conflict and its resolution, much deadlier and far more decisive than your average peasant with a spear. The majority of Man At Arms begin their training at a young age and learn the basics of warfare: wielding a weapon, duelling an opponent, and rudimentary tactics. This training continues throughout their lives until they become experts at all forms of combat they may enter into.   Man At Arms fight for many things: Honour, justice, loyalty to their liege, and money being amongst the most common reasons. Rarely do Man At Arms truly make a name for themselves outside of the troops they command or masters they serve. When they do it's for moments of bravery or strategic brilliance so great that Bards can't help but spread and perhaps embellish their story. Most Man At Arms are relatively well compensated for what they do, though of course this varies from liege to liege, as a noble without skilled knights or a nation without skilled commanders is frankly doomed to fall. A select few Man At Arms serve no liege and earn their wage by fighting in the various tournaments and melees of Beregan.   Combat Skills are: Archery, Athletics, Brawling, Crossbow, Dodge/Escape, Melee, Riding, Small Blades, Staff/Spear, Swordsmanship, and Tactics.  
Tough As Nails (BODY)
When a Man At Arms falls to or below 0 Health, they can roll Tough As Nails at a DC equal to the number of negative Health x2 to keep fighting. If they fail, they fall into the Death State as per usual. If they succeed, they can keep fighting as if they were only at their Wound threshold. Any damage forces them to make another roll against the DC based on their Health.
The Marksman The Bounty Hunter The Reaver
Extreme Range (DEX) Bloodhound (INT) Fury (WILL)
When making a ranged attack that would take range penalties, a Man At Arms can lower the penalty by up to half their Extreme Range value. They can also make an Extreme Range roll (DC:16) to attack targets within 3 times the range of their weapon at a -10 which can be modified by Extreme Range. When tracking a target or trying to find a trail, a Man At Arms adds their Bloodhound value to Wilderness Survival rolls to find the trail or follow it. If the Man At Arms loses the trail while tracking with this ability, they can roll Bloodhound at a DC set by the GM to pick the trail back up immediately. A Man At Arms can roll Fury at a DC equal to their EMPx3. If they succeed, the Man At Arms becomes immune to fear, spells that change emotions, and Verbal Combat for a number of rounds equal to their Fury value x2. During this time, rage clouds their thinking and instinct takes over.
Twin Shot (DEX) Booby Trap (CRA) Zweihand (BODY)
When making a ranged attack with a thrown weapon or a bow, a Man At Arms can roll their Twin Shot in place of their normal weapon skill. If they hit, they strike with two projectiles and damage two randomly rolled parts of the body. Even if the attack is aimed, the second projectile will hit a random location. A Man At Arms can make a Booby Trap roll to set a makeshift trap in a specific area. See the Booby Trap table for traps that can be built. The Man At Arms can only build one type of trap at a time. Every trap has a 2m radius tripwire and requires an Awareness roll at a DC equal to your Booby Trap roll to spot. By spending 10 STA and rolling Zweihand -3 against an opponent’s defence, a Man At Arms can make one attack which does double damage and has armour piercing. If the weapon already has armour piercing, it gains improved armour piercing. A weapon with improved armour piercing gains 3d6 damage.
Pin Point Aim (DEX) Tactical Awareness (INT) Shrug It Off (BODY)
A Man At Arms who scores a critical with their ranged weapon can immediately roll Pin Point Aim at a DC equal to the target’s DEXx3. If they succeed, they add their Pin Point Aim value to their critical roll. These points only affect the location value of the Critical Wound. Instead of moving, a Man At Arms can roll Tactical Awareness to gain insight into a whole group of opponents. The Man At Arms gains +3 to attack and defence rolls against every enemy within 10m whose DEXx3 is lower than that roll, for one round. This ability also tells the Man At Arms what each affected opponent is about to do. A number of times per game session equal to their BODY value, a Man At Arms can spend 10 STA to immediately roll Shrug It Off when an enemy strikes a Critical Wound on them. If their roll beats the enemy’s attack roll, they can negate the Critical Wound, taking damage as if the enemy hadn’t rolled a critical.


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