BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Daisy-Taishi Shimmerfur

I love to bounce and spin and twirl! I come from a LARGE family they are not all small like me, nope! I am the smallest! Everyone wonders why, but I think its because I was born to BOUNCE! I am the youngest too, did I mention that? Or at least my mama says I came out last, but I think I came out sooner, but I was sooooo small no one noticed. People always say I am soooo sneaky, but really I am just small! My great grandpapa mouse on my papa's side taught me music so that my family could always find me! He said to always play my flute! So, I do! I love my flute its awesome! I played it so much and so often, because my family kept losing me, that I ended up entertaining groups of mice and other things! Soon my family just knew to find me wherever there was a crowd of mice! Some time ago a rat or a big mouse? I am still not sure, he wouldn't say, he was soooo silly. He liked me. Not just liked me, but like liked me. He kept wanting me to go out with him and I did! His name was Bee, Bee Buzztail, he was so big and so handsome. Sigh. But then the stump, well the stump was in danger, and my grandmama on my mama's side had taught me how to use the magic! I love the magic almost as much as I love the music. Wait, what was I saying? Oh right, so Bee! Bee was sad, because I wanted to go help the stump with my magic and I knew I could help! So Bee was sad and he gave me some of his hair to take with me, he just yanked it out of his chest! He is so mousely or ratly.. I really need to remember which he is..! Anyway So I left to go help the stump! I may have forgotten to tell my family, oh well! They always lost me anyway. For the stump!

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