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Blessings of the Gods and How They Work

To strengthen their followers and the races they patronize and protect them from the Curse of the Forsaken, the Gods have granted blessings to most of the mortals of Dicathia. Blessings are given to those born of a race or sub-race protected by a God, often the one that created or introduced the race. Those who convert to or are born to followers of a religion inherit the blessing.   These blessings, sometimes called marks, take the appearance of tattoos or differently colored skin in the shape of God's symbol or a symbol related to the Mark. You can will the blessing to alternate between those two appearances. It only appears under certain circumstances, however, such as when the bearer wishes it to be visible, when you are actively using its power, or when you are close to symbols of that God or items imbued with divine power.  v    Blessings are divided into tiers based on their strength, the standing of those who bear it within the religion, and the attention they receive from their God.   Tier 1 blessings are the standard blessings received by converts and those born under a God's protection.
Tier 2 blessings are granted to acknowledge clergy of the religion, serious and devout followers, and those considered helpful to the religion. Any clergy with this blessing or higher often gives it to others on behalf of the deity
Tier 3 blessings are granted to mid-ranked and higher clergy, the most pious of followers, and those the religion and God can rely on. This is the highest blessing followers can have without joining the clergy or accomplishing incredible feats. These are often granted to people by essential figures of the religion.
Tier 4 blessings are granted to the elite members of a religion and those that the faith cannot do without. Pillars of the faith. When these blessings are given, it is often done by servants of the deity, such as angels, elementals, souls of past champions, and so on. For most deities, many who receive this have the honor and the option of becoming Godkin, an existence few only know of through whispers and secret knowledge.
Tier 5, the highest of blessings, is only granted to champions of the God, heads of religions, and saints and saintesses of the deity. Figures that symbolize the deity and their faith. This blessing is given personally by the deity in the heart of their domain.   You can find the blessings the gods provide through their article.  

Changing Your Blessing

For those who wish to change your blessing, there are a couple of ways for you to do just that. If you want to change to a different blessing of your God that is within your current blessing's tier or below, it can be done by asking a Priest of your God to perform a ritual that will change your blessing to your desired one. In most cases, such a service will require an upfront fee. The fee may vary based on your relationship with the Priest or standing within your religion, if any.   The other way to change your blessing is to convert to a different religion. This decision should not be made lightly, as once you convert to a different religion, you can not convert back, barring certain rare exceptions and circumstances. To convert to a new religion, you must go to a major temple dedicated to the God you wish to follow and speak with one of the priests there. In most cases, you may be asked to provide a proper offering or accomplish a task as a sign of your seriousness and faith.   In rare cases, should you display tendencies prized by a different god or accomplish feats other gods recognize, you may be approached by high-ranking clergy or servants of the God who attempt to convert you, often with benefits.   It should be said that while most religions do not stop you from converting to another, it may cause a rift or issues with clergy of that religion or races and subraces that are under that God.  

Gaining Stronger Blessings

There are only two ways to gain a stronger blessing. The first is by being of great help to the religion of your God. Whether by defeating a notable enemy of the faith, saving a major temple, or perhaps simply doing many small tasks to help them, your blessing will be strengthened once you have contributed a certain amount. Many major temples often have several affairs they need help with and attract those seeking to improve their blessing and faith.   The other way to gain a stronger blessing is through offerings. By offering magic items, wealth, and intact corpses to your God, you can gain recognition from both your religion and your God. The worth of your offering is based on the condition of it as well as its quality. A monster corpse with its best parts harvested or a broken or expended item makes for a poor offering.   Every deity has a unique ritual for handling these offerings, and priests take a portion as a fee for their service. There are ways to learn and perform the ritual yourself, cutting the "middle man" out of it.  

Unique Blessings and Other Sources of Power

Despite these blessings' power and temptation, they are far from the only ways one can become stronger. Below are but only two other ways.   Some reject most of the world's religions, instead turning toward the unique blessing that sealed, forgotten, or, in rare cases, dead deities can offer. These unique blessings often come at a noteworthy cost or require a great ordeal. However, as they are given out very seldomly and are done with the full power the deity can muster or spare, they tend to be powerful. Though they are called blessings, their unique nature and setup are so thoroughly different than other blessings that they are only called such but are fundamentally different and categorized as such. Given how it often requires one to turn their back on the pantheons, the uniquely blessed often reside in neutral territories or have ties to the powers found there.   And then some see blessings as chains the gods use to bind mortals to them, blinding them to their potential and enslaving them to their whims and "grand purposes," as they would say. These individuals often leave their blessing at tier 1, if they even have one, and instead find their path forward. A few notable examples are Witches and their Witchcraft, Wizards and their True Grimoires, Necromancers and Lichdom, Dragonslayers and their Dragonbane, and Demigods. That said, these individuals are typically the minority within the respective groups. Only two groups within the world entirely reject the blessings of the gods and remain hidden due to it.

Orrental Pantheon 

Vesdeos Pantheon 

Neutral Gods 

The Imprisioned 


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