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Noamurua's Brewing Bar

Owner: The bar is run by Noamurua Uthal, a Elf who has long flashy white hair with a broke arrow stuck in the side of their head.   Description:
The exterior is a non-descript wooden store front with a window on either side of a door, and a sign with a broken arrow hanging above it. When you enter the scent of turkey fills the air. The simple but clean looking wooden walled interior glints with mirrors covering the inside (to deter pickpockets). To the left of the bar is a small, elevated stage with a door between the two leading to a room in the back for performers to get ready. A hallway on the far end leads to a few rooms and beyond them a staircase to the remaining rooms on the second floor.
There are 5 rooms for rent at a cost of 11 SP each.   Specialty Drink: ~ Demons Blood ~ 10 SP. A pint with a black liquid and red spots floating inside. If any other creature other than a fiend, Tiefling, or devil drinks this they take 3 Necrotic Damage, and must make a CON save DC 10 or be poisoned for 5 hour(s), taking 2 poison damage every hour. The creature cannot heal while poisoned by the drink. If the creature falls unconscious the poison stops until the creature is awake. The creature can still be stabilized.

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