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Martina Riverstone

Martina may look young, but as most halfings she ages a little differently than the human population that is common. She has lived in quite a few different areas and seen much in her time, sharing her stories, telling her tales, hearing new and interesting rumors that she spun into grand adventures. The coin was modest, but kept her in good drink and fair comfort. This was until one day she heard stories of the great dragons and that they were not so far gone as she imagined. She was in her young 20s and the stories kept building with more intrigue and fanciful might. It took her many years, but she found them and she discovered that their might and power and glory were diminished by the stories, and though people were frightened, they didn't know what could be accomplished by such greatness, both good and evil.   Martina then took to serving the great kings of both sky and land, she spread stories of them to keep people in loops around where they truly were and to keep the respect of their majesty just high enough to earn respect, but not quite enough to make people so frightened to send grand armies to seek their demise.   Her life was now surrounded by great admirers and mockers of her stories, but she still earned enough to aid in the dragon's goals and they rewarded her with the greatest of honors. A single dragon egg.   Now in her mid 60s, Martina is a proud caretaker of a young black dragon by the name of Nyre. She keeps her safe and protected. Heals her wounds and keeps away those who might seek her destruction.   This is Martina's life and calling until she dies.

Martina halfling is a dragon fanatic who is in a relationship with a large goliath named Tommy, the two are seeking Talia as well saying she is a long lost friend with something important.

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