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Inva Norqumtor

Inva Norqumtor

TLDR: Mother Phasansa Norqumtor, matriarch of Lolth. Father Bhandou. Brothers Mukad, and Ralre. Sister Tristalia. Lover, Narrec. I was a scout to in slave humans on the surface. I stole holy scriptures of Elistree from my mothers room. Tristalia attacked me and Narrec. She killed Narrec and left me for Dead. Followed songs to escape the underdark. That was about three months ago. I have been traveling, looking for any followers of Elistree. Born and raised in the underdark to the matriarch Phasansa Norqumtor, and father Bhandou. Phasansa was a high priestess of Lolth. Bhandou was the leader of “Lolth’s Fang” a raiding and slaver group against the surface. I had three other siblings. Two brothers Mukad age 55, Ralre age 96, and a sister Tristalia age 120. I had a decent relationship with my brothers. They would constantly mock me for being weak. Call me a prettyboy but they mostly kept it to lightish ribbing, so I guess it was fine. My sister on the other hand was a total bitch. She treated all men like they were less than dirt. She was conniving and strong as well. she would manipulate people into believing I was the aggressor in any conflict we would have. and the one time i got in a fight with her, she beat the shit out of me; breaking my arm. Life in the underdark was unpleasant but it could have been worse. With mother being a mattreach, constant service from slaves, and our families high status let me live a life mostly focused on training. I became a very agle fighter but my strength never even compared to that of my father or brothers. When we would raid the surface, father mostly tasked me with being a scout, or lookout. Rarely fighting with the rest of the men. I became quite skilled at hiding and not being noticed. Human settlements never see us coming in the dark. One day I was practicing stealthing around the house, and found myself in mothers quarters. I noticed that the desk had been left unlocked which never happens. I checked the desk to see if anything had been stolen. Under a false bottom I found an old and weathered book. Not thinking this could be dangerous I started reading. It told of Elistree and how she works her ways. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but it really interested me. Knowing of its existence, I found myself reading whenever my mother was away. Reading turned into copying, till I had a full copy of the book. At first the book seemed fun. The idea of worshiping a forgotten member of the dark silerin sounded cool and bold. Almost a joke. But the more I read the more I saw the lie. Why do we live in the underdark? If we are as powerful as we say we are, why not conquer the surface. The truth is it's about power: Lolth’s power. Us being down here makes it easier for her to control us. I started to realize that what I did was horrible. We killed entire villages and enslaved anyone we found capable. And we attack who we attacked on my orders. I couldn’t stop, but it began to weigh on my how much harm I brought to people. Around the same time I became close with one of the members of our raiding group named Narrec; son of the house of Silk. He was young like me, but everything that I was not. He was strong when I was weak. He was decisive when I was conflicted. He always had my back. I felt safe when he was around: like no enemy could stand before us. The more time we spent together, the closer we become. It felt like he was the only one I could be open with. He loved me for who I was, flaws and all. I even ended up telling him about Elistree, and that I was a follower. He agreed with the ideals but realized how dangerous it was. He promised to protect me. I have never felt as safe and happy as I did in his arms. The world just felt right. Then came the day that changed everything. Me and Narrec were returning to the underdark after a scouting mission. We were talking and enjoying ourselves when I heard someone behind us say “Elliya Lolthu”. Narrec pushed me to the ground to get me out of the way as Tristalia jumped out and attacked me. Narrec drew his sword and began fighting with Tristalia. I just sat there almost in shock. I knew how strong she was but Narrec was holding his own. She backed off as if to catch her breath. She said “Did you really think no one would find out that you're a traitor. You lived under the house of a matriarch, and Lolth sees all. It was only a matter of time till your intent was made clear. So how about I kill your little boyfriend and then you slowly.” She then pointed her off hand at Narrec as a black bolt of a crossbow shot out from under her sleeves. But he didn’t even flinch, he caught it with his hand and threw it right back at her, striking her on the cheek. At this I could see the confidence drain from her eyes. She might actually lose this fight. She looked around for a way out. Then she caught sight of me. With a slight smile she pointed her arm at me. Shooting a bolt square at my chest. Narrec jumped in front of me trying to catch this bolt as well. But he missed the bolt shot through his hand and into his chest. With this opening Tristalia struck at Narrec with her sword catching him in the neck. I jumped to his side. As she looked at me she chuckled and said. “This is perfect. He has two minutes max, so let's give you five, and you can watch his last moments.” With Narrec in my arms she took her sword and ran it through my chest. She then left us there to die. The world went black. Then music. A soft melody of a harp and I woke up. The wound in my chest was still there but the bleeding had stopped. I followed the music to the surface and sense then I have been trying to find anyone else that knows of Elistraee. Maybe start a new life on the surface.   Extra things about Inva and her family   Mukad is a fighter that specializes in two weapon fighting   Ralre is a gloom stalker ranger.
Chaotic Good
Right eye Blue, Left eye Red
White Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Charcoal Grey

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