S2E1 - The Games in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E1 - The Games

  Boy is that loud!” The deep brown haired girl said while sitting on the barstool peering to her left out the nearby window to the city outside. She could see down the wide cobblestone streets to the market square a good mile away a huge crowd was gathering watching some acrobats perform.   “Aye Lassie. That crowd love a good show and the good lord of this land is always happy to provide it!” the bartender grinned, the gap in his teeth where one of the ivory beads was missing was becoming more prominent as he spoke. “Always?” she questioned “are there these … challenges often?”   The bartender guffawed and shook his head “Nay! I see what yer askin’” He winked with a kind face. “Not like Trull , Bloodwood or Wolfling gladiator pits. Our challenges aren’t bloodsports. We are civilized ya see? They truly test skill and allow the cream to float to the top.”   “Unlike yer flat ale eh, Lamprey ?” the stout man at the table laughed with his 2 friends.   “Ha! And if you ever want one to taste as good as that last one you best shut up and drink it Joey!” The room erupted in jovial laughter. Jessica smiled. She was new to this town and was a bit apprehensive about the invitation in her pocket that brought her here. She was a priestess of The Maiden , a healer and defender of the faith. She had taken vows to stand up for good no matter what any other power or law may dictate. Her order was known for kindness and equally important, Free-will.   While she pondered her purpose here she almost didn’t notice the door open up and a tall figure walk in with an other worldly grace. Everyone stopped talking as his gentle footsteps tapped across the polished wooden floor right… “oh my…” next to her.   “A mead would do me well this day Lamprey .” His silky smooth voice poured out. But she already knew him. “Mr… mr silver tongue?” he turned to her his eyes pools of the deepest oceans. “I’m a huge fan…” He smiled. “I do hope you are here for the games, are you not?” “I am” he smiled. He downed the mead in a single gulp and stood up. “I hope you see you at the stage then when I begin playing. Though…” he tapped the paper in her hand and smiled. “Today I’m playing for you. Good luck. “   He stood and walked to the door her eyes on him as he left but everyone had their eyes on her. “You are competing today miss?” the Bartender smiled “Well hear that boys? We’ve found a champion to root for!” AYE!!    
It was now well into the afternoon Jessica walked closer to the raised circular stage used for an arena. The smell of the apple and mince meat pies was sweet drifting in the warm breeze from the vendors. The Cinnamon especially she noted. She was getting hungry. But there was one last combat battle she was to attend.   She had already witnessed and tended her healing skills to a few of the battles. She was called upon in between rounds to tend to their relatively superficial wounds, to which she would smile. It was a reasonable way to show off her healing skills. She was proud when she saw Lamprey applaud along with her new friends from the tavern from their elevated platform directly above and behind her. They shut down early to come and give her support, lamprey had said “ain’t noone comin today anyways but the occasional sourpuss who can’t stand a good time I reckon.”   He was a tough man but had a certain kindness about him. The jagged scars on his forearms told of tougher times than just running a tavern from the barside. She could tell they were from someone else’s blade and many different ones at that.   She prepared to see the next combatants come out. The crowd erupted in cheers and she craned her neck to see over the lip of the stage. Soon a bald head appeared followed by the stout boulder-like body of a Dwarf. His pudgy nose was broken several times in the past and when he held his axe high she could see gaps in his teeth almost as wide as those missing. His matted braids from his beard shook to both sides like writhing snakes.   The announcer broke in “A ruthless dwarven warrior like no other, his smell alone could kill an Orc! Roar with Skotmir ! Berserker son of the Garnet Mountains !”   She looked back at Lamprey who was laughing and leaned over the rail to shout at her. “You will have your work cut out whoever comes out to fight that one, Jessica! Hahaha!”   The crowd quieted down as she heard the soft clanking of thick heavy plate mail. He was tall by most standards even from her position on the ground looking up. His armor was worn and tarnished to a dull tin color almost black in spots. The armor hung close like a second skin on his entire body. a red cloak flowed over his shoulders and draped to the knee, covering the dirty Tattered cream muslin of the belted tunic. He was completely armored, except his black and grey haired head. Unlike other armored combatants he chose not to wear a helmet. A short beard hung from his chin gently his cheeks and upper lip free of any of the salt and pepper whiskers. A strong jaw tensed as he looked out to the crowd with deep blue eyes. Behind which held a secret, she was sure.   She looked back at Lamprey. He was staring with a face that was trying to place what stood before him. Intensely.   “He wouldn’t tell us more and only his name folks. Give a warm welcome to Keldor!”   Jessica joined the crowd in welcoming him with a cheer. She looked behind and saw and her friends cheering. All except Lamprey. Her cheer slowly faded along with her wide smile His face now trembled with a smile of recognition. He was standing straight his hand in a balled fist across his heart in a soldier’s salute.  
The battle had been called a draw and both winning favor to the judges. She noted that they looked back to the duke who was standing applauding. Following the battle she met both Skotmir and Keldor to tend to their wounds.   “Ouch!” the dwarf winced as she brought the warm soapy water to the grazed cut on his elbow.   “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you…”   “HAHA hurt?” the dwarf shook his dirty bald head, the braids of his beard whipping to a side. “Nay!” he winked at her. “Its clean now! My beautiful mud is gone! HAHAHA!”   She smiled at the awkward joke. Not the cleanest or politest of company he was at least kind.   “You should be thanking the kind lady, friend.” Keldor smiled resting his mailed hands and leaning on the great sword turned down to the ground in front of him. He looked at her, his smile widening. “Thank you.”   “Uh, yeah! Thanks.” Skotmir jumped up and walked to Keldor “that was fun. I would have won you know.”   “HAHAHA” He laughed smiling. “For sure brave Skotmir. Absolutely you would have.” He turned to Jessica. “The rogue challenge is next, come let’s see what lies in store for them!”   “Sounds good.” Jessica said looking behind her to see her friends cheering but Lamprey was now gone.  
  THIS IS AMAZING” Skotmir shoved the pie into his mouth mashing it partially on his face. Crumbs and globs of warm sweet apple filling and crust falling and sticking to the hairs across his broad chest. Jessica’s eyes were focused on eating the steak and kidney pie wrapped in parchment without a mess. She hadn’t eaten since the morning’s small breakfast of a few eggs at the Inn and she was feeling quite famished.   “It really is” she responded as she hungrily took a bite while walking through the wide isle between the stands. Keldor strode next to her with a leg of turkey in one hand and a crumpled cloth in the other mopping the grease from his cheeks periodically.   “There we should be able to see from that spot.”   Keldor pointed to a spot next to an elf in a long dark robe, a single tawny colored pauldron was attached to his right shoulder.   Jessica walked in first next to the elf followed by Skotmir and Keldor.   *screech* “Woah!” Jessica clasped her mouth in surprise. The pauldron spun its feathered face towards her revealing itself as an owl. The elf smiled at her.   “Hello” he smiled from one corner of his mouth at her. “Uh hello”   “Yeah! Hey there!” Skotmir chimed in almost dancing with excitement “your owl looks real tasty! Hahaha” the elf rolled his eyes as he sneered out “Go…”   The owl leaped from his shoulder to sail upward and above the stage.   “I am Jessica.” she smiled. The elf composed himself “yes, i saw you earlier. You did well with your healing arts. I am Vix .” He bowed. “Master of the arcane.”   Skotmir grunted. “Why do you have an owl?” Vix looked at him “You should have one too.” he leaned down “With it you can see what it sees.”   As he stood back up Jessica asked “W.. what does your owl see now?”   Vix looked at her with a smile. “The same thing as you and I. Only…” he looked at Skotmir. “…Higher.” Skotmir glared at the joke as Vix laughed.   A hush fell across the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen a swashbuckler from the old world will now attempt to remove all the bells without ringing a single one.” Jessica smiled. “The rogues must be very agile to perform these tests.” Vix said under his breath to her. She smiled and nodded. She saw silvertongue himself walk out with a young man no more than 20 she gathered. He had a short dark beard and a burgundy tunic. Once a fine piece of clothing showed some harder wear of the road.   Silvertongue placed a hand on his shoulder.   “Zorin, if you would please.”   The young man nodded. “Here we go” The crowd went deathly silent.   Silently he stepped across the tile floor. After a few steps he paused as 2 guards each poured a bucket of gravel all over the tiles. He proceeded again cautiously and still silent. He approached the 6 ft tall dummy. He methodically plucked a bell muting the tongue with his thumb. He slipped it into his tunic. He repeated this action for all 10 bells and held up his hands.   The crowd erupted in cheers.   Silvertongue walked out onto the stage. “We only test the rogue, never compete. Rogues either are or they are not… Experts. Though if you ask one they would all claim to be experts. Provided you didn’t wear a badge.” *CROWD LAUGHTER*   Horns blasted from the dukes platform above the stage. He looked to the duke who was now standing revealing the red and gold velvet outfit, his arms outstretched.   “Citizens of Ellington and beloved visitors to our festival… time is short and a decision must now be made. I have seen enough. I have seen our champions.”   “I’ve seen the strength one powerful fighter has both in the skills only a seasoned veteran could have. Also the raw power of unbridled rage. Step forward both of you please. The warriors known as Keldor and Skotmir.”   Keldor and Skotmir smiled at each other as they stepped forward to the edge of the balcony.   “While they fought. There was someone there to help and showed the love and care that only a true follower of the maiden could give. Please step forward. Jessica”   Her head bowed she stepped forward next to a grinning gap toothed Skotmir. “Knew it would be you!”   “And finally a weaver of the arcane.”   “Well isn’t this awkward.” Vix breathed out from behind his stoic and proud face.   “Please step forward, Master Vix”   Jessica knew the 3 of them were likely to win, but she hadn’t seen the Wizards skill contest earlier in the day. She Chuckled, “well we are all right here aren’t we”   “Yes. Aren’t we.” Vix sighed.   “Finally. We have our rogue. Thank you Zorin.” The crowd cheered and the trumpets blasted   “I must meet with our champions. Please Elias Silvertongue would you begin the celebration!”   He walked way as the crowd began to dance. “This way please.” Jessica and the others were gently ushered by 2 smiling guards to the Dukes keep on the other side of the grassy park hosting the games. “Calm down Robert…” “Can I get your autograph perchance? My wife will be so excited i’m sure.”  
  The chamber was lined with dark musky smelling wood. The traces of a sweet pipe smoke still lingering on the walls. A small fire was in the stone hearth, surrounded by a sculpture depicting a knight bowing to a maiden on one side and a similar maiden handing a rose to the knight on the other side. Jessica smiled.   The depiction of her faith was favorable. The followers of The Knight were known to be locked in good and just law where as her beloved Maiden bowed to noone. Only powers of the good and righteous.   “Thank you for joining me. You are are all strangers here but not to me.” He smiled cupping his hands gently around the goblet he cradled as he walked to the window. The light cascaded across his gentle face. A close cut beard of dark black hung to his cheeks. Framing the strong jaw and his dark kind eyes.   “This world is in peril. A dark force has risen under one known as Lord Pallus . Jessica noticed Zorin look downward almost guilty. The duke continued.   “In the nearby nation of Darkovnia, one of the many barons is guarding a treasure of great power somewhere beneath his mansion. One that could give us the edge we need to defend Bellz against the dark rising force. We need you brave 4 to go.”   They all nodded but Jessica. She looked puzzled. “Excuse me your grace. There are 5 of us here before you.” He smiled and nodded. He gracefully walked to her placing a gentle hand, the glint of rubys danced across his knuckles in the beams of the dying sun from outside.   “We are aware. “ a familiar resonance rang out from beyond the open oak door. In walked Elias Silvertongue.   “Jessica, we wish to offer you a place here. Aiding this city and its people by teaching them in the ways of the Maiden.”   She was shocked “but the existing temple, what about them who…”   “Our temple honoring the gods has lain dormant since our civil war 50 years ago.” It is time to bring the people their faith back. Would you walk this path, with me?” He smiled and knelt before her. She smiled and offered her hand.   She looked at her new friends. Skotmir grinned wide and unashamed, Keldor's eyes glinted with sincere happiness as he smiled. Vix nodded in stoic agreement. Zorin smiled and shrugged. “Sounds like a pretty good ideal”   “Absolutely my lady. “ Keldor bowed.   “Good luck with your church.”   She nodded and smiled.   “It is decided then, Lady Jessica shall stay here to assist in our rebuilding of the faith. The rest of you will journey to Darkovnia .” He paused and smiled. “But first gather the rest of your friends Zorin.”   “How did you know about?”   “There’s not much I don’t know within the walls of Ellington. You arrived with a certain squire in training named Benedict. I assume there are more than just a righteous paladin to be and someone of your talents.” Zorin and Elias chuckled.   The duke clapped his hands with a big smile. “Good luck my heroes, and may the knight and maiden watch you now.”  
  CAST DUKE OF ELLINGTON – Michael J Rigg – Copperheart and Steamrollers Adventure Podcasts – http://riggstories.com/   | JESSICA – Maddy Searles – The Prickwillow Papers Podcast – https://theprickwillowpapers.libsyn.com/   | ELIAS SILVERTONGUE – Scott C. Brown – Website: https://twobards.com/podcast.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twobardsproductions/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/twobards Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/twobards   | SKOTMIR – Colten Jannssen   | ZORIN – Cody Miller   | LAMPREY – Matthew Bianchi   | ROBERT THE GUARD – Corbin Miller – The Paudeville Podcast – https://paudeville.com/   | JOEY and GUARD – Benjamin Corley


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