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Ember Firescale

The firescales have always known they were related to something big. Something amazing! They weren't so much stuck up as they just stuck to themselves. A couple of generations ago the family moved away from the stump. To end the ridicule, or just to stick to themselves depends on who you ask. The children grew up well, but often uncivilised and unmannered. One day Ember, (A young bright green salamander of reasonable consititution, but little intellect and too much curiosity) was chasing water fey down in the water spray. He saw a tiny mouse trapped on a rock in the water. The injustice! The horror! Something ripped out of him and grabbed the little mouse and moved it to the bank. Before he knew what was happening, Ember had done magic! His family was so proud! He was the proof of their claims. He was sent to the stump to prove their family right. That's when it got interesting.

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