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Sir Lancelot

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Lancelot Famously attempted to win Guinevere from Arthur and lost. This led to disgrace and shame, and became the best known part of an otherwise exemplary career.
Arthur was willing to forgive Lancelot as his king, but was having trouble doing so as his friend. Seeking to kill two problems with one fix, King Arthur charged Lancelot with protecting Arthur's nephew, Mordred.

Unbeknownst to Arthur, shortly after making Lancelot swear to Protect Mordred at all costs, Mordred and Morgana launched the plan to wrest control of Camelot from Arthur. This left Lancelot torn between his loyalty to his king, and his oath to protect someone who was actively trying to undermine his king.
Lancelot was gifted a Hex-blade from the Raven Queen by Morded which further secured his loyalty and caused damage to Lancelot if he went against the Raven Queens, (and supposedly as far as Lancelot thought, Mordred's) interests. This is where he found the adventurers. Having made a habbit of betraying each adventuring party at the worst time possible, ready to abandon all his oaths and fall on his own sword. He was asked to help place a Barbarian named Thorn in a position of trust.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Knight of the Round Table
Confidant of the King

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed romance with the Queen
Caused the deaths of dozens of adventuring parties at Mordred's behest

Personality Characteristics


Lancelot is the Proverbial Paladin in Hell. He is torn between failing an oath. He knows which one is the right one to fail, but doing so will compound his prior failures.

It is apparent that Lancelot is in a tough place. He is the leader of the resistance, though it's not apparent if it's by choice, or process of elimination. Regardless, it is duty. and as they say, "Duty is heavier then a mountain, death is light as a feather". Lancelot does not appear to think highly of himself, is extremely excited to "get out and do some good" and gets very dark when complimented. It has been noticed that sometimes his sword seems to cause him some damage as well as the enemies.

Character Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight, Sir
Aligned Organization


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