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Isaris Amberhands (E-sar-iss Amber-Hands)

Appearance: Almond skin tone with more wrinkles than would be expected for her age, showing an eventful life. Scars of varying severity show she lived an adventures life. One particularly bad one runs from beside her right eye back under her hairline. Green eyes with flecks of brown. Auburn hair that deepens to black at the tips, with grey starting to show around the temples. Short and thin, unhealthy looking. Oddly proportioned, looks like her legs don't match her body, like they're too short. Wears a decent quality, copper colored tunic with gold embellishments, and a black and copper leather corset with gold buckles. A rough looking cloak shows the scars of many battles and miles traveled. She wears several small bits of gold jewelry; On her right ear a thick cuff dangles delicate chains to a stud in her earlobe. On her left ear a small coin with the face forward dangles from her earlobe, an emerald glitters in her conch and 3 delicate hoops line the highest point of her ear. Three small balls follow below the line of her scar. She also has a small ball below her smile line and another between her nose and lips.   Personality: Is the first to respond to any challenge but will stand back and let others shine when their risk is greater than her own. She will secretly help from the sidelines and then claim that Tymora was on their side.   Ideals: No Limits - Despite her frailty she will go and do anything regardless of if she "can" or not.   Bonds: Dedicated to proving she is more than her illness and dedicated to Tymora for putting luck on her side in her pursuit of a full life.   Flaws: Dedicated to proving she is more than her illness and dedicated to Tymora for putting luck on her side in her pursuit of a full life.

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