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Wynn Galad

Wynn Galad

Wynn was among the first to answer his leader's call to arms. He was an elf in his prime and he jumped at the opportunity to finally be able to use his talents for more than hunting game. Nevermind that he lacked experience. He would made up for it with enthusiasm and sheer braggadocio and was swiftly propelled up to the officers ranks. The day he was given his first command was the proudest of his life. He strutted and preened, hoping to instill the same confidence in his soldiers. Heads must be held high for they were an honored company! Chosen to be the first to lock blades with Morgana's forces. Wynn marched them towards success. Marched to show the clan that his company was the only force his people needed.   Wynn was wrong. Very, very wrong.   The tiny band of survivors Wynn was able to escape with we're never the same again. Their crushing defeat so utter that it distorted both body and mind. Many private whispers claimed that the dead were the fortunate ones.   Wynn, however, refused to break. He bent to tend to his survivors as best as he could but rose again to beseech the elders for another company to finish what he started. The clan's leadership recoiled at Wynn's vanity and they cried out that Wynn's arrogance was so horrible as to be human. Thus he was dragged before their leader, Galad. However, the Druid was wiser than his people and saw a path other than death. He knew experience could be the only true teacher of one so headstrong so he changed Wynn's form into that of a creature who is both predator and prey: the cat. In this form, Wynn would learn humility with the Great Enchanter away from his lands, his home, and his people.


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Clan Galad

  In the heart of the forests North of Camelot resides a clan of Wood Elves lead by the Druid, Gül Galad. Like most Wood Elf clans, they kept to their own affairs and sought to remain neutral on the seemingly endless conflicts of the other races.   They had no reason to care.   Even when the recent conflict with the one called Morgana spilled into their Northern woods, they remained silent. Camelot was always fighting something and they had no quarrel with a Druid such as she.   There was no reason to care.   No reason, that is, until the Great Enchanter's letters began to arrive. The letters accused the Druid of concealing much more than they were first aware. With each letter, scouts were sent to verify the great Enchanter's claims and their reports always came back in the affirmative.   There was reason to care.   For the first time in a long time, the daily routines were broken as Galad convened the clan's elders to seek the ancestral spirits. When they emerged from their seclusion, it was decreed that, although the one called Morgana was a Druid, she was corrupted beyond aid and must be slain or driven from their woods.

Wynn is a soldier of the wood elves who live in relative secrecy north of Camelot. The elves normally remain neutral and separate from Camelot's troubles. However, Morgana's recent scheme has forced them out of neutrality and Wynn is the lone volunteer who agreed to come and serve Merlin. He's a soldier who following Merlin's orders but he's also an officer so he doesn't need constant commands to act with some autonomy.

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