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Sous Lamorak

Warforge chef who was forcibly turned into a barbarian by the Ten-Town artificers.

Current Location
Icewind Dale
View Character Profile

11/4/22 - Session 83

* More fighting with Aruil and her gang * Her bird, Isra, keeps hitting me! * I smash Auril’s second form and she changes into a giant, floating ice diamond (third form) * Thakin’s healing aura is keeping us all alive * Quote of the game: “I wanna punch it like a football” * Core is killed by Auril * Chosin punches the crystal Auril and she shatters… * …but as she shatters, a shard from her pierces Chosin’s heart and turns him blue and he is encased into a solid block of ice * The Chwinga surround Chosin, touch him, and turn him into a form of Auril * Sous is forced to smash this form, killing Auril, ending the Rime, and killing his friend   Stashed throughout the Isra’s nest is: * a silver dragon egg * an exotic wooden harp decorated with ivory and zircon * electrum chain with a pendant of bloodstone *Wooden chest containing gold pieces, a golden ring with a black pearl, and a spell scroll featuring mass cure wounds.   * With Auril’s death, the skies open, the sun returns, and the Rime is ended * Auril’s changes to the fortress melt and fall * Talia Ebonscale meets us at the entrance, to realizing the time that has past * The people once frozen at the entrance melt and come back to life * The whale meets us to take us back out of the island * Inside of Core is a map to Camelot

10/25/22 - Session 82

* We camp outside of the castle for 3 days to clear all exhaustion effects * We run back upstairs to confront the last part of the castle and run into evil living stalactites * After defeating them, the King Chwinga and many of his court appear in the room. All the Chwinga Chums try to “talk” with them through their snow writing. “We told you to leave. We care to not have friends die.” * Swagger tries to reason with them that it will hurt everyone more if we do not try to deal with Auril * After failing to convince us to leave, the Chwinga King snaps his fingers and they disappear

10/18/22 - Session 81

* Sous and Lohengrin hear Twinkle call out. She makes fun of cloak for abandoning the Pixie Pals. * Twinkle tells us that every time we kill things under Auril’s power, the pixies grow stronger. She also says we’ve been here longer than a week.   * Lohengrin notices Cloak’s ring with one last Wish spell. We all make the sacrifice to amend it to restore him back to his kingdom.   "I wish, without rewriting history, that the Kingdom of Onyxstone is restored to power effective today with no living or undead enemies seeking their current or near future destruction, on a path to be a powerful force for Good in the Underdark. That at the moment of restoration, each citizen who longs to be in a restored Onyxstone finds themselves instantly in the kingdom, and any Good Citizen who would be living now if not for the loss of their kingdom is restored to life and health and finds themselves waking in Onyxstone. All citizens will know how much time has past and that a miracle restored them to their home and/or their life. The royal family will be fully healthy and the only ones that know the specifics and where Cloak and Kinney are."   * As the wish spell is cast, we see Cloak unfreeze and slowly disappear, we assume, back to his kingdom. * Lohengrin messages Cloak and gets a replay that the Wish spell worked and he has been reunited with his kingdom and his family…only, now they are in the Feywild!!   * Thakin Wanderhunter, Lohengrin’s long lost friend, returns to us! * We decide to check the North door with the two female frost giants. Titanius picks the door to reveal 2 frost giant skeletons! * After we defeat them, we open the next door and find a giant snowflake with an ice giant female trapped in an ice block. She could be the Vassavicken spoken about on the first door. On the ceiling is a frost giant male. On the far wall is a door made entirely of ice. Through that door is a giant size 15 ft axe that is strangely warm. * Thakin attunes to the axe but then realizes that it is cursed. Lohengrin breaks the curse and we close it back in the room.

10/11/22 - Session 80

* We save the kid, Aerix, from the Preservation test and are warped back to the hall * Southeast: Isolation - (Entered third) Transported to a full camp where warriors with tiger tattoos are sharpening weapons. Seeing us, they stand and motion for us to follow them to another tent. Inside a queen of some kind says that Auril has blessed them because we are “sent” to guard their camp while they raid the Elk Tribe’s camp. We sit for six days but everyone who fails their survival vanishes into the blackness one by one only to be found by the Tiger tribe and brought back to camp. * Northeast: Endurance - (Entered Fourth) Transported to a raging snowstorm where a nomadic tribe is taking down their camp. King Gerud introduces himself and explains they are leaving to stay close to a reindeer herd they follow. We follow with them and endure a smattering of exhaustion effects.   Outside of the treasure room, we find four tablets carved in common * Cruelty: "Compassion makes you vulnerable. Let cruelty be the knife that keeps your enemies at bay." * Endurance: "Exist as long as you can, by whatever means you can. Only by enduring can you outlast your enemies." * Isolation: "In solitude you can understand and harness your full potential. Depending on others makes you weak.” * Preservation: "Every flake of snow is unique, and that which is unique must be preserved."   * Cloak enters the room and finds the Codicil of White that Vellynne Harpell excitedly takes it from Cloak. * She says the poem in the book is the key to unlocking the ancient Lost City of Ythryn buried under the Sea of Moving Ice: we have found   The Rime of the Frostmaiden We bow to She who wears the crown;
 Let the world shiver with dread.
 Clad in winter’s whitest gown,
 Her snow enshrouds the dead. Her fury sheds but frozen tears
 as gray clouds issue forth.
 Her wind across the wasteland shears, 
 bringing blizzards from the north. Ice-kissed flowers caught mid-bloom, 
 beauty kept in all its grace. 
Summer’s gone to its silent tomb,
 stilling in Her cold embrace. All the world in winter’s white, 
 sheathed in sleet and ice.
 Set upon never-ending night, 
 She conjures paradise. Behold Her everlasting rime,
 see how it covers all;
 Weep not for those She traps in time 
 behind Her glacial wall. Sovereign of summers lost,
 general of winter’s war; 
Long live the queen of cold and frost. 
 May She reign forevermore.   * We step into the final room and hear in our heads we hear April’s voice, “Will you court death to receive my blessing?” * Lohengrin is asked, says yes, and we can see that his eyes are now a piercing, icy blue. He cannot feel the cold. * Cloak is asked too but becomes petrified and frozen! * In their dark hour, Sous hears Twinkle call out, "Hey! Listen!"

10/4/22 - Session 79

* We see a tumbler lock with numbers written in giant on the two large metal prison doors * We’re attacked by some very nasty ice and wind creatures but manage to survive * In one of the cells, we discover Talia Ebonscale frozen in a block of ice * In one of the cells we discover Thakin, Lohengrin’s long lost friend. Thakin reveals that Lohengrin didn’t actually blow up his friend. That was just another one of McGonnigaul’s lies. * Thakin warns us about a 10 ft tall being with the head of an owl, horns of a ram, cloven hooves, fur of a wolf, and black talons. We realize it’s a form of Auril. * Leaf volunteers to lead Thakin out of the castle and out to safety.   We go downstairs and meet a giant, elephant-sized walrus named Ukuma who we ask questions:   Basement Doors * North door with the frost giant tomb has Dwarfish writing and decorated with carvings of two female frost giants holding great axes and Dwarvish writing that reads: In ice and blood, our folk are born. To our great queen, we raise our horn. We'll fight and plunder in the morn. To Vassavicken, we are sworn.   * South door: locked with defaced male frost giants with defaced faces with wolf, owl, and goat   Doors have snowflakes and a single word carved into them: * Northeast: Endurance * Northwest: Cruelty - (Entered first) Teleported to a camp in a blizzard where an armored man wearing bear armor who tells us they have run out of food and we must help decide on which elders to kill so they can cannibalize them. * Southeast: Isolation * Southwest: Preservation - (Second) Another camp but no blizzard or fires. Corpses fill the camp with vultures eating the dead. A child named Aerix tells us that raiders killed his camp.

9/27/22 - Session 78

* Lohengrin tries to pickpocket the nastiest Abominable Yeti we’ve ever seen and is unsuccessful * Titanius manages to talk the Abominable Yeti into taking the ring off and dropping it * Every night stars and northern lights emit from the top of the skull fortress, sweeping across the sky, restoring the frozen spell across the land * As we reach the skull fortress we see 15 ft wide ice doors, frozen with dragon bones frozen into it, and the Dwarvish name “Grimskalle” carved into it in runes * We enter several rooms before discovering an old frost giant named Ertgard who fights us to his death * We explore further and find more snow giant sized furniture * We agree Aurl is most likely at the top of the tower but we need to check the lower levels first in case something tries to come at us from behind * We open the last doors on this floor to find two large metal prison doors

9/20/22 - Session 77

* Galaxy tells us that Tallia came here to find loot and “dragon stuff” * The Chwinga asks us, “Are friends sure? Or want live?” * A 600 ft tall glacier, peaked with a skull wearing a crown, and 4’ high steps clearly made for giants * After a night of long rest, we try to make a plan * We head back East to the cave and discover that it is only 1 of 7 caves with a Yeti in each * Titanius manages to talk them into allowing us safe passage * Twinkle shows up to give us a gift of Fey Honey * We manage to explore the caves and avoiding the Yeti while Lohengrin uses his mage hand to steal any magical items he can find * At one point, we find a nursery with Abominable Yeti and Lohengrin can not help himself but try and steal the magic item on the biggest one

8/30/22 - Session 75

* Building’s on fire! * Lots of Chwinga’s have barred, chained, and locked the door before setting fire to the place. * Chosin and Cloak bash out a window to escape the inside and get to the front door. * Once the doors open, the Chwinga’s retreat into the snow but Core manages to capture one.   * Cloak interrogates the Chwinga and it says they do not follow the Frost Maiden. “Frozen Wans must not go to the island, Chwinga must protect from death.” * “Chosen Wans must go home, must not go to island, pixies want friends die to save them, Chwinga want live.” * “Not kill, just hurt to go home and heal, find other adventures.” * “Auril is god, no die, too many die to try.” * “Mad, sad god, care not about mortal life. Other gods allied against her - she fled. Seek alone. No care life. Want cold.” * We ask how they know so much about Aruil and he responds that, “We spy.” * We disappoint Core by setting the Chwinga free but Sous promises him there will be plenty of fleshy death in the future. * Alternate campaign name: The Sadness and Madness of Auril   * Cloak messages Twinkle and she replies, * Dear honey taker backer, I heard your plea for assistance. I am otherwise engaged on the Island of Solstice. The queen has beaconed.  Sincerely, Twinkle, Honey lover and friend to honey givers.   * We leave for Vellynne Harpell but are thrown off course by a blizzard to the edge of Maer Dualdon * Getting our bearings, we head back towards Vellynne * We’re attacked by several Yetti * We finally make it to Vellynne * Turns out, Vellynne is originally from Longsaddle * Cloak makes a fork to bribe a Chwinga to come and give us more info

8/23/22 - Session 74

* Cloak falls to his knees, everything is too heavy for him, his legs freeze, and he hears a voice telling him that “You didn’t follow the rules of the spell.” * Titanius generously offers to let Cloak ride on his back which, for some reason, this makes Cloak upset. * Titanius reveals he is 15% ass * The crowd pushes us into the town square where Speaker Shane addresses the crowd revealing that there are eleven towns and that they must come together to survive * She says they must not slide back into their previous “sacrifices” and that Mishan will make sure they stick to this new plan * Half the people think this will fix things while the other half think there aren’t enough resources to take care of everyone * Chosen goes into the speakers’ chambers to talk with Speaker Ballan from Chosin Town. * He encourages them to continue in their plan to unite the towns. * Cakey Bakey is back!! * We head to Good Meade and find not a lot of people came back * Heading back to our place, we find that Woody is still alive but Mummy Dearest didn’t make it back. Sous puts his remains into a nice jar as tribute and so Woody can visit him whenever he wants. * Sous makes everybody flapjacks with honey * Long rest * Cloak awakens with full use of his feet and dances with Swagger and Leaf * We head out to Vellynne Harpell asks us to help her find an ancient Lost City of Ythryn buried under the Sea of Moving Ice * We stay in Bremen for the night in a boathouse when, as we start to drift off to sleep, Chwingas set fire to the boathouse

8/16/22 - Session 73

* The wish spell brings Henry the horse back * Danica returns and says she’s seen Swagger “traveling” with a bunch of orcs and a red Tiefling with black hair (We think it’s Captain Skath, the guy who sold Cloak’s cousin) * Swagger wakes up locked in a dirty room with no equipment * We rush in and kill Captain Skath * Sous beheads him and leaves a warning to ToT in his blood saying, “Beware slavers" * Find a map that said “slave traded heart wisdom” * We apparently adopt Izit, the ferret centaur

8/9/22 - Session 72

We begin mid-battle with the ToT * Many people go down: Swagger, Chosin, Sous but Chosin dies completely * Thorn takes Swagger and teleports away   We rush him back to Bryn Shander in hopes of resurrecting him like Titanuis * We take Speaker Shane back to the town hall and suddenly all the guards are nice again * Speaker Shane interrupts all the other town speakers and we gather Mishan to heal Chosin   Around the table: (Only 2 speakers survived: Caryn, the Dragonborn and Shane) top clockwise * Imdra - East Haven * Speaker Shane - Bryn Shander * Blonde guy - ? * Speaker Trovus - Caer Dineval (Dragonborn) * Orc Vernon - Termalane * Dennay - Loneywood (Vampire) * Ma - Targos * Beltran - Bremen * Norm - Sally’s father * Druid - Good Meade   * Mishan takes Chosin to Scramsax’s tower to try and resurrect him * Titanius asks for a new contract to take away his cursed ring. Cloak gets mad at this and tricks Titanius into drinking a potion that turns him completely blue. * Moe gives Cloak his ring with Wish spells in it * Chosin is resurrected by a contract with Amunatra * Lohengrin tries to message Swagger but only gets her voicemail. (Bard magic now has voicemail) * Kenny tells Cloak that his mom wasn’t killed but died of old age. * Cloak tells us about his ring being able to cast the Wish spell: I wish Every good person from the Ten-Towns who has been killed within the last year is resurrected to the town they were last resident of, and the ruined buildings and resources required for their survival are restored to how they were 1 year ago, with all residents understanding a miracle occurred that had nothing to do with any current or past leadership of ten-towns nor any of the superstitions.

8/6/22 - Session 76

* Vellynne has a whale named Angajuk that has agreed to take us to the island. It has a massive ship tied to its head that we can ride in. * As we ride, the whale submerges and a magical bubble forms around us, providing protection for us to travel underwater. Passing sunken cities of the giants that used to live here. * The Arcane Brotherhood has been trying to get a hold of the Codicil of White and the Professor Orb for a long time   * After three days, we emerge in a cave to see Titanius standing between Chwingas and both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts * Titanius starts translating “Greetings people of the enemy marked” “The Pixies can die. they bring death to others. They must go.” “Auril is death. death lies beyond here. Death in the garden of death.” “Ants are noticed. death is unnoticed. death lies beyond. pixies send tall folk to death. All die. All death. You must go back.” “Not convince them. convince you. do not be latest pixie death.” “Ask pixie about black dragon lady.”   * Sous and Cloak ask the pixies about Talia Ebonscale but they dodge the answer * Cloak gets fed up and asks the Chwinga king to come to their side. He replies, “amulet easy to take off, choice is granted. marks of the other kind, are painful to remove. can be done. pain will follow.” * Cloak accepts and takes a lot of damage to undo his PP tattoo * Galaxy Mistyfeet, a pixie of the Unseelie Court, says she lead Tallia Ebonscale to this cave * After a LOT of confusing political maneuvering, we leave the Pixies and Chwingas behind, agreeing to take a single Chwinga and Galaxy with us * The Chwinga leads us to a frozen island made for giants towards the Garden of Death * Sous gets an Unseelie Court tattoo

8/2/22 - Session 71

* Vellynne says she will meet us at the Sea of Moving Ice when we’re ready * Moe lays into Lohengrin, blaming him for leaving all of his friends to die at the hand of McGonnigaul * Sous and Lohengrin inappropriately wrestle Moe’s golden ring off of him thinking it’s chardalyn. It’s gold. * We head to Good Meade and it’s still wrecked like before but we see Chwinga’s pop up everywhere and their king is safe * Quote of the game: “Look at that guy’s Chwinga!” * We visit the druids in the Good Meade cave to get Swagger’s baby griffin back. We learn the druids are buying their own plant growing materials in order to rely on Dree less, so she doesn’t become even more possessive over the cave. * Sous talks with Speaker Shane about the importance of returning to Bryn Shander and picking up the pieces * As we head to Bryn Shander, we are attacked by the ToT

7/26/22 - Session 70

* We think about leaving when Sally makes the decision for us by popping in and blowing the place up * We somehow manage to hold it together and defeat both the king and his fire demons * Opening the door on the other side of the room, we discover Moe, Lohengrin’s long lost friend * Moe says that McGonnigaul only wanted Lohengrin because he was her only failure * We also manage to save a Durigar who’s been trying to recruit for Grandolpha * We check out the last rooms in the castle * While looting a room full of chests, we find the skeletal body of Cloak’s mother * As we’re leaving, the Durigar tells us Grandolpha plans to destroy the castle * Sous passes on talking with his old Chef as he doesn’t feel like there is anything to be gained * Vellynne Harpell asks us to help her find an ancient Lost City of Ythryn buried under the Regaled Glacier. It’s supposed to be the source of all the magical items in our world. * She says she needs “magic to crack it open” from two objects: the Codicil of White and the Professor Orb * It could also lead to ending the everlasting winter

7/19/22 - Session 69

* Lohengrin is visibly upset because we’re so close to being able to kill McGonnigaul * We all make plans of attack * We somehow manage to kill McGolligaul * We all are close to death when the king reappears and offers to let us live if we leave

7/12/22 - Session 68

(Sophie and Greg missed because of vacation)   * Drow prisoner offers to take prisoners out of the castle while the party searched for the torturers. * Drow prisoner ends up stealing all the prisoners * Found a mutilated mind flayer they questioned before Lohengrin killed it * Titanius is now considered the savor of the mushroom people * Titanius must disagre with everything anybody says because of the ring he found and put on * The party also finds McGonnigaul and Chosen has to talk Lohengrin and Cloak out of attacking when their

7/5/22 - Session 67

* Having exited the underdark cavern, we discover a small army of Myconids (mushroom men) battling with Duergar and some of the spiked devils who fireballed Sous’s face before * We discover all the “transported assets” from McGonnigaul’s list that include several creatures not on her list. * Core calls himself “0001” and calls everyone else “fleshy follows”

6/28/22 - Session 66

* With the dragon defeated, Martina and Tommy fly off to recover * As we attempt to ride the elevator down, the cable breaks and we fall through several floors. We could have died if Cloak didn’t use his magic to save us. * We’re in the underdark but it’s like an old area under the castle. Like an abandoned underground level. * In the run down house, we find a tuft of McGonnigaul’s fur * In another room, we find what looks like McGonnigaul’s stuff all over the place. A bookshelf, a chest, and three statues of Elf, human, and a dwarf wizards * Titanius can’t resist breaking into the chest and it turns out to be another mimic. * Cloak finds McGonnigaul’s notes on working with the chardalyn * Titanius finds a ring and IMMEDIATELY puts it on and can never take it off without the help of a wish spell or another contract with a god * Sous tries to smash the necklace between two large pieces of cheese so we can carry it away but Cloak points out that we can simply destroy it by pulling apart the gems. So we do that. * After we pull the gems apart, we put them back in the cheese to separate them from the necklace. * Titanius opens a door, releasing yet another trap full of zombies and a zombie beholder * I cut off and save one of the Beholder eyes for Lohengrin * We suspect this is where McGonnigaul zombified the Bryn Shander sheriff. * The rest of the cavern turns out to be where they were mining chardalyn * On our way out, we discover the original Speaker of Bryn Shander

6/21/22 - Session 65

* Fighting the Chardalyn dragon * The sissy dragon ran away! * The Sheriff turns into a zombie * Cloak kills the zombie sheriff * Scramsax stomps back home and locks himself in his inn * With nothing else left to do in Bryn Shander, we head back towards the Duriagar fortress * With Cloak showing Grandolpha’s symbol, we pass through the castle unaccosted * Elevator ride to the top where Tommy, Martina, and her black dragon are fighting the Chardalyn dragon * Swagger kills the dragon with her light crossbow!!

6/14/22 - Session 64

* Before Kenni is restored, she makes a note in her own blood that says, “i wILL fiNd yOuR sOul thE CHosin wAN! PoWer shALL ruLE ALL!” * Scramsax sends the townspeople home while we plan in his tower * We go to find the bartender from Loneywood who could read Sous’s sword, Danae Xotal * Scramsax lets Sous know that Danae makes no reflection and Sous FINALLY understands why she could read his sword while many others could not * Dotty appears with the Vizier card from the Deck of Many Things * At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. In other words, the knowledge comes with Wisdom on how to apply it. * RESULT: The Chardalyn dragon is immune to ice, poison. It resists most other effects. Fire hurts it. * The plan: Go to the market square and attack the Chardalyn dragon when it lands   EPIC CHARDALYN DRAGON FIGHT!

6/7/22 - Session 63

* We travel towards Goodmeade in the hopes of finding a druid who can restore Sally * Vellynne Harpell wagon is actually being pulled by zombie kobolds * Good Meade’s ice wall has been crushed along with the buildings * The town is totally empty of people * Cloak, Lohengrin, and Swagger go to the Meade Hall to try and put out the fire * Chosen and Sous go to check on our house and our buddies * Petunia 1, the living tree, mummy dearest, and Martin the fox are found killed just outside of the rubble * Lockheed and the Yeti are missing * Chosen and Sous build a makeshift grave for them with the rubble and then head to meet the rest of the party at the cave * Chosen helps Sous avoid Dree and we finally get to take a long rest * Overnight, the Druids resurrect Sally and we awake to discover she is now an adult half-orc with red hair and blue skin * Swagger gets her baby griffin to eat some of Sous’s fish jerky * “Even griffins know, IT’S GOOD!” * Kenny wakes up ranting about needing the crown so she can become the ruler of the underdark * We visit the owl bear cave on our way towards Caer Dineval and discover all of the villagers who escaped with their animals were killed by Barry the Owlbear * Kenny is placed back into the greater restoration spring but it doesn’t heal her because Leaf translates the carvings surrounding it and they say you can only use the spring once in a lifetime * We head to Termalane to discover it’s already lost so we make a hard turn to Bryn Shander * Scramsax’s tavern is full to bursting with refugees from all of the towns * All of the town speakers and influential people from our adventures are in Scramsax’s tower trying to plan a way to make a stand against the Chardalyn dragon * The Dragon’s pattern: dragon flys around the town and attacks from afar while the Durigar turn invisible and attack the people on the ground * We go on a search for invisible Durigar and find Lockheed! * Martina is relieved that Lockheed wasn’t “killed by Talia” Apparently, the dragonborn we thought was our friend might be killing dragons?!?! * Cloak and Lohengrin attempt to warn the Bryn Shander guards of the Durigar but they blow him off * Scramsax tells Cloak, “If I don’t make it. There’s a key under the rug.”

5/31/22 - Session 62

We begin mid-battle   * Lohengrin polymorphs Sous into a giant ape * So many fireballs to my face! * Giant Ape Sous deals 47 damage in one fist smash * McGonnigaul holds Kenny over a lava pit and threatens to drop her if we don’t leave. * All seems lost but Cloak fires off his only Vortex Warp which manages to pull her out of the evil clutches. * OMG, so many bad guys! RUN! * McGonnigaul kills Sally with a fireball * I nearly die twice * We all run and I barely make it out with one hit point   * Kenny is manacled in Chardalyn but Lohengrin manages to release her with the knock spell * As we are escaping into the mountains, Vellynne Harpell pulls up in a wagon pulled by kobolds * We leave with her to travel back to Goodmeade in the hopes of finding a druid who can restore Sally

5/24/22 - Session 61

Moar fighting!   * We kill several more Duregar and avoid an Umber Hulk * Lohengrin berates Swagger into giving her magical pearl to Cloak. So much arguing! The Chardalyn must be messing with everyone’s brain. * We find creatures who yell “Get out!” in our heads and attack us.

5/17/22 - Session 60

* We remember that we don’t want to kill all these guys so we start bonking them in the head * We fight. And fight. And fight, and fight, and fight… * Eventually, we kill them all and McGonnigaul appears clapping. She tries to negotiate with us but we attack her and she leaves. * There is a giant mushroom man in the side of the room that the Durigar had stolen spores from. * We break all the vials and return the spores to the mushroom man. Cloak heals him and Sous gives him an unlit torch to eat.   * Scouting further into the lower level, we spot the more Durigar and demons * Cloak and Titanius find more things to fight!

5/10/22 - Session 59

“Ow, my butt!” Why is a mimic chewing my butt?! * A Durigar appears and attacks before disappearing * I manage to kill the mimic but the Durigar returns for more battle * Cloak absolutely wrecks the guy   Chosen tells us about Xardorok: he has an ape face, a lightening sword, and is really nasty We touch everything in the castle and it all attacks us: Durigar, enchanted armor, etc. One of the rooms has a female dark elf head mounted to the wall along with many under dark animals   Another attack! This time it's a Durigar and a giant zombie that Swagger manages to kill both of with her light crossbow. Don't mess with that one! Also in the room, we discover a chest with: * ceramic jug of wine * drinking horn * rolled-up leather bearing a charcoal sketch of “The Only True Queen" * Scepter of the Fallen Zokir King (The scepter belonged to Cloak’s father! I don't really know how he knows this because it doesn't have his dad's name written on it but I guess that's why Cloak is so smart.)   Having killed everyone on this floor, we return to Queen Grandolpha and Cloak reports our progress. She tells us: * The elevator closest to the entrance is the best route to the king * The king will be well guarded   We short rest in the old captain’s office and then head down to attack the king We do our best to non-lethally stop all the Durigar   Quote of the night: “I’ve never done 44 damage with a crossbow before.” - Bryan

5/3/22 - Session 58

* We begin in combat inside of the Duriagar fortress * We kill the seven Duriagar at the entrance and then two more in a western room * In a northern room, we discover a stone pillar with a map of the Ten Towns carved into it, the road between each town is slotted with a 6-inch Chardalyn Dragon figure that moves along it * pair of dwarven sandals carved out of obsidian (250 gp), a quilted smoking jacket sized for a dwarf and sewn with fifty gemstones (500 gp), a malachite beard comb set with seven red garnets (750 gp), a hookah made of platinum and star sapphire (2,500 gp), and a rolled-up leather scroll with dwarven writing * We’re surprised by a Duriagar named Drek who begs us not to kill him and says he is working for the Grandolpha Muzgardt, a female “guest” of Zardarock, a Duriagar who seems to have made a deal with a demon. * The elevator leads down to Zardarock’s throne room where he also has a forge. * Before we can get more information out of him, Drek is killed by another Duriagar   * We find the room with Grandolpha Muzgardt and she seems perfectly fine, eating lots of fresh food. Obviously royalty. * She says her clan was invited here to by this clan to strike a deal. She doesn’t care to do so and would rather take his people for herself back to the underdark. * She gives us a stone with her mark carved into it * She says Zardarock has been amassing creatures from the underdark to take over the surface world. * Zardarock invited her to the surface with a proposal. She says she refused because he just wants her mushroom ale business.   * At the other end of Grandolpha’s room, a halfling calling herself Chef Honey Wildman is cooking all the food. She calls Sous by his name and says he wasn’t supposed to remember her. * SHE SOLD ME?!?! She wiped my memories of my family and just sold me?! * Cloak talks Sous into walking away because, if we turn Zardarock’s people to Grandplpha’s side, she might order Honey to lift the memory wipe.   * We go to explore the rest of the castle. * Titanius goes to unlock a chest while Sous sits on top to prevent poison from bursting out but the chest turns out to be a mimic and tried to bite Sous on the butt

4/26/22 - Session 57

* We tell the speaker of Chosen Town that we are off to destroy the Duriagar and he gives Chosen a sealed scroll and tells him to only open it up at his most dire need or else it will dissolve. * Titanius and Chosen have an uncomfortable conversation with Lohengrin about controlling all the money * Along the way, we discover Sally has turned herself invisible and stowed away in our cart * We agree she can come with us if she will actually help this time * We battle four nasty Coldlight Walkers but defeat them * Titanius and Sally turn invisible and sneak up to a 150 ft frozen wall * A giant Chardalyn Dragon emerges from the fortress and flys off North * We decide to investigate the fortress instead of going after the dragon because we don’t know where it’s going and don’t think we would reach it in time * We climb up to the entrance to find giant featureless doors that open by themselves. * Upon entering the fortress, Duriagar pour through the door yelling, “Die Ten-Town scum!”

4/19/22 - Session 56

* Kenni tries to get Cloak to leave us and free the underdark but we convince her we need to save the overworked first * Leave Bremen for Chosen Town * Katrina runs out begging us to take Sally away * Sally has figured out that the Chosen library books are coded and, if you reorder them, they tell a different story that we first understood.   * Sous guards the door while Cloak helps Sally to rearrange the books into her new order. * Sally finds all of the books she rearranges are a code spelling out the name SIBYL   * Lohengrin escorts Katrina to the local tavern to get her out of the way and talk to her. * Sally has been wanting to burn books to make their covers match * Also, Azle was talking about a secret compartment in the town hall that contain old letters from Sibyl that reveal the basis for Chosen Town as false. This means Chosen Wan is not the chosin one.   * Titanius and Sous chat with Leaf and find out * his family were all bards * he’s been wandering the Ten-Towns looking for more music   * Chosen, Sous, Titanius, and Leaf go visit the speaker * Chosen and the speaker immediately start speaking in aphorisms * The speaker has news about Lohengrin’s old friends but will only will give this news to him directly   * The speaker tells Lohengrin about what he found: * They thought invisible creatures were walking among them but it turns out to be Duriagar * The Duriagar are after Chardalyn and magical people * They want to Chardalyn to build a “construct” to destroy the Ten-Towns * They are constructing the weapon at the Duriagar Zardroc Sunblight’s Fortress * We can’t delay to find and stop them   “You don’t need to know my powers, metal man.” - Swagger

4/5/22 - Session 55

In Bremen… * Leaf serenades Swagger with an EPIC song! * In the hidden back room, Cloak heals Lizbeth and insists that we help his cousin first * Missy freed the slave women but doesn’t know what to do with them now. We sent them to Chosen Town. * Chosen and Titanius refuse to leave the newly freed women behind so Cloak goes on a quest to find another cart to take them to Chosen Town * Kenni enters the pool of restoration and seems to regain some of her former self and says, “Sunblight… Xardorok… Sunblight… Sunblight… Castle…”

3/29/22 - Session 54

Meanwhile, in Bremen * Titanius regains consciousness and barely manages to knock away a Chwinga in time to save his eye as it was using a fork to “wake him up”   Meanwhile, in Targos * We manage to finalize our purchase of Kenni from Speaker Naerth Maxildanarr without incident * It's weird that Captain Skath didn't hand her over himself * A guard lets us know that they held her down and cast some kind of spell on her mind (feeble mind?) * We leave town to go pick up Chosen and Titanius   Orc Battle! * In the middle of battle, Sous almost goes down but his vines wrap around him and restore 5 HP! * Cloak portals Sous out of harms way * Lohengrin touches Sous and polymorphs him into a mammoth! Sous stomps an orc into the ground and then does a trunk-bump with Lohengrin. * Swagger and Sous find a note on the orcs that the Throne of Thorns sent them to kill us both   * After winning the battle, we head to the Rivers Mouth tavern in Bremen to gather Chosen and Titanius * In the back room of the tavern, Chosen and Titanius discover a prison of malnourished women and one of them turns out to be Lizbeth. She didn’t die in the fire!

3/22/22 - Session 53

In the basement under the store... * Titanius falls down into the room under the store with Chosen * Chosen learns as much as he can about his trapped companions and they realize they might not be sold and just left for dead * He unsuccessfully checks the walls and door * Talking to the supposed ghosts in the room is no good * He tries lifting the Drow up to the trap door and tells him to find Sous in the cart   Meanwhile, in the the "secret" back room... * Swagger, Cloak, and Lohengrin haggle and negotiate a sale price for Kenni * Guard Captain Scath says they can pick Kenni up in the morning   Meanwhile, in the store... * Sous trades some very impressive cheese for really important stuff: Miner's Pick, Piton, Sack of ball bearings, signal whistle, and some perfume * Sous sees Not-Thorn walk out from the back of the store * He tries complimenting her yeti frock and she threatens his life for daring to speak to her * Sous tries to follow but she manages to disappear yet again   Meanwhile, in the basement under the store... * A hole appears in the middle of the floor and our friend, Missy (a little blonde girl with a turtle shell) pops out of it * She is with the Drow * Chosen drags Titanius down the hole with him and all the other prisoners follow * Missy seems to have stayed behind to help free the girls too * Chosen and the others walk for several hours like this until they eventually come up to a door and into another basement * The basement opens to the River’s Mouth tavern in Bremen! * A red-headed bartender with a Chwinga assistant notices that Chosen must be a friend of Missy * Chosen meets a Tabaxi named Leaf who is also a bard who plays the lute  
Stranger named Chosin Asked the bartender for some poison Noticed my fur Am I single? I concur! Talked about a girl Her named is swagger Made my heart go a patter This Chosin man Looking for his friends Where will his journey end? Hopefully its not with a Dagger!
* Leaf suggests talking to a woman named Ya’Nira at the competing tavern across the street named the Even Keel * Ya’Nira turns out to be the woman who sold us cards from the deck of many things * Chosen gets Ya’Nira to message Lohengrin and let him know that the two are ok * Everyone who followed Chosen (except the Drow) are scared that the “ghost” followed them through the tunnel   Meanwhile, back in Targos... * Sous goes to check on Cloak and finds him praying out in the snow with a holy light shining down on him * Cloak was going to go try and kill the people holding Kenni captive but thankfully decided against it as they are so close to freeing her * Swagger and Lohengrin sleep at Ma’s place and Sous spends the night outside of the wagon attempting to keep an eye on Cloak

3/14/22 - Session 52

* Captain just inherited his father’s store the mob because his father died in an “accident” * The speaker made The Luskan Arms his home and is putting up his guards there as well * We leave as they close up and argue about how to get Kenni back * A fisherman shows us to the Three Flags Sailing inn * The owner, Ma, invites us in and is SUPER nice! * We use this time to brainstorm ideas to buy Kenni from Captain Skath * Chosen thinks Cloak should try to buy her as a bride * Sous thinks we should buy her because “we need her for a job” * Swagger needs another slave to make a pair   * Sous goes to help Ma with the food and finds out some stuff * Targos sacrifices limbs and hands * Kenni was found years ago, alone * Don’t mention the name Zhentarim or it will attract the wrong kind of attention * Don’t go into the store   * In the morning, we find another threatening note that Swagger needs to leave with her “tin can” * Ma tells us that the group threatening Swagger with all the nasty notes is the Throne of Thorns ToT   * The group returns to The Luskan Arms and splits into an inside group and an outside group * As we arrive, the woman in white leaves and goes into the store across the street * Swagger goes in with Titanius to try and talk her way into the captain’s office * Swagger gains audience with the speaker instead * He gives her a green flying serpent that wraps itself around her neck * 4,500gp for cousin, but other smaller slaves may be cheaper   * Across the street, Cloak finds out that the store sells not only expensive items but possibly slaves * Chosen asks about acquiring a slave and is knocked out and thrown into a basement. * He wakes up with a Dwarf, a Halfling, and the Drow who we tried to meet up with in Bryn Shander. * Trying to check the door, he feels a hand on his shoulder   * The rest of the group goes inside the store and can’t find Chosen. * Lohengrin tries to message Chosen but only gets the same static that blocked him before   * Sous sits in the cart sharpening his fathers sword

3/9/22 - Session 51

We realize the Goliath are still poised to raid the Ten Towns but we don’t need to get involved until they do   We decide to: * Keep an eye out for the young Goliath named Kapanuk who went missing in the mountains * Visit Easthaven to give Dannika Greysteel the white dragon bones * Visit the towns of Targos and Bremen   On the way, we meet a Frost Giant riding a mammoth who thinks we are meat. We run!   Dannika Greysteel meets us outside of Easthaven and we give her a lot of dragon bones. She plans to make potions of cold resistance for the towns who sacrifice warmth. Dannika leaves for Good Mead to make her potions safely.   Targos * We gain entrance by sharing jokes with the guards at the front gate * Titanius finds the same symbol threatening Swagger to leave the Ten Towns * We head to the local Cakey Bakey and stock up * Sous buys a 68lb knucklehead trout to make luxury seasoned fish and gives the bones to Cloak to scrimshaw   We visit the oldest tavern in all of Ten Towns, The Luskan Arms * The guard captain yells, “Onyxstone get out of here!” to a woman. * It's Kenni Onyxstone, a cousin of Cloak! * She’s scared that Cloak is not real because she thought he was dead. * She’s been forced to work for the guard captain, Zhentarim of a corrupt family of Tiefling mobsters * Cloak asks Swagger to help negotiate a way to buy the ownership of Kenni from the crime family * We learn of Naerth Maxildanarr, the speaker of Targos, who apparently gives the fisherman gold to be popular.   Cloak was born "Shivel Onyxstone" to a royal deep gnome family enslaved to a hive of illithids. He was able to get away when he was very young in the incident where he lost his arm, a complicated and largely untold tale including a hungry underdark lizard, a dead gazer, and him getting caught behind a rock. "Cloak" is unaware that leaving the arm behind gave everyone the belief that he had been devoured by some denizen of the underdark. running from slavery, getting lost, and being woozy from bloodloss, Cloak found himself a far way from home and he spent the next 100 years or so growing up alone in the underdark. He discovered a knack for tinkering and then a path to the surface. In his new surface life, he initially looked for the power to possibly rescue the family he left behind. But now he has mostly lost faith that it will ever happen or that any of his family is still alive. He has latched on to the group of adventurers even while not wanting to get too close. He values their existence but would hate for them to know that. He rebuilt his arm from leftover armor and weapons of the underdark. Mostly made from the leavings or a small drow skirmish team that fell in the underdark and left their belongings behind.

3/1/22 - Session 50

* We leave for Skytower Shelter * Along the way the Chwinga’s follow us and start throwing snowballs filled with things like Infinite Bag of Beans and poisoned food * Arriving at Skytower, we are told Arn is not here * After arguing with the guards, Harad Cloudstrider, the chief’s wife, comes to the gate and allows us to wait inside * Harad’s mother, Kaniaka Stormcrow, allows us to sit by the fire with us * After talking a while, Lohengrin removes the curse that was blinding Kaniaka. SHE CAN SEE! * She agrees to help us convince her son in-law to help us and sends us to wait in the griffin hatchery   Lohengrin speaks with one of the griffin handlers, Rahi * The griffins and Akannathi are paired from birth and are paired for life * If either of the pair fail, the surviving one is set free * Griffin eggs are similar in size to goat balls but not in color   A griffin that is of age to be paired has become afraid to fly * Swagger plays bardic inspiration to the young griffin and cures it of the fear of flying * As thanks, Swagger is given a blue griffin egg and she agrees to take care of it for 5 months * Cloak crafts her a Battle Bjorn for Swagger’s egg   * Sous chats with Rahi and learns they have to travel farther afield for food and are thinking about attacking the Ten Towns when they run out of food * Arn returns and Lohengrin and Titanius goad him into meeting with the other clan without his griffins   * Lohengrin messages people * Ballan about Sally “Can’t talk now. So close!” * Dannika Greysteel “Meet you in Easthaven.”   * Lohengrin and Swagger meet Chieftain Ogolai before she arrives and convince her to come without her full army so as not to provoke Chieftain Arn * In spite of our ineptitude, we convince the two clans to stop their fussin’ and a feudin’   * Speaker Ballan messages Lohengrin, he has news!

2/22/22 - Session 49

Visiting the Thuunlakalaga Clan * Sous convinces Chosen to join in his new favorite game, GOATBALL * Lohengrin and Titanius follow the Goliaths into the main chamber and find a whole bunch of Goliath toddlers * They meet Chieftain Ogolai, a female Goliath who tells them her side of the story: * During the game, they were forced to kill one of the Akannathi griffins to prevent it from killing one of their children * Lohengrin attempts to talk her out of her white coat as a token of trust to show she is serious about brokering peace but she refuses as her cloak is a symbol of her leadership * Chosen Wan wonders if the Griffin eggs and goat balls look the same so when the girl went after the ball, the griffin thought it was an egg and attacked * We are free to stay the night and enjoy a meal with them   * Ogolai asks us to find a lost young Goliath named Kapanuk who went missing in the mountains * They talk with Kapanuk’s traveling friend, Aruk Thunder Caller, about what happened on the journey * Aruk is taken aback that Lohengrin doesn’t fight with an axe. When Lohengrin shows him he can do magic, he mentions that Kapanuk also “did not have an axe” so he ran away in shame of his magic powers * Aruk is also trying to help a female Aarakocra with a white hawk head named Sikki-kree. Swagger heals her and she agrees to leave with us in the morning   * Lohengrin explores an interior cave where an old man Goliath named Demelok Nightwalker. Children are making creepy dolls to test the young Goliaths in a sort of coming of age ceremony. The walls are covered in runes. * The children make a doll and then are allowed to attempt to travel through a tunnel in the wall that they don’t always come back from. * Lohengrin successfully makes a doll and is allowed to enter the tunnel. * He gets a vision and then is knocked out for 16 hours. * Sous and Titanius go in to check on Lohengrin and meet Demelok who tells them that he’ll be ok * Cloak stays outside during the feast * Sous carouses with the jocks about goat ball * Sous meets Chieftain Ogolai and she can not see the writing on his sword * We all sleep in the cavern   * Lohengrin wakes in the morning and goes to the chief to get his nickname. Ogolai asks if he wants a name from her clan and he realizes he already has a nickname from Cloak. :) * Cloak tries not to choke up   * The chieftain gives Lohengrin a yellow gem which is an earth elemental gem * Sikki-kree the Arakocra leaves us to go her own way * We continue our quest to try and find a way to broker peace between the tribes while keeping our eyes open for Kapanuk

2/15/22 - Session 48

We leave to broker peace between the Goliath clans: * Arn, chieftain of the Sky Tower Clan (Real name is Akannathi Clan) * Ogolai, chieftain of the Warm Doom Clan (Real name is Thuunlakalaga Clan)   After many blizzards and a White Elder Dragon spotting, we meet a band of traveling dwarves: Blick, Snick, Flick, Plick, Whick, Glick, and Quee * They were fishing but are headed back to the dwarves valley * Sous tries to interest them in his fish jerky but discovers they are in competition   We continue east until nightfall. Before going to sleep, Lohengrin messages some people: * Martina: “Tommy I good. Find dragon. Fight again soon.” * Speaker Ballan: “Sally is unusually quiet. Must investigate. Found an interesting lead, will be in touch soon.” * Lohengrin’s dad: “Ha. Hard luck. Ogolai is an old fool. Listen to Arn.”   Akannathi Clan * At sky Tower’s entrance gate, we are met by Chief Arn who is very insulting * He insists that we can not enter unless we bring him the white cloak of the * The feud is over the Thuunlakalaga Clan having killed a griffin during a past sporting event * We are refused entrance when Swagger remembers that she swore a blood oath to Kwan the Monolith Akannathi to broker peace between the two clans * We are finally given access * We’re told the story about why the clans are feuding: During a child’s game of goat ball, a child hit one of their griffins with the goat ball causing the griffin to “scratch” the child. In retaliation, the other clan came back and killed the griffin. * Chief Arn only agrees to let the slight go if we bring back the other chief’s white coat   Lohengrin stumbles into the chief’s chambers and meets the clans leadership * Arn Cloudstrider: Chief of the Akannathi clan * Harad Cloudstrider: The chief’s wife * Kaniaka Stormcrow: Mother of Harad (blind with large white craig cat companion)   Thuunlakalaga Clan * The bones of a white dragon are at the entrance with Chwingas climbing all over them * Going further in, we find an arena with Goliaths playing Goatball. They ask Lohengrin and Sous to play. * NAT 20! Sous helps his team win! Goatball is the best! * This clan complains that the other clan is obsessed with their griffins. * Lohengrin is invited to meet their chief...

2/8/22 - Session 47

* The sheriff insists that he’s saving the town * The follower of Amanautra is already dead * Cloak warns the sheriff that going against a lawful god will mean a bad end * One of the sheriff’s men sneaks a note to Sous that reads, “The speaker is missing.” * A younger Drow appears to not be convinced so we tell him to meet up with us later * The Druid goes off to heal herself and leave for Good Meade * We leave the square   We visit the Town Hall and the guards tell us the speaker went missing after the Coldlight Walkers attacked the Eastern Gate and the House of the Morning Lord * They also tell us Easthaven has banned all magic and religion * Cloak makes the guards cry by actually being nice to them   We arrive at the Eastern Gate and start helping the survivors of the attack in any way we can * We also do some anti-propaganda against the sheriff * Sous and Yukon find the dead body of the speaker * She looks like she died fighting. She’s completely frozen and has taken a lot of bludgeoning damage * The guards take her body away saying, “You know what that means… the sheriff is next in line.”   We exit the Eastern Gate to have a serious discussion * The party has a difficult decision to make and, as bad as the sheriff is, we don’t think we can save the town * Lohengrin is upset about it but still thinks the greater good is to solve the real problem of the Frostmaiden * We also see that, from the damage to the gate, it was hundreds of the Frostmaiden’s forces that attacked the city   We check out the Temple of The Morning Lord * Copper is burying the body of Fredrick mumbling, “Mishan should have known better.” * We break the news to Copper about Macreadus dying but we’re vague about the details * He has nowhere to go so we send him to help Dree back in Goodmeade   We check on Scramsax and Mishan at the Inn * There are guards by the door and the only lights on are in the upper rooms * They’re on house arrest because of Mishan * The Cold Walkers didn’t attack all at once but amassed at the east gate over time * They got hurt when they left the eastern gate to bury that body for us * Thankfully, Scramsax and Mishan aren’t worried about what they’re going to do to stay safe * Sous remembers his dwarven box and asks Mishan if she knows Dwarvish. She does! She speaks Bill Bobson’s name in Dwarvish to the box and it opens to reveal a single page of Billy Bob Bobson’s journal. * Abby reveals that the sheriff signed the contract that allowed McGonnigaul find and smuggle the people we found on her list. The sheriff believes he is “saving the town” by doing this.   We decide to stay the night and leave in the morning to broker peace between the Goliath clans

2/1/22 - Session 46

We dead!   * Lohengrin and Chosen try and figure out a plan * Swagger and Titanius talk to the soul of Macreadus. He asks you to “fix the Summer Star” with the “third ring.” * Macreadus’s amulet is an Amulet of Health that goes to Chosen * Macreadus points out a spot for a ring that’s missing from the Summer Star * Lohengrin attunes to the Summer Star and suddenly, the sky becomes lighter, a cool breeze blows through the windows, and Macreadus fades away while the rest of us are returned to our bodies. * When we all come back, Lohengrin grabs us in a massive bear hug :) * Lohengrin looks through Macreadus’ things and finds a deactivated homunculus: he was an arcanis * Coldlight Walkers arrive and attack! * Sous is blinded so many times that he falls off the balcony into the snow but the rest of the party does a great job and we win.   * The fishing goliath werebear, Oyaminartok “Oya” that the goliath, Kwan asked us to look for appears! * She is a “Winter Walker.” A legend that Goliath's tell their kids: If you ever meet the winter walker, you can run or challenge her, she’ll test you and, if you succeed, you “win” a bite from her to become a werebear yourself. * Oya came to meet Macreadus and is sad that he died. * Sous tries to talk to her but she isn't interested.   * We long rest and head back to Bryn Shander thinking that their good weather is because of a similar amulet to the one we found. We want to try and prevent any attacks similar to what we experienced. * One the way, Lohengrin messages Scramsax about why we’re headed back and ask him to meet us. There is no reply.   * We arrive at Bryn Shander to see the town is dark again and light is no longer above the city * Entering the gate, we can see fire in the market place * We go to drop off our cart at the tavern but find it locked * Lohengrin runs up to Scramsax’s tower and finds he is there but unconscious in bed with his tavern guard tending to him. Lohengrin and Cloak heal him enough to keep him from dying. He says, “Get Mishan!” who we discover is in the same bad shape next door. * We run to the next room and heal Mishan too. She tells us that “walkers” attacked the temple and it is gone now. * We quickly run to the market to investigate the fire. * Two people are being burned alive in the middle of the square! The sheriff is making a speech about the need to return to sacrificing people to “save the town.” * Sous immediately tries to attack the sheriff but that does not go well. * Swagger saves the druid from being burned alive but the commoner next to her succumbs to the flames.

1/26/22 - Session 45

Derik’s brother had his 35th birthday so we moved this game to Wednesday.
* Titanius and Swagger continue to interrogate Scoop * Scoop says the Lucky Liar bartender told him to bring her poison mushrooms and live rabbits to make things * He makes it sound like Dotty is the arsonist of Lizbeth’s place * Scoop is 10 * Lizbeth told Scoop and Dotty to meet her at the inn but when they showed up, it was on fire * Says Bob is weird because he’s honest   * Cloak talks Sous into hiding his dad’s sword inside of Yukon so they can go talk to Bob without the same problem as last time * Bob is not very observant * Bill Bobson was a traveling dwarf so he was the black sheep of the family * Bill had a green mechanical arm with fingers like Sous * Bill “got bit” to get his new arm * Bill came back, wanted to start the inn and “make his adventures glow” * Bill brought the sword back when he returned with his new arm * Bob sold the inn to Lizbeth because he’s her godfather * A vine from Sous’s body grows out of him and finds and drinks some poison at the bar   (We send Scoop out to find his sister’s hideout)   We return to the burnt down inn to see what we can recover * Twinkle shows up and we ask her to help us find the journal of Bill Bobson and the whereabouts of Lizbeth * Twinkle finds a metal box with no lid, latch or lock. On it’s outside is Dwarven writing: This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it. * Dotty finds a gold coin from Camelot   Camelot connections 1. Scramsax - former mercenary 2. McGonnigaul - upset Merlin rejected her Strixhaven application 3. Bill Bobson - dwarf with Camelot coin and arm that could have come from Sir Lamorak   We leave Loneywood and head North to find the black cabin and, this time, are successful * We call out for Macreadus, the human sage but there’s no answer * One of the rooms is all burnt walls and furniture including a burned skeleton of a male human * Inside the body is an amulet of Lithander * On the table in the center of the room is a silver magic item that Cloak tries to identify   * It immediately explodes! 91 damage to Swagger, Cloak, Sous, Titanius. Our bodies are instantly killed but we come right back as ghosts: * we can fly 30ft but nowhere 30ft beyond the cabin * We can move a tiny object with a check   * Cloak finds the ghost of Macreadus

1/18/22 - Session 44

The party travels north from Bryn Shander to search for the black cabin   An east-west snowstorm is blowing in front of us so we turn back to Loneywood   We arrive to see the Ramshackle inn totally on fire! * The speaker’s kids, Scoop and Dotty show up and say they’re here looking for Lizbeth * Lohengrin tries to message her but gets no response * The whole place burns down and we find Chwinga holes in the walls and a skeleton * The speaker, Nimsey, arrives and is super unhelpful * Some of us argue with the speaker and the guards while the rest investigate the bones * The bones are large enough to be a human   We leave in a huff and go to Lizbeth’s house * The house is totally empty, like she never stayed here * She could have emptied her old house in an attempt to refurbish the inn * We suspect foul play   Head to the Lucky Liar tavern to try and get information * Swagger comes in crying loudly about Lizbeth while Titanius consoles her * Bill’s brother, Bob, comes in and yells about the “white monsters” being gone * Sous tries to talk to Bob but he starts demanding that Sous’ sword belongs to him * Sous almost fights everyone in the bar to the death but Chosen Wan helps him make it out before it comes to that * The bartender asks to see Sous’s sword and can actually see the writing on it! * Scoop comes into the bar and yells, “I did the thing!” to the bartender   Lohengrin messages Sally to see if she’s ok * She answers back, “I want to leave, it’s boring here, the Orc misses Mei” * Everyone in Chosen Town seems to be ok   Lonelywood loose ends * shake down Scoop for info * Bob connected to Sir Lamorak * bartender can read Sous’s sword * find out what happened to Lizbeth and her tavern   Titanius and Swagger try to bribe Scoop to tell them what he did for the bartender. It doesn’t go great.

1/11/22 - Session 43

The Cakey Bakey has suddenly changed! The goblins scream about “the great one” creating a private room for 5 GP per day so we rent the room and try to make a plan.   We talk about going back to Scramsax’s inn and all the Chwinga amulets begin to glow. We send Hooters to visually look at the inn and check out the tower. No trouble that he can see.   Long rest and then off to the House of the Morning Lord church * Fredrick is there alone and says that Mishan went out to find Scramsax * Cloak discovers that Fredrick is responsible for the permanent light being over Bryn Shander   Outside the church, Copper Knobberknocker appears and asks us if we’ve found his friend, Macreadus yet? * Macreadus is a human sage of Lithander who owns the Black Cabin * Lohengrin tries sending a message to Macreadus but gets zero response, which is very weird   Head back to Scramsax’s inn * At the inn, Abbie Horan the human female guard, is behind the bar. The guards are grilling her for information on where Scramsax is but she tells them nothing. (Mei lead Abbie to the inn but left.)   * Dannika Greysteel is also in the tavern! (Last time we saw her, we were back in Dougan’s Hole * Says she’s heard stories about our group solving problems around the Ten Towns. She needs a rare ingredient, white dragon bone, for a potion that will help people resist the cold. There is a rumor that there is some south by the Wyrm Doom Crag. * We are pretty sure the Warm Doom Goliath clan won’t be happy about us trying to get these bones * Titanius and Swagger give Dannika’s chwinga ink and he draws a mountain with a cave entrance at its base * At the bar, Lohengrin spots a female Goliath named Kwan from the Sky Tower clan so he chats her up. * She asks about a goliath werebear * He brags about being the leader of The Chosin Ones which seems to impress her so she approaches the group.   Kwan reveals that she’s been exiled because she stole from non goliaths and didn’t complete her quest. She wants us to make peace between the two waring Goliath clans: * Arn, chieftain of the Sky Tower Clan (Real name is Akannathi Clan) * Ogolai, chieftain of the Warm Doom Clan (Real name is Thuunlakalaga Clan) * Swagger makes a blood oath that we will do it   * We all go up to Scramsax’s tower and Abbie comes up to let us know that Mei ran off when more guards arrived at the inn. She prepared our animals and cart to get out of town and take Mei with us. * We leave to find the Black Cabin but are attacked by a Coldlight Walker along the way

1/4/22 - Session 42

Basilisk battle! * Sous brutally slays two basilisks! * Chosen guts another like a fish * Lohengrin sends a fireball into the last one’s mouth   * Swagger casts Mishan’s Greater Restoration scroll and restores all the goblins and bandits back (except the bandit Sous killed, who dies again) * The goblins bug out back to the Cakey Bakery but Titanius convinces the bandits to storm the tower to rob it * The party follows behind and we all start going through the upper rooms * The bandits all explode and die in a room with an arcane trap circle on the floor that McGonnigaul created * We discover a note that reads: “Lohen grin. Help. Fortress. Save. Us. A Plea. - Mo” * A winter pixie arrives, turns a basilisk into a mouse, and disappears   Out of combat, we remember (after much struggle) that we were here to find books on Camelot, Chardlyn, and Auril * We only find 5 books on Camelot that Lohengrin pockets   In McGonnigaul’s office we discover a list of people who were transported in bad health to be experimented on. * Moe - Lohengrin’s friend is alive * Core - Is this Sous’ long-lost warforged brother?!?! * Ricsire Longfoot - Is this the brother of Clovis Longfoot, the halfling Scramsax killed   McGonnigaul’s application to Strixhaven was turned down because they didn’t think she had the magical aptitude SO MANY BOOKS!

12/21/21 - Session 41

* On our way to the speaker, we stop in the market to visit Kaylin, the blacksmith. * Sous shows her his dad’s sword and insists there is no name on it. (Only Sous can see his dad’s name on the blade?) * She gives Chosin the slashing monk weapons he ordered   * We arrive at the Town Hall and ask to speak with the speaker, Duvessa Shane * The guards give us some trouble and only allow Cloak in * Cloak brings in the contract with Amaunator and asks the speaker about the specifics of the contract we got from Mishan * The speaker claims not to know about the contract   * We go back to the inn to discuss what happened in private * We think the speaker has chosen a side * The speaker is young and inexperienced but is trying to prove she isn’t * She seems to be trying to impress the sheriff * Lohengrin thinks we have a shot at taking on McGonnigaul if it comes to that   * Scramsax is gone but all his stuff is still in his room. We think he went to dispose of the halfling body. * More guards have come into the inn asking about Scramsax but Mei volunteers to take care of them   * We leave for the Mage Tower * SAFE WORDS: “Tally Ho!” = all clear “Pickle” = no go * The goblins and bandits we sent to mess with the tower have been turned to statues at the entrance * Lohengrin knocks on the tower door and we are immediately attacked by basilisks   CLIFFHANGER! We end in the middle of the fight.

12/14/21 - Session 40

We search the halfling, Clovis Longfoot, and find a note: * His Ma is calling him back home * He was from a family of thieves from Easthaven * Ma is worried that when the Frostmaiden, Auril, finds out that Bryn Shander has stopped sacrificing people, she is going to destroy the town * Easthaven has banned magic and religion   Sous tries to clean the blood off of himself by rolling in the stable hay and “bathing” in the animal trough. * This does not work. * Cloak and chosen help him actually clean up   From the note, the party realizes we need to either get out of town or try and save the town   Scramsax lets us rest in his private quarters and we notice he has a large symbol of Camelot on the floor. (Along with many animal trophies) * He has a meaty stew cooking in his fire. He’s the only one who has made something other than fish. * Scramsax cleans his boots on the crest * Cloak asks him if the name Sir Lamorak means anything to him. It does! * He knows all about Camelot and the Knights of The Round Table because he was once a mercenary for Arthur. * He can’t reveal the nature of his mercenary work but he confirms Camelot is a real place and he did meet Sir Lamorak. (Probably before Sous was made.) * The temple has been increasingly busy and are claiming that their deity will save the town as long as they stop sacrificing people. * Bryn Shander is full of contradictory rumors that it will be destroyed by the Frost Maiden or saved by the church of Amaunator   * We remember that we let bandits and a Cakey Bakey goblin into the tower, which explains why the Cakey Bakey is closed in this town. * Before bed, we form a plan: Titanius will pretend he’s magical so he can sneak into the Mage Tower to steal some books and get intel on McGonnigaul * Chosen Wan still has terrible dreams of the Chardalyn weapons * Cloak tries praying to Auril but doesn’t gets a negative reaction * Before we try infiltrating the Mage Tower, we decide to get information from the church of Auril * On the way, McGonnigaul send a message to Lohengrin saying, “Welcome back.” She knows we’re here. * Chosen and Sous notice Copper Knobberknocker is still here but we didn’t make it to the Black Cabin so we avoid talking to him.   Upon arriving at the church, Titanius and Cloak are recognized and the crowd surrounds them but the church leaders, Mishan and Fredrick, shoo them all out. * Cloak asks Mishan if Amaunator has a contract with the town to fight against Auril, the Frost Maiden? * Mishan eludes to a contract being made between Amauntor and the Speaker of Bryn Shander. * She also suggests going to the Mage Tower but not alone. * She gives Titanius a scroll of paper and tells him to only look at it if he gets into trouble. * She also tells him in thieves can’t: “restoration, multiple, keep safe” (Greater restoration for groups?)   Remember for next time: Talk to speaker about their contract

12/7/21 - Session 39

Mei spills the beans: * "It all started 4 years ago posted by the Northlook Inn in Bryn Chander..." * Rime begin 2 years ago and then her guard duty was moved to the Town Hall * Doesn’t know why the sacrifices started but she was tasked with enforcing them * Her boss, Mynera McGonnigaul, told the guards to look for anyone with magical abilities and would pay for tips or turning them in * Instead of turning people in, she only turned in trinkets for ale money * She was about to sell the Chwingas to the tower since they weren’t people   * Chosen Wan believes Mei and convinces us to give her a second chance * Mummy Dearest is now our pet babysitter * Lohengrin’s owl flew near Bryn Chander and was exploded by a white light that now hangs over that city   We leave for Bryn Chander to investigate the strange white light * Along the way, Lohengrin remembers that he found his friend Curly’s hat in the Durigar cave so he messages him and receives a partial reply of “Help!” * Lohengrin tells everyone that his teacher, Mynera McGonnigaul, was selling her magical students to someone * Sous asks Mei if she knows who her old boss would be selling her students to? (She doesn’t know.) * Mei reveals that Bryn Chander students were tracked and Cloak detects divination magic on Lohengrin’s little toe and cuts through a small black line that was put there * Lohengrin uses the sending stones to warn Chosen Town that we might have been tracked there * Before we can reach Bryn Chander, we run into a party of Orcs from the Many Arrows Tribe * Cloak stops us from fighting them because he knows this tribe. He rescued one from their tribe named Wuglat long ago. * They don’t seem to recognize Cloak so Swagger helps translate into Orc for him * Sous helps save the party by giving the Orcs a barrel of fish jerky   * The skies over Bryn Chander are covered in an intensely bright light that only seems to shine within the city walls * The blight light doesn’t seem to cover the tower * Mei helps us sneak into Bryn Chander through a secret entrance in the South West gate with a key she wears around her neck * We leave our wagon with Mei’s old guard coworker, Abbie Horan, a human female guard * Abbie punches Mei because, well, she’s Mei   Abbie recommends some ways for us to sneak anywhere near the Wizard Tower or Southern part of town: * 1) stagger ourselves instead of leaving in a group * 2) or Abbie escorts some of us to the Town Hall * Everyone decides to just disguise themselves and be as inconspicuous as we can   * Weird Changes: Town Hall has stopped sacrificing people and the city gates are handing out religious pamphlets to Amaunator, the legalistic deity that Cloak and Titanius were coerced into following. The market place is also sparse.   We split into an intimidation party and a covert party to get through town. * Titanius and Sous intimidate the hell out of this town! Nobody’s messin’! * The rest of the party keeps their cool and notices a halfling stalking the group. Chosen stalks him back and makes sure he doesn’t get away.   We make it to the Northlook Inn successfully * Scramsax helps us all keep our cover and get to the back rooms * Chosen manhandles the halfling, Clovis Longfoot, and takes him to the stables * Scramsax tells some of us that the church of Amaunator has become very popular as of late and that they are the ones who stopped the sacrifices. Supposedly, the god will keep the warming light over Bryn Chander as long as nobody is killed in the city. * There is a black spot over the Wizard Tower and people suspect that it’s because McGonnigaul is still killing * Many in the town have become zealots to Amaunator and are convinced it will lead to an end to The Rime * The Cakey Bakey closed because the goblins went missing too   We go out to interrogate Clovis the halfling * Titanius fails to intimidate him * Sous fails to intimidate him * Chosen sees through his lies which truly angers Sous * Sous picks him up and gives him one last chance to fess up but Clovis still lies, infuriating Sous. * Sous is about to kill him when Scramsax comes out and stabs the halfling himself.   As Scramsax leaves, he says to himself, “Maybe it’s time I come out of retirement…”

11/30/21 - Session 38

* After a full night’s rest in our safe and warm Good Meade home. * Cloak and Chosen have a conversation and think that the chardalyn weapons Chosen has been carrying is giving him nightmares of a deamon offering him power. * We discover that Mummy Dearest could be older than the Ten-Towns * Lohengrin calls Speaker Ballan using their stones of far speech and he asks us if Sally has any unfinished business? * We get into an argument with Mei and she summons a horse and finally leaves the party * Turns out that Mei locked Chwingas into 2 of her barrels and then lied to us about them being “stolen.” Then, after we made Mei leave, the Chwinga King appears with the barrels and asks us to let the trapped ones out. He then asks us to kill Mei. We are very happy she left the party. * We leave for Lohengrin’s nearby owlbear camp * Barry and the rest of the owlbears are doing just great. In fact, there are several little owlbearlets. * Lohengrin gets Chosen to drink from the restoration spring in hopes of it fixing his problems from the chardalyn * We head back to check on the house BUT on the way back we run into Goliath Warriors from the Skytower clan * There is rumor of a feud between the Wyrmdoom Crag clan and Skytower Shelter clan in the spine and they are on their way to pick sides. * They claim to have seen many magic users killed near Bryn Shander * They try to recruit Lohengrin but he refuses * Finally arriving home in Good Meade, we walk in to see Mei unconscious and locked in a cage with the Chwingas standing proudly over her. * Swagger talks the Chwingas into stripping Mei of her magic weapons. They hand over a magic wand. * Sous figures that Mei could be a magic user in hiding * We revive her and she immediately lies and denies everything

11/23/21 - Session 37

* A lot of Chwinga show up with a note saying Swagger needs to get out of town * Group meeting in the cart: Chosen Wan tells us he’s just tired of dying all the time and that if we have a problem with him, we should come to him one-on-one * We go to the tavern to investigate the threatening note to Swagger * Returning to the tavern, the Chwingas are gone because Mei kicked them * We discover our nickname has become The Fishy Jerks because we have been peddling fish jerky and we’ve also been kind of jerks. (We get this changed to The Frozen Wans) * The tavern lost a magical lantern that was their signage * The cook sister * Mei’s original ale kegs were stolen * Frozenfar Expeditions - We put our heads together and choose a party name: The Frozen Wans * Jarthra Farzassh - dwarf who suplies Glen with his ale * We learn * the symbol on the threatening note was seen by Jarthra Farzassh the dwarf told us he saw it along the Eastway between Bryn Shander and East Haven * the Dwarves in the north are mining lots of gems * Caer-Konig gives up food * We learn everyone’s full names: * “Cloak” Shivel Onyxstone * Swagger Bebop * Sous Lamorak * “Smiles” Lohengrin Frostbrew * Chosin Wan * “Tiny” Titanius Angelsmith * We do our best to haggle and get all the magical items * We try to find info from the speaker but he knows pretty much nothing * We leave and return to Good Meade to find that Bob has upgraded our home to stone.

11/16/21 - Session 36

* WHERE ARE WE?!?! * A large hole opens in the ice and Cloak falls down into it * A large ice boulder pins and crushes his mechanical arm * As we try to free Cloak from under the rocks, Chosen Wan lights a torch and we notice three dead Duregar and a dead owlbear * We move faster too free Cloak when a giant blue phase spider appears and attacks * SPIDER ATTACK! * Sous shoots lightening from his chest! * 2 venom from phase spider, 3 fangs and 3 venom sacs from regular spiders * 2 emerald gemstones worth 50gp each * Pygmywort - blue mushroom causes you to shrink in size like the reduce effect of an enlarge spell * 2 sets of leather armor, 1 warpick, 8 short swords, 5 daggers, 2 shields * Exploring the spider cave, we find a Yeti Tyke who’s parent has been killed * One of Sous’s vines pierces and drinks a spider venom sac!! * Our pixie pal Twinkle shows up and gives us the power to fly out of the hole * Turns out Periwinkle was sent to help us but Mei had trapped her in one of her beer barrels * Twinkle joined the Sele, the “good” summer faries * The faires use their magic to wisk us quickly towards Caer-Konig * We enter Caer-Konig and, at Mei’s request, head straight for the Hook, Line, & Sinker * Cloak stays back to identify our new magic items * A half-elf named Glen with dark skin greets everyone with a dwarven ale telling us, “It’s sinker time!” * Glen gets his ale from the dwarves who brew it in the mines. We ask him how they get the materials to make ale down in mines and he replies, “I don’t ask!” * Swagger tries to order a milk but is delivered a while russian and immediately becomes drunk… and performs an incredibly good cover of My heart Will Go On * Sous tries to talk to a strange old pale woman of a race we don’t know and her orc friend in the corner but they leave claiming to not enjoy Swagger’s music * We get kicked out of the tavern and get rooms at the The Northern Light inn * Swagger and Titanius sleep off their heavy drinking while the rest of us have a nice long rest * In the morning, we all awake to Mei screaming

11/10/21 - Session 35

* We discover a blue, magical fire that we can’t put out that is keeping everything bad alive in this cave * Mummy Dearest attacks the Chardalyn Berserkers but they take no damage from his attacks * Lohengrin eventually figures out to shrink the brazier which puts out the fire just long enough for us to escape * We exit the cave in a totally unfamiliar location * Long rest to heal and prevent exhaustion * While on first watch, Sous hears a cackling laughter from the south * We just wanna sleep! * 6 Gnolls attack the camp but we manage to kill them all * We finally manage to long rest * A snowy owlbear arrives and Lohengrin befriends him * Chwingas arrive and one of them has a golden fork. It’s the Chwinga King * They tell us we’re in the far NE part of the mountain range. * We try to triangulate our position but they are very unhelpful. * We decide to ignore the Chwinga’s terrible ideas and head to where Chosen Wan’s amulet origionally lead us. * Traveled NE out of the mountains * Blizzard begins * Traveled 2 hours - hit river (east/west) * Perception roll at another 3 hours - failed * Traveled another 3 hours - hit another river (NE/SW) * Blizzard ends but that’s not much help * Hooters looks around and stuff. We are still lost.

11/2/21 - Session 34

* We focus our efforts on one Chardalyn Berserker at a time and manage to take a few down * Lohengrin doubles the size of our horse, we pile into the cart, and Cloak’s summoned orc chief provides the cover we need to escape. * On their bodies, we find: * weapons with chardalyn * a ring made of ice with a 6 pointed snowflake * Chosen Wan picks up the ring and we all are instantly transported to another location in a swirl of ice and snow * “Four humans have been in here… the four humans we just killed.” * We walk along a 20ft cliff until we come to a crazy portico entrance carved like a bear head * Several people attack the portico and 2 white dragon wyrmlings appear and attack us * We managed to kill them but are beaten and battered * We find their eggs and it turns out they were 3yrs old * We explore the cave further but are attacked by more Chardalyn Berserkers * One of the Chardalyn Berserkers yells “I pledge allegiance to my master!” * With the help of Cloak’s war chief, we clear the cave of berserkers * Lohengrin finds a stitched wallet containing: * complete set of theves tools * cracked spyglass * scroll of knock

10/26/21 - Session 33

* 2 Polar Bears chase Chossen Wan out of the cave. * We hear a evil creature named Ravisin yell, “Ten Towns will be destroyed. If not by my hand then by the Frost Maiden!” * Ravisin hits the entire party with an ice ball for more than 20 damage * She screams “My beast will avenge us!” before exploding herself and everyone around her * A nearby bush, named Woody, grows very quickly, blooms fruit, and talks to us all very slowly * Tells us that Ravisin blames Ten Towners for the death of her sister, a frost druid * Ravisin awakened many plants and animals around Icewind Dale * Ravisin awakened evil aligned creatures like the white moose, a lake monster, etc. * The rest of the party discovers a half rotting corpse in a sarcophagus * It has a shark-skin pouch containing 2 vials * Woody tells us about a sarcophigus and we burn the correct ingredients and a mummy comes out * Mummy Dearest follows Woody the bush * Mummy follows our orders because we woke him up * We invite Woody and Mummy Dearest to drive the cart. If Mai is surprised, she doesn’t show it. * We try to camp in our cart and are attacked by Chardalyn Berserkers * They take more than 50 damage before being bloody * We end on a cliffhanger mid-fight

10/18/21 - Session 32

* Ancient white dragon named Arveiaturace (known as The White Wyrm) lands in front of us             * We can see a rider in a saddle on its back             * The rider turns out to be a skeleton with white hair             * She is known as a great predator in this area             * Rumored to have served an old wizard             * The dragon’s eyes are clouded over * Martina and Tommy show up on her black dragon * Lohengrin casts a spell that expands the black dragon to 3 times it’s normal size * Martina fights the white dragon and we run away * We head to Lonelywood to see if we can find Lizbeth             * Lizbeth’s house is totally dark             * We visit the Lucky Liar and are told that Lizbeth is in the Old Inn             * Scoop is there too and we tell him that we took Grit "to meet his brother"             * Turns out, Lizbeth is remodeling the old inn and about to open it soon             * We let her know about her sister and asks Lohengrin to invite her to come to the inn and run the place             * Quote of the game: "They were confusing me so I went back to bed."             * Chwingas are filling the inn’s walls with metal * We leave for the Elven moon ruins * Chosen Wan sneaks in with an invisiblity spell * Chosen comes out with a stolen book and yells "RUN!"

10/12/21 - Session 31

* Quote of the game: “Did you ever smell him?” * 1 trial of power: defeat a woman named Deana * 2 trial of patience: settle a dispute between Mahk (orc from statue store) and Anna (waitress from tavern) because Mahk thinks Anna spread rumors about him and ruined his changes with his crush, Mai * 3 trial of knowledge: choose the true rumor * 4 trial of confidence: Persuade Mai that you are the chosen one (Chosen convinces Mai to travel with us as a guard) * 5 trial of acrobatics: jump over a river * Prize: opens the chest below his large statue and received the Black Robe of the Chosen One * Goodbye to Sally             * “Don’t trust the other magic people“             * “They won’t talk about the scryer”             * “Tell Lohengrin not to talk to the magic people”             * “Tell Lohengrin to talk to Sally” * As we leave town, a white dragon lands in front of us and we all may die

10/5/21 - Session 30

* Chosen Wan is magically swept away to the speaker’s house to undergo the Chosen Trials to determine if he is the actual Chosen One * The speaker tells us the Legend of the Chosen One             * Long ago, Ten Towns  (founded by a dark elf) was full of many different races and people who all lived in peace. The people who founded the town of Chosen had visions of one who would save the Ten Towns from the never ending frost * Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the conqueror of fear. * Quote of the night: “I had a brother for a yeti.” * Grit and Ian give us opposing stories             * Grit claims that he and Ian stole the statues to pay their parents debt             * Ian claims that he is paying off Grit’s debt from stealing the statues to go have adventures             * 45 statues were never returned * We go digging around the tavern looking for whatever the 2 boys were looking for and discover an ornate box * The tavern keeper kicks everyone out of the bar and tells us about history he knows             * Long ago, Talia arrived in town and sold an ornate box with a dagger in it because she was desperate for money. (The tavern keeper didn’t want to buy her black dragon egg)             * The dagger has a golden dragon hilt with a ruby in it’s mouth and is a dragon cultist ceremonial dagger

9/27/21 - Session 29

* Chosen: The Secret Eleventh Town of Ten-Towns * Katrina, the Records Keeper, invites Chosen in and speaks to him with great reverence. The statue has an inscription of the town motto:             * “Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest of it." * Grit Brinwall states that he has fulfilled his duty to return Chosen Wan to his town as it was foretold and is done.             * Grit tries to leave but is stopped by Lohengrin             * We find out Grit has a brother named Ian who still lives in town * Katrina takes us all to the tavern Chosen Brew             * Everyone in the tavern is shocked except for one woman, Mai             * Cloak talks to Mai and finds out she was told to open up “The Chosen House” before we arrived             * They were warned about the freeze before it happened and hid themselves away             * This town does not believe in sacrificing anything to the Frost Maiden * We go to meet Ian at the             * A full orc runs the front desk             * A dwarf makes the statues             * They say that Grit stole half their silver relics and skipped town. They have Ian chained and working there in order to get Grit to come back             * Grit admits to stealing 5,000 GP worth of silver statues * We leave to meet Ballan Loranala the Town Speaker             * He tells us almost nothing             * We learn he is highly magical * Turns out that Azel is Lizbeth’s sister!! She works in the library in the town hall             * Sally tells her all about our adventures             * Azel and Lizbeth’s family were killed in East Town’s sacrifices             * Azel asks us to tell Lizbeth to return to her sister * Lohengrin decyphers some of the books and they contain aphorisms:             * A person of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds.             * Advice, when most needed, is least heeded.             * Allow compassion to guide your decisions.             * Advice, when most needed, is least heeded.             * Allow compassion to guide your decisions.             * If you wish to see the best in others, show the best of yourself.             * Small confidences mark the onset of a friendship.             * Swimming is easy. Stay floating is hard. * Speaker Ballan has a long conversation with Lohengrin about magic and gives him stones of sending * Half the party returns to Mai in the tavern. She tells the straight history of the town:             * Founded by some lost people who supposedly knew the Rhyme was going to happen             * They made this isolated village and based it upon a parchment that supposedly foretold of it’s founding             * The elders left symbols in each of the Ten-Towns that would lead to the 11th town and people who figure it out just start showing up             * The town elders talked to a magical speaker asking to talk to the Chosen One who had the visions that saved the town. All the sketches and statues were made from that meeting             * The Chosen One is supposed to end the Rhyme             * Speaker Ballan is rumored to be as old as the town * Talia Ebonscale passed through Chosen with an egg and left with a different item * Quote of the Game: “Words confuse me, magic man.” * Sous, Swagger, and Titanius have a very dumb conversation with Speaker Ballan about Talia Ebonscale             * She came through town long ago with an egg that ended up being Lockheed             * She left an object behind that the speaker said he didn’t want to tell us about it * Chosen Wan asks the tavern owner how he can be old enough to have written the sacred scrolls and the answer is , “Magic”

9/21/21 - Session 28

* Sous attunes to his Bloodline Blade overnight and has a vision of the events that lead Sir Lamorak to becoming turned into a vampire * Grit says that Loneywood sacrifices food to the Frost Maiden * We visit Iris Cree, owner of the Happy Scrimshander             * Bill says that there’s a polar bear in the same place where we found the white moose             * Titanius Quote of The Game: "We prefer not to be called livestock..."             * Sous trades the 4 battle axes he found for 3 climbing gear and a sheath for his new greatsword * We follow Grit’s directions East to the Town of Chosen * A blizzard traps us with a Snowy Owl Bear             * Grit attacks it and impresses both Sally and Sous             * Lohengrin calms it down enough to prevent us from being eaten * We make it to the outside of the town of Chosen and decide to camp outside of town to enter it more dramatically in the rising sun * In the night, 2 Perytons attack the cart and set off our alarm             * Sally manages to stab her first creature             * We kill and cook them * Grit brings us into the secret Town of Chosen * We go into the Town Hall to meet Ballan the town speaker             * We are met by a woman named Katrina who looks back and forth between Chosen and the statue of his likeness

9/7/21 - Session 27

* We behead the white moose, processed the body into 500 lbs of meat, and save the hide * Lohengrin inspects the ruins:             * Carvings near the top of each pillar; from north to south, these images depict a twig, a pinecone, a flame, a feather, and a humanoid hand.             * “Gaze upon your own face and have seven questions answered.”             * Cloak asks the mirror how to stop the Frost Maiden and as the mirror begins to show us, it goes black and shatters * We head back to Nimsey, the Speaker’s House and give her the moose head and take a long rest * Chosen Wan endures a full-on Nimsey rant to try and figure out where to bring our moose meat * We find Dotty and Scoop in the tavern and interrogate them when they try to leave             * We argue a lot about them going to the forbidden old inn and Sous intimidates Dotty into understanding she can either show it to us or we will break in.             * We discover that Dotty isn’t as young as she presents herself to be             * Chosen Wan bribes the bartender for information about the old inn and finds out that, even though Bill’s brother hung himself a week ago, the town militia is still guarding the place * Dotty and Scoop take us to the old inn             * Grit is a kid that ends up living inside. He lives in the old inn because he has no parents and claims to be from the Town of Chosen which is named after Chosen Wan. * Titanuius breaks into an old chest and finds the Bloodlined Blade, a sword that was forged by Sous’s “father.” Sous’s world is rocked!

8/31/21 - Session 26

(First session in Michigan)   * At her request, we drop off Lizbeth in Lonelywood * We learn that Lonelywood is a town full of shady characters * Titanius notices some thieves kant outside of the Lucky Liar: “Good drink, loosens tongues.” * Chosen Wan meets a young kid named Scoop who says his mother needs a hunter             * Scoop is the Speaker’s son             * Dotty is the Speaker’s daughter * The bartender tries to get the party drunk to get information but the only one talking is Sous. Cloak pulls him away to protect everyone. * Speaker of the town is a halfling named Nimsey who is a third generation speaker             * The speaker keeps trying to fill the time with food and drink and won’t tell us what she wants to hire us to hunt             * Bill’s brother hung himself in the tavern (was a logger but seems unrelated)             * Loggers are being terrorized by a white moose             * Willing to pay 100 GP for the moose’s head             * Scoop and Dotty take us to the part of the woods where the white moose was spotted * We discover a huge ceremonial site that looks very magical and surrounded by elven statues             * A white moose attacks us, forcing us to kill it

8/24/21 - Session 25

Last session in Florida :(   * The invisible creature is a Grell and as soon as Sous gets a chance, he bursts out of the back room and kills it * The tribal guards who were guarding the East Side Inn * We manage to convince the remaining guards that the Grell killed the guard and the rest of the people * We are told to take them back to Vernon Braig’s Tavern Inn to stay for the night while they investigate * Vernon protects us from the guards but they threaten the new town speaker * We warn him but he doesn’t seem to mind and only pays us 50GP for clearing the mine. * We go to Madame Misty’s in hopes of her helping Sally with her new magical abilities * Most of the party goes in with Sally and decides Madame Misty is bad news and leaves town for Lonelywood

8/17/21 - Session 24

* Sally appears in the cave so Sous brings her back to the tavern * Unbeknownst to him, an invisible monster follows them back to the East Side Inn and attacks the patrons * Sous manages to get Sally, Lizbeth, Marta, and Marta’s Father Clyde into the back room and goes out to defend the tavern * Sous manages to get a hit on the invisible monster but the monster also gets a hit and stuns Sous * Clyde hears Sous fall, opens the door and drags him back into the room. But before he can get the door closed, the monster attacks and stuns him too * Sous wakes up surrounded by the three women with the old man stunned in the open doorway * The rest of the party enters from the front door and we all roll initiative

8/10/21 - Session 23

* At Termalaine to explore the gem mine * At the Ease Side Inn we give moose meat to Marta, the blonde haired human daughter of Clyde             * Marta lets Sous cook the moose meat that we brought             * She sings everyone a song:                         Ahead of winter's wind she came-                         The lovely woman with no name;                         Draped in a fur-lined cloak of red,                         To the icy lake she fled;                         The wind pursued her all the same-                         As sure as night she's dead.             * The story was of a woman who her grandparents met when she came into the tavern             * Marta can’t afford to pay for help so we harass every non-paying customer             * Lizbeth asks to finally not sleep in the same room as Sally             * Sous gives Sally an “Adventuring Spoon” (normal wooden spoon) to convince her to stay behind with Matra * We leave for the Gem Mine             * We find a sign saying “Kobolds Only” but it’s written too well to be kobolds             * Find an entrance to the under dark             * Find a lift and go down on it             * Find 2 kobolds and attack them

8/3/21 - Session 22

* On the way, we learn that Sally has naturally learned magic * We enter Termalaine and immediately go to Nippet’s Cakey Bakey where chaos ensues             * 10 Lemon Liron             * 3 supersized Lemon Liron             * 6 Nublins Milk and Cookies             * 2 Invisibility             * 1 Froggy Figgy * Thieves Cant reveals             * Sabotage             * Mine             * X Oarus * Madame Misty - magic * East Side Inn - place to stay * We head to the Blue Clam             * Rumor: In Caer-Dineval, no one has seen the town speaker for a long time. Locals say Speaker Crannoc has fallen ill, but sinister figures have been seen entering and leaving the castle at odd hours.             * They sacrifice fire at night             * Tavern owner Vernon Braig                         * Gives us moose meat to “give to Marta, the blonde haired human daughter of Clyde” * Masthew the new speaker of the Kobolds have invaded the gem mine             * Reward: 50 GP each to clear them out * We meet racist militia members at the town hall * End at East Side Inn where Lizbeth is going to stay and watch our wagon

7/27/21 - Session 21

* The polar bears try to eat us but Chosen Wan “handles” them and reattaches them to the sleds             * Sled #1 has 600 lbs of iron ingots             * Sled #2 is just a large lead sled with room for everyone * Chosen Wan walks the polar bears back into the wild tundra and frees them * We return the iron back to the dwarves who lost it quest complete             * They offer us 300 GP worth of blood stones plus a 30% discount at Blackiron Blades * We use Sous’s crocodile skins, Cloak’s tinkering, and Chosen Wan’s vehicle proficiency to fix the cart into an armored cart. * Cloak shows us his contract with the Morning Lord             * We learn that Cloak is the heir to an underdark kingdom * Scramsax saddles the party with Sally and Lizbeth * We travel to Targos             * Lohengrin and Swagger go into town to buy ink and paper for spell scrolls             * Swagger asks about their sacrifice and it’s no fire at night * We leave quickly to continue to Termalaine

7/20/21 - Session 20

* Component pouch containing a pearl of 50gp * The temple of the Morning Lord has decided that it’s bad for the town to kill people in attempts to end the winter. It is resurrecting long dead bodies to use as “disciples” * We return to Scramsax’s tavern             * Sally dyed Lizbeth’s hair red to disguise her as an older sister             * Lizbeth is from Lonelywood * We leave word with Scramsax to tell Tommy that his sword is with the blacksmith * Sally makes a black sheep disguise for Lockheed to walk through town without being spotted * Cloak signs a contract with the temple of The Morning Lord removing his curse * We leave through the North Gate and leave Bryn Shander heading northeast to try and recover the iron shipment and lost dwarves * After a blizzard, we discover a dwarf missing his head, arms, etc.             * Goblin and sled tracks lead away from the body.             * Following the tracks, we find the goblins dragging the dwarves massive wagon             * GOBLIN BATTLE             * We manage to save the sleds but most goblins run off             * Polar bears dragging the sleds attack us

7/14/21 - Session 19

* Swagger catches up with Sous and Chosen Wan to tell them about about Titanius dying. They rush to the Temple of The Morning Lord * The Morning Lord brings Titanius back from the dead. The priest thinks she did it. * Lohengrin punches Titanius in anger? * Chosen wan meets a gnome named Copper Knobberknocker in the temple.             * He tells us of his friend Mac who lives in the Black Cabin and is trying to build a device to make the winter go away. * Lohengrin visits his old teacher and the reunion doesn’t go well. She is selling students as slaves. * Kaylin, the blacksmith is repairing Tommy’s sword for 2 weeks             * Tommy, If you're reading this note, it means that your pride and joy is back in one piece. Enjoy cutting things into many pieces. -Sous * Lohengrin tips off the local jewel thieves to easy ways to steal from the wizard’s tower * Everyone heads to the temple of The Morning Lord so Cloak can investigate if the Morning Lord can clear out his Deck of Many Things curse

7/5/21 - Session 18

* Lohengrin’s teacher, Mynera McGonnigaul, is interested that he is back in town. * The Mayor of Bryn Shander is now Duvessa Shane, former head of the merchant’s guild * Sally’s godfather is Scramsax * Sous leaves Lockheed in the care of Sally to make sure Martina isn’t up to no good * We meet some dwarves who claim that             * Yetis attacked them and they lost their iron ingots             * Ubook the beardless dwarf didn’t make it back.             * Last seen between Bryn Shander and Kelvin’s Cairn             * Were mining iron for Black Iron Blades smithy * Lohengrin gets a note form his old teacher, Mynera McGonnigaul, saying that he needs to come back to the tower * We go to the market and save an enslaved woman named Lizbeth * Titanius dies when a Dread Wraith comes out of the Deck of Many Things             * Everyone except for Sous and Chosen wan take Titanius’s body to a temple to try and heal him             * Titanius rolls a perfect 100 and comes back to life

6/29/21 - Session 17

* Perrywinkle (the fairy that helped us save Lockheed) * We follow Perrywinkle to help rescue a reindeer’s mate from a cave * Rest in our house in Good Mead * Return to Dougan’s Hole to learn that Sally went off with a caravan of adventurers to Brinshander             * We investigate the Twenty Stones of Thruun in the south of town             * We find shallow carvings in the stone: CW, NE, DH, CD, SW * We check in on the Owlbears in the former Veerbeg Cave and finally manage to push the top off of the grave.             * Lohengrin gets a wand and pearl of power. He also had terrible dreams             * A tribal chieftain was laid to rest here in ancient times. The pictographs illustrate how the chieftain led her tribe to settle in Icewind Dale, how they fought off terrible monsters to claim their land, and how they found peace in their new home. Characters who study the artwork can pick out an image of the chieftain wielding a wand and casting a destructive spell.             * We place the wand into the Greater Restoration Hot Tub * Travel to Bryn Shander, a massive walled city             * Scramsax, owner of the Northlook Inn & Tavern             * We meet Martina and Tommy in the tavern.             * Sous heads to the stables to hide Lockheed and sees Sally.

Sessions 15 & 16 (missed)

* Woke up in cave of Cawngas and Pixies * Twinkle left a note that Swagger and Sous ran off chasing a Chawinga * Group fell into a cave where the Pixies and Chawingas were at war * Twinkle locked a door cutting off the two groups to fight * The group finds Sous and Swagger’s backpack

6/8/21 - Session 14

* On the way to Good Meade, we meet Longrin’s owlbear, Barry * We had back to the Verbeeg lair and slaughter them             * They were eating a dwarf from Brinshander             * In their cave, we find a room with ancient carvings of a chieftain settling Icewind Dale             * Restoration Hot Tub: Chosen Wan and Sous find a statue that makes the water in it’s pool greatly restorative             * We leave Barry the owlbear in the cave to guard the greater restoration pool             * 4 sheep 5 goats * When we return to Good Meade             * the city is surrounded by a tall ice wall             * The Frost Druid who tends the bees says the Dueragar have left town and “might have gone back to The Crack” in Termalaine that leads to the underdark             * Dree tries to get Sous to take a leaf but his friends keep him from becoming entrapped             * Bob, the city guard, barters with us to improve our house in town for all of our flock

6/1/21 - Session 13

* The pixie, Twinkle, appears and tells us three words “The Fairy Queen will be mad she told”:             * Castle             * Chardalyn             * Dueragar * The waitress passes Lehengrin a paper that says “Town Hall” * We all attend the halfling’s seance to call the White Lady             * How do we end the winter? “She won’t allow the winter end.”             * Where do we find the source of this endless winter? “The mountains.”             * Where is Talia Ebonscale? “Trapped in the ice and the snow.” * The Halfling tells us about the Rhime or the First Maiden who lives in the mountains * A guard greets us (wearing a necklace with Clover 47 on it)             * Imdra wants us to meet her at the town hall * We meet Imdra at the Town Hall             * We ask if she knows the name Chardalyn             * Imdra can’t see our Pixie Pal tattoos             * 4 guards were killed last night and shattered a 1,000 lb statue made of Chardalyn             * Chardalyn is a crystal that has infusions of a demonic nature             * the mayor is willing to pay 50 GP per shard             * Library: up stairs, door to left, another set of stairs             * Cloak finds a magical book of poetry by Dan Zan             * History of Chardalyn: crystalline substance found only in Icewind Dale that is infused with demonic power * The group starts their search with Sython to see if he knows anything             * Fremen: Fishermen have been terrorized by a monster             * Bryn Chander: Dwarves will pay good money to help them find a lost shipment * The Wet Trout Tavern bartender asks Cloak to steal a bag from the room we met Imdra in             * When Cloak goes to grab the bag, it bites his hand because it’s a Baby Mimic, Toothless Maw * The group headed back to Good Meade to try and wrap up any loose ends we can

5/25/21 - Session 12

* We all manage to sneak out of the cave past the Frost Giant Skeleton * Swagger manages to convince Scython to wait for us * We all make it to the middle cave when Titanius’s book starts to glow:             3 holes are better than none.             The middle is where the treasure is won.               Colors for me             Colors for you             Some might kill thee               Riddle me this             Riddle me that             If you cannot answer this riddle             You will go Splat!!               Violet, red, blue and green             Yellow and indigo             Whats the other color             You'd find in a rainbow?   * Titanius yells, “Orange!” In Sylvin and evil pixie cackles fill the air:               Orange it does not rhyme.             Which is a crime.             Red, Yellow, Indigo, Blue and green!             These others are a dream!             Don’t step on the ones not in our 'bow             Or you may will make quite the show!   * We carefully walk the rainbow road, careful to only touch squares in the pixie colors * MIMIC ATTACK! * We find an old turtle skin, Titanius says “Bubbles” and starts choking * We pull a lever that crushes the Frost Giant Skeleton in the previous cave * CROCODILE ATTACK!             *  49 teeth             *  3 perfect crocodile skins * We meet with Imdra at the Wet Trout to tell her our news. Sous is the only one who doesn’t make her angry. * Imdra REWARDS:             * Scroll of Fireball             * Gray Bag of Tricks * Finally reach Level 3!

5/18/21 - Session 11

* We set out on Lac Dinneshere on our boat along with Scython * Titanius deciphers the book he got last time to try and give us directions but only reveal a riddle:             * “3 holes are better than none. The middle is where the treasure is won.” * We come across a large ship half submerged in ice             * A smaller rowboat is docked near the shore named Bunch O’ Knuckleheads with footsteps leading away from the boat * We also spot three caves on the cliff-side and are pretty sure the middle one has treasure * BUGBEAR ATTACK * Investigating the large ship, we find a magic bracelet and a treasure chest * We investigate the Southern-most cave             * A Frost Giant Skeleton is frozen in ice but seems to be able to break free             * Past him, an old woman invites Swagger and Titanius to “visit” her for dinner. * The old woman is Maude Chiselbone, a Sea Hag that ate the missing fishermen.             * The Sea Hag has a Cauldron of Plenty

5/11/21 - Session 10

* Sous barters with the bartender, Nymetra Myskin to sell one of her wolf pelts * The batender is very interested in learning the location of the bees in Good Mead * We meet with Imdra in the Wet Trout             * She needs us to help with the task that the adventurers Dzan killed             * 4 fishermen went missing in Lake Dinnenshere -                         * Kitrec Greatbow - Dwarf                         * Arthur MacCrug - Human                         * Wayne Pinetrack - Human                         * Watt Dug - Dwarf             * Imgra wants us to find them * Lohengrin talks to a down on his luck tiefling ferryman named Scython (pirate captain) who passed on some rumors:             * In Caer-Konig, local establishments are beset by vandals and thieves that skulk about unseen.             * The town speaker, a dragonborn named Trovus, could really use some help catching the interlopers             * Martina and Tommy came through Easthaven looking for black dragons * We all get jumped by a gang             * Sous, being a barbarian who’s attacked in the dark, kills an attacker but Swagger saves him to keep us out of trouble             * The female monk, Missy, appears wearing a turtle shell on her back and helps us beat up all of the bandits             * Sous beats the captain to within an inch of his life * Missy claims to be a “princess of power” (thinks she’s the lost daughter of a king) but she doesn’t know what happened * Cloak reveals he thinks she’s royalty because “Royalty knows royalty” (Could Cloak be royalty?!) * Scython meets us at the docks and we push out to sea

5/4/21 - Session 9

* Sous goes down to the cave with his girlfriend, Dree and somehow manages to not get trapped:             * Dree offers him leaves that she says will “heal” whoever picks them. Sous politely refuses because people are so hurt. (Pretty sure it would have killed him.)             * Sous argues the house key away from the Durigar and returns to his friends * We claim our craphole of a house and rest * In the morning, Chosen Wan uses his Chwinga amulet to find our next direction to go * We head East and run into an Owlbear. Lohengrin makes friends with the owlbear and names him Barry * We arrive at Easthaven a town where pickpocketing is legal * We head towards the docks to try and keep danger to only one side of us * We hear a mob trying to burn a man * We meet Imdra, the Captain of the Guard, who tells us that the criminal, Dzan, killed six adventurers in what they suspect was dark magic * Wants to meet us at the Wet Trout Tavern to discuss * We get rooms at the White Lady Inn which is haunted by the White Lady who walks the lake looking for her dead husband * A halfling bard tells us the tale of the White Lady who hid treasure. He invites us to talk to the white lady at a seance * Our group is amazed with all the options available at Nippet's Cakey Bakey Inc.             * Cakey bakey locations: Easthaven, Byn Shander, Termalaine, Targos * We continue to The Wet Trout to meet Imgra the malitia captain

4/20/21 - Session 8

* The Veerbeeg’s wife Gog appears with Lohengrin * Doug is still upset about the sheep * The ogre, “Friend,” nearly kills Cloak * We all very nearly die! * Pun of the night: “You have Wan, not two!” - Lohengrin * I killed a friggin’ bear! * Holy crap, we survived! * The group escapes and heads to the Good Mead tavern to return the mead and show how hard they faught * Lohengrin and Cloak inspect some rare metals * The druid bartender says, “But the Verbeeg killed the mayor!”

4/6/21 - Session 7

* Meet Fef, the Good Mead scout who saw the Giant Kin take the mead into the woods * A woman, Fef comes running out of the woods with foxes trapped on her back * Titanius buys the fox Fef trapped for 2 gold to keep as his companion * Chosen Wan and Titanius stealth into the woods to scout the giants * The giants killed 5 militia members with clubs * Sous checks the bodies and finds:             * A fabric doll bearing an angry expression             * A small illustrated book of Northlander myths that has pages missing             * Generic leather armor and weapons * We return everything to the druid bartender in exchange for a room for the night * In the morning, return to the dead bodies and head towards the giants * OWLBEAR attacks! We win! * Swagger tries to capture a white wesel but it gets away * We continue on following the giant tracks deeper into the woods until we find a cave they went into * We discover a drunk Verbeeg named Doug * Cloak: “Do it Tiny!” * We slip by Doug without incident but meet his Oger “friend” who attacks with a club * Sous manages to “convince” the giants to stop attacking us and give us back the mead by threatening to order Lockheed to eat their sheep

3/30/21 - Session 6

* Titanius and Chosen follow Swagger into the woods to chase after Twinkle, the green pixie and end up in the middle of a field surrounded by Chwingas * The Chwingas have 3 bronze boxes and 1 of the same kind of metal we saw before * The Chawingas give the 3 party members bronze medals with CC on them * Giant Kin stole the mead and ran off into the woods

3/23/21 - Session 5

* Kidnapped by Durigar and we awaken in a cave filled with the sound of bees * The green Pixie Twinkle lets us out of the prison * We discover that Cloak has been making fey honey this whole time with his magic * We meet a Forest Druid wearing the fur of the white wolves * Sous takes some Crimson Berries to make a pie for Sally * We meet a driad woman named Dree who tries to talk Sous into staying in the cave forever. Sous is besotted with the plant lady. * Cloak and Longrin talk him into leaving on the elevator * Twinkle talks us into taking “The Pixie Pact” to meet her friends. We do it and are transported into a ring of trees. * We’re suddenly completely surrounded by fey creatures! * We discover that, while this area used to be filled with fey creatures, the Frost Maiden’s spell has decreased their numbers. * The fey offer us a game of riddles “to win prizes” * We have to answer with the magical phrase, “The pixie pal puzzle answer is…” * We “win” a baby black dragon. Sous names him Lockheed * We make it back to Dougan’s Hold and don’t find the rest of the party. We suspect they’ve gone to explore the Frost Giant Lodge. * Owl flying for 2 hours - come back if can't find anything - if finds them whistle careless whisper - specifically towards wolf den * As we drift to sleep, we notice that the letters PP have been engraved in our shoulders

3/9/21 - Session 4

* Sally and several villagers have “been taken by large white wolves” in the middle of the night * “Bring ransom of food and money to border of Good Meade” * Meet large white wolves (Coran and Canan) who say their master, Garagai kidnapped 4 villagers including Sally * Turns out that Coran and Canan were only going to protect us until we reached their master so we attack! * They run away and we pursue their footprints * After fighting more scrawny wolves, we make our way to the Frost Giant’s Lodge * We sneak into the lodge and meet Norsu, a giant talking mamoth who says a group of adventurers killed his master and froze him in a block of ice * Chosen Wan manages to convince the mamoth to return our people and we are allowed to rescue the villagers and Sally from a cage on the threat of never coming back.

3/2/21 - Session 3

* Sous attempts to trade his wolf pelt for snow shoes from a druid bartender who is offended that he would kill an animal * Titanius manages to work out a deal for the shoes * We follow a duergar from the tavern to a house and investigate the sound of bees. We are pretty sure they are keeping all of the town’s bees in their basement. * When the party returns to Dougan’s Hold, we find Tommy and Martina return having tracked Talia around the entrance to the frost maiden’s rime

2/23/21 - Session 2

Good Mead is the rival town to Dougan’s Hold   * Cloak offers to fix Sally’s broken rock that Talia gave her and it become a black egg-like stone. * We meet Dannika Greysteel (half elf female) outside of the tavern. She is looking for chwingas because she believes they can help lift the frozen curse over the dales. * We meet three Chwingas guarding a box who bless Sous and Swagger with gifts * We manage to open the box and a green fairy is inside

2/15/21 - Session 1

Dougan’s Hole * Inbread people who sharpen their teeth * No shops * Kids want pet rocks   Searching for fule for fires. We were out in a blizzard so we couldn’t find the wood we came out for. Chosen Wan is leading us when the black dragonborn, Talia Ebonscale is kidnapped by a giant owlbear.   Norm: Bartender Sally: Bartender’s young daughter - friends with Talia Ebonscale. Likes pet rocks.   We meet Tommy and Martina in the Dougan’s Hold tavern


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