Morgue Warren Character in Diary of Grim Witch | World Anvil

Morgue Warren

Morrigan - Warren (a.k.a. Morgue)

Morgue, Morrigan, is the main character of "Diary of a Grim" witch.
Her story begins with her death.
An artist and lover of knowledge she adapted to life without magic. Thinking she had no way of accessing magic, or posisbly not even having any. But it was through a lost timeline she learned the truth. She did have magic it was just locked away, deep inside of her.
She died with teh regret she never confronted those who claimed to love her, but locked her magic and a part of her away.
Given a second chance, having somehow aquired the attention of the embodiment of Death herself.
With her new chance Morgue made the decision to live for herself and her dreams. Not the expeactations of others, or what others think she should do. Taking on the role of apprentice to Doris and Deloris, to become the next Archivist.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Born with Auburn hair, after her death on February 14, 2017 and getting sent back in time her hair turned White. Along with white hair she no longer gets a tan, her skin stays at a pale ivory.
She can easily dye her hair, so sometimes decides to dye it random colors for various legnths of time.

Special abilities

Connection to Death, and Life.
Can sense when someone is nearing their death.
Through her art work she can draw the past, using visions. She does not have to be at the event to be able to see what happened.
Kinda Immortal
Soulmate connection:
Sense well being of soulmate.
Telepathy, with soulmate
Pack Connection:
At a young age Mac claimed her as a member of his pack. Since she is not a wolf the connection isn't nearly as strong as a wolf's connection. But especailly during the full moon Morrigan can sense the members of the pack. In wolf form, or human form, the pack recognizes Morrigan as a pack mate.
In moments of high distress or upon pack member death, i.e. someone getting murdered, the pack can sense her being in need of help. Thus Mac going beserk in the lost timeline when she dies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morrigan was born on August 15, 1998
First act of magic was when she was five years old.
Her father passed away in 2005, and with his death her magic no longer seemed to work.
From age 7 to 18 Morrigan's mother and grandmother tried to get her to perform magic in a way similar to their own. They even tried channeling her magic for her. Nothing worked. So they and their coven started treating her as a 'Failure of a witch'.
In the timeline that Morrigan died in she would learn that her magic was blocked by her mothers coven. They tried to block the magic she inherited from her father, and bring forth magic like her mothers. This did not work and instead Morrigan grew up thinking she had no magic, or was a failure of a witch.
She read and studied magical resources, and absorbed the knowledge of magic and the craft. But couldn't perform magic herself.
Instead she did research and helped her friends to grow and expand their magic. While never accessing her own.
Morrigan grew up thinking that her fathers coven had abandoned her, when this was in fact false. The coven had been lied to, as they would have recognized the block on her magic. Since her magic was still growing...With no outlet.
From August of 2016 to February 2017 Morrigan joined her friends in sticking their noses in places they didn't belong, as claimed by those around them. She helped to perform research and look for clues, doing her best to stay out of action.
February 2017 she walked into the woods with her friends, trying to stop Devlin's group from performing a ritual. It is in the woods that fateful night that a knife was driven into her heart.
She then met Death for the first time. And when she woke up it was her birthday August 15, 2016. The previous six months were erased.


Aprentice Archivist


Hobbies & Pets


Cat (familiar)
Fun fact from Kat: I grew watching Charmed(1998) series, so the last name 'Warren' was inspired by the show!
Date of Birth
August 15
Date of Death
February 14
1998 2017
Circumstances of Death
Died in place of her friend in a sacrifice, death was undone
White, long wavy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Ivory
210 lbs


Author's Notes

This article will be added to over time, as more happens in the story.

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