Dream Berry Bush

Basic Information


The plant that produces Dream Berries, have a purple hue to the leaves. It is a stout bush that will rise to about 3 feet tall in hieght, but will spread. When teh bush spreads it will put more roots down.
Leaves have the appearance of a rounded arrow. Leaves sizes range from an inch to three inches long, at the thickest up to three inches wide.
Stems and leaf veins are dark purple, nearing on black.

Genetics and Reproduction

Teh berries produced by the bush contain itty bitty seeds that will easily spread. But require teh fruit to break down around them to gernerate teh germination process. The inital berry can act as the initial food source.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed, seedling, bush are stages of the plant.

Ecology and Habitats

A cemetary.
The bush requires decomposing material to grow and stay alive. Most often the berries from teh plant itself will act as this food.
But animals that eat the berries, or nibble on the leaves are also used as food for the bush. Some have been known to plant the bush attop a Grave. When the plant no longer florishes the corpse underneath has become a grouping of bones.
In fact some people donate their bodies to be used as nutrients for the Dream Berry bush.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Decaying plants or animals. Does significantly better when corpses are in soil under the bush. Though will live off of the decaying berries that it produces once berries have dropped to the ground.

Biological Cycle

Leaves begin to shed after first snow. Leaves and berries that have fallen to the ground tend to be the intial food source at the end of winter.
basically last plant to lose its leaves and first to wake up. Can function in cold, but not freezing temps.
So in warmer areas leaves will fall after berries and then immediately begin to regenerate.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Roots, leaves, stems, and berries are all poisonious. If used correctly and in extremely small doses can be used for medicinal reasons, but extremely risky to use.
Though berries smell yummy, that is a trick! Do NOT eat the berries!


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