Merchants Profession in Devorn | World Anvil
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Merchants are the traders, hawkers, and caravaners of Devorn. If the Craftsmen are the backbone of society upon Devorn, then the Merchants are the lifeblood. Merchants bring the people of Devorn the things they need from across continents and across the world, if of course they have the coin to pay for the items. Merchants come in many different shapes and sizes, from small time market sellers to large organised trading companies. Merchants are not just useful for the goods they sell but also the knowledge they bring with them on their journeys, few professions travel as far or as frequently as a Merchant.   Becoming and staying a Merchant is as much about the contacts you make as it is about the goods you carry. The only way to make the best profit after all is to make sure you're receiving the best prices on products in the first place. Merchants often aspire to open their own permanent storefront within one of the major cities of Devorn. These storefronts are rare and require an extensive supply line and contact list to operate profitably.  
Well Travelled (INT)
Your average merchant makes a living from trade, and that trade brings in customers from all around. But a traveling merchant goes to their customers, wandering roads of the world and learning from its people. A Merchant can make a Well Travelled roll any time they want to know a fact about a specific item, culture, or area. The DC is set by the GM, and if the roll is successful the Merchant remembers the answer to that question, calling on memories of the last time they travelled through the applicable area.
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Options (INT) Rookery (EMP) Well Connected (WILL)
A Merchant can roll Options against a DC set by the GM to find a lower price on an item. If they succeed the Merchant finds another person selling the same item for half the price. The higher the item rarity, the higher the DC should be. Options does not affect experimental, witcher, or relic items. A Merchant can make a Rookery roll at a DC based on the settlement they are in to gain the aid of 1 urchin or vagrant per 1 point they rolled over the DC (maximum 10). These people can be consulted to grant +1 per person on Streetwise rolls. Informants take 1 crown each as payment each time they are consulted. On first entering a settlement, a Merchant can spend an hour spreading word of their arrival, then roll Well Connected at a DC based on the settlement. Success raises their reputation in that settlement by a number equal to the amount you roll over the DC divided by 2 (minimum 1), for 1d6 Weeks.
Hard Bargain (EMP) Insider (INT) Fence (INT)
When bribing a target a Merchant can roll Hard Bargain at a DC equal to the opponent’s WILLx3. If they succeed, they can bribe the opponent with any item they have at hand that is worth 5 crowns. The object always grants +3 Persuasion. The DC rises by 5 for truly ridiculous bribes. A Merchant with Insider can convince a person to spy for them. Spend 10 crowns and roll Insider versus the person’s Resist Coercion roll. If it is successful the person will spy on a target for as many days as your Insider value. At the end of this time you can roll again, but must pay again. A Merchant who has to get rid of a dubious or stolen item can make a Fence roll at a DC determined by the GM. If they succeed, they sell the item (at full market price) to a buyer who won’t ask any serious questions and won’t turn them in to the Guard.
Promise (EMP) Treasure Map (INT) Warrior's Debt (EMP)
When attempting to buy an item, a Merchant can make a Promise roll at a DC equal to the Salesperson’s EMPx3. If they succeed the salesperson accepts the Merchant’s promise to pay for the item later. This promise holds the salesperson over a number of weeks equal to your Promise ability. Once per session a Merchant can roll Treasure Map at a DC set by the GM to remember the supposed location of a relic item, or a ruin that may hide something useful. This location will, of course, be out of the way or exceedingly dangerous, requiring a quest. Reaching this item or ruin should require a full session. A Merchant can roll Warrior’s Debt to call on a fighter who owes them. Split your roll between the 3 sections on the Warrior table in the sidebar. This warrior will work for you for a number of days equal to your Warrior’s Debt value and take any reasonable order you give without asking questions.


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