The Corsan Peaks Geographic Location in Devorn | World Anvil
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The Corsan Peaks

The Corsan Peaks are a mountain range reaching across the wider northern half of Beregan. The mountains provide shelter and structure to northern Beregan and the nations that belong to it. Cradling within its giant arms the Foritas Valley to the west and the Essker Dunes to the east. The melting snow atop the peaks provide enough water for six river systems: the Rastun River, the Klineston River, the Livslan River, the Riv Stjana, The River Corsan, and The White River. The plentiful ore deposits within the ancient stone peaks are heavily mined and prospectors search for new deposits each year.    The search for viable paths to cross the central Corsan Peaks has been an ongoing effort from the start of the Unshackled Years. The Order of the Broken Tome has offered a standing reward to any who can complete a thorough survey that includes a feasible path.
Alternative Name(s)
The Spine of Beregan
Mountain Range


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