Dragon Society
Dragon society was originally intended to integrate with the people of the world to help them and thrive together. Over time some dragons broke away believing themselves to be Fallen Dragons those chosen to destroy or enslave the people of the world.
The Dragons that still hold true to this code and continue to teach it are mainly metallic species.
Dragons are born as wyrmlings. Once able to comprehend direction they weened differently depending on chromatic evil dragons and the good metallic ones.
Fallen Dragons dragons are raised to use their humanoid form as deception, another evil tool in their shed. Some take form as Minotaur, humans or orcs. Others are possible depending on species.
Metallic dragons are stripped of their dragon form and sent into the world resembling a humanoid. Some may look like elves or humans depending on their type and lineage. After existing with the humans for 50 years they return and are given their dragon form once more the return can be called to be expedited if the right circumstances take place. Some have forgotten the dragon form altogether and lived as elves do, timeless.
Dragons in humanoid form can spawn progeny occasionally such are the Dragonborn .
They are extremely rare and are hideous in most cultures. Some find solace in living remotely in the dead lands for instance.
Legend has it they were spawned from The First Borns .
Based on that, below is who sired what children.
Though Dragons have been part of the world since the earliest of times they are a rare sight to see. They prefer to be reclusive away from the other species of the world favoring solitude.
Though Dragons have been part of the world since the earliest of times they are a rare sight to see. They prefer to be reclusive away from the other species of the world favoring solitude.