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Pirates of the Tornett Isles

The Pirates of the Tornett Isles are the largest association of pirates in Devorn, formed in 345 P.U. on Halimeny Island in the Tornett Isles. The influence of the Tornett Crews has waxed and waned over the centuries, at their height their ships could be sighted along the entire western coast of Beregan and across the Reppenterre Crossing to the Gemello Twins. Each crew of pirates generally operates independently, flying their own flag and taking their own plunder, until events occur that require the cooperation of multiple crews at which point the true colours are raised and the might of the Tornett Isles unleashed. Operating under a Pirate Code of Honour the Pirates of the Tornett Isles will not perform acts of atrocity on the crews of ships they plunder, the punishment for breaking the code is not widely known but most assume it is decidedly painful and inevitably deadly.   Membership in the Pirates of the Tornett Isles is relatively simple, any sailor or captain aboard a ship berthed in the Tornett Isles that commits acts of piracy is welcome to join the association. Prospective members must find an active Captain of the Tornett Crews and petition for entry, this process is simpler for a sailor as opposed to an individual captaining their own ship. A sailor must simply approach any docked ship belonging to the association and if the Captain on board deems them fit, they may join the crew and the association by default. In contrast, if a captain wished to join the fleet they must petition two Captains of the Tornett Crews to vouch for their character and ability to the association to earn provisional membership.


The leader of the Pirates of the Tornett Isles is known as the Admiral and is responsible for organising entire fleet actions and settling large inter-fleet disputes. The word of the Admiral is effectively law amongst members of the association, as such poor excuses for Admiral often find themselves at the bottom of the ocean very quickly. An Admiral is the only member of the Tornett Crews who may propose a change to the Pirate Code. On the death or retirement of an Admiral, any Captain of the association may put their name forward to become the new Admiral. A new Admiral is chosen via a vote amongst all Commanders and Captains of the association, though you may not vote for yourself.   Beneath the Admiral are the three Commanders of the association who are nominally in charge of the three great sea regions: The Repenterre Crossing, The Tornett Tides, and the Eastern Shining Ocean. Commanders settle inter-fleet disputes amongst the Captains in their regions while also maintaining the strongholds and ports of the association in those regions. Commanders may choose their successors from amongst all the Captains of the association, though most often they choose one from their own region.   Beneath the Commanders are the Captains of the association. The individual masters of ships across the three great sea regions Captains are responsible for the wellbeing and profitability of their crews as well as heeding a call to arms from the Admiral. Any Captain that is shown to be derelict of duty or to have broken the Pirate Code suffers greatly, so it has become a rare sight indeed. Captains may also decide to give away their ships and to look after one of the association holdings on land if they so desire.   Beneath the Captains are the Crewmates who make up an overwhelming majority of the members of the association. Generally between 10-50 Crewmates can be found on any one ship in the association fleet, each a part of the internal hierarchy of that ship and beholden to both the Pirate Code and the word of their Captain and Admiral. Most Crewmates are former merchant sailors or ex-commissioned navy sailors who couldn't give up the sea, even if they were often only briefly on the 'right' side of the law.

Take Yours and Race the Gallows

Founding Date
345 P.U.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Alternative Names
Tornett Crews


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