

Generally for protection. Now some wards act as warnings as well, or varous other means.
If say a ward was created around a house to inform an occupant, by whatever means they chose, that someone has crossed specific point. This simply would be almost like a magical doorbell.
Another building such as a vault, may have a ward that prevents anyone from entering except specific individuals. Or a house only lets people in that have been invited by an member of the household.


The process of constructing a ward varies from ward to ward. Completed by ritual or spell. Look to specific wards for details.

Social Impact

Magical beings were able to stop running, and were able to settle into proper homes.
Order of The White Raven was able to stop moving artifacts constantly.
Various, no one specific inventor.
Access & Availability
Just about anyone, magical, could attempt a ward, most often it is about intent.
Many magical beings on an individual scale can develop and create their own wards. Some wards may require more power behind them than others.
Can be very simple or extremely complex. It is a wide range of complexity.
Larger wards are more complex than small ones. That is not to say that small wards can't be complex.
For example a shielding ward can be simple in that it shields the user from one thing. Like a Shield ward could be cast on an object, that a person wears. But the shield only protects against knifes not fire, or only protects from physical attacks.
When a ward is going against other magic it needs to be more complex.
Some wards are spells, while others may involve rituals.
Wards were discovered and curated by a need for protection and survival. There are various forms of wards, and they can be created or produced in various ways.
Many wards were developed by magical beings as a way to protect themselvse from humans, and other magical beings.


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