Darkovnian Ethnicity in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil


The people of Darkovnia are part of the largest and most powerful areas in the world. The Trade Barons holding the most power amongst themselves in what appears to be a shaky at best agreement founded in greed. In the dark corners of their posh and rich courts lie members of the Shadow Coins a secret thieves guild. Darkovnia lies close to The Shattered Lands and the influence of the Shattered Fae is apparent in some of their people creating "gifted" and unique to the world races. These "Fey touched" take many forms but most treat themselves as "elven" if asked to avoid any prejudice.  


These are substantial cuisines, meaty, rooty, smoky – part comfort food, part extravagance. Their main ingredients include eggs, used most frequently in doughs and pastries; dairy products (with yogurt and cheese among the staples grains, including rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat and millet used in kashas and in the making of breads; vegetables, in cold storage and in pickling; fish (salmon, pike, carp and herring), birds and poultry (chicken, duck, goose, partridge, quail, turkey red meats such as venison, beef, pork and mutton; and plentiful fruits including pears, plums, cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, dates, and figs, used for desserts and a variety of liqueurs.


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