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The Sunset Beacon

The muddy streets and thatched-roof buildings give way to a section of large homes with well kept fronts and gated properties. The roofs of the town are interrupted by a small yet brilliant beacon: A temple emblazoned with an emblem of a golden sun breaching the horizon. The cornices shine with sun-bright streaks of golden paint, and the columns holding the roof aloft depict scenes of nets and baskets overflowing with fish, healthy babies born to smiling parents and siblings, and other examples of happy abundance.   The head of the temple is Delgian Ducka, a human woman around 50 years of age. She wears yellow robes with a gold sun embroidered on the back. She does not cut a very imposing figure as she walks with a slouch but will stand straight to her full 5'6" when asserting herself. Her chestnut & grey laced hair is styled in orderly dreadlocks. She has violet eyes and many wrinkles around her mouth and eyes from years of smiling.   Thrak is a young acolyte of the temple. He has sun bleached hair & coffee colored skin.

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