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Commander Artimesia Faulistus

Commander Artimesia Faulistus

Commander Artimesia Faulistus was an able naval commander who hunted pirates on the savage seas for many years. Pirates grudgingly respected her for her dogged persistence. Her last task as a sea captain was to capture the pirate Captain Ironguts. However, because of the pirate’s magical abilities, he was always able to elude Commander Faulistus. She only caught up with Ironguts’ ship after the pirate’s death in a mutiny led by his oncetrusted first-mate. Commander Faulistus captured the mutinous first-mate but lost her legs in the process. Commander Faulistus retired after her grievous injury and was given Captain Ironguts’ ship for her years of meritorious service. She renamed the vessel the Grand Shanty because of the singing ghosts who arrive each dusk and dawn to care for the ship. She converted the boat into the permanently docked, floating tavern it is today. During the day, Artimesia travels the ship, ensuring all is in order. When not touring the boat, she enjoys watching the sea from the poop deck (A1) or reading in her cabin (A3) with Hoots Magoo. During the ghosting hours at dawn and dusk, the commander is usually joined by the ghost of Captain Ironguts, with the two often engrossed in conversation on a bench atop the quarter deck (A2). Appearance: In retirement, Artimesia still proudly wears her commander’s regalia. Despite needing to rely upon her wheelchair most of the time, she remains as strong and confident as ever. Her wheelchair is compact and mobile. She had handrails installed on all stairs throughout the ship, allowing her to lift herself and her wheelchair between decks. As a result, she has developed powerful forearms and can likely win arm-wrestling competitions with most of her crew.

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Neutral Good
Black with a tinge of blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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