The Dancing Horse
The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Pg. 72
The Dancing Horse rests in the center of its home town, surrounded by merchant stalls and stables to meet a traveler’s every need. The townsfolk refer to this social hub as “a second home,” reveling in the festive drunken energy that prevails every sundown. Having first opened to welcome travelers, this generous location has room and board for members of all races.
The Dancing Horse is what all taverns and inns strive to be. With all the magic and nuance of fantasy aside, this is a respite from everything but traveler’s intrigues. Most guests visiting the Dancing Horse have business elsewhere, and in an almost unnatural way their tasks always hold great importance, even if they are not aware of it. Player characters who choose to eavesdrop will find themselves embroiled in situations of varying gravity, as many quests here are external to the tavern, and can require the party to be anywhere from level 1-6.
The Dancing Horse is the classic small-town tavern archetype, and can easily be dropped into an existing setting. Because of the range of its quests, it makes an ideal “home base” area: a safe resting place for the party to visit between adventures.
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